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Planting a Flag

Posted on Wed Jun 3rd, 2015 @ 2:47pm by Fleet Admiral Sevlek & Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer

821 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 88 - Memories Lost, Trouble Found
Location: Starbase 400; Deck 4, Admiral Sevlek's Office in Secured Office Suite
Timeline: MD3 1515 Hours


Sevlek had finished handling some of the finer details involving his very recent promotion to Commander of Starfleet's Beta Quadrant assets and tapped his combadge, "Sevlek to Bremer."

Mike was on his way to Sick Bay for the birth of Jewel’s baby when his commbadge beeped. “Bremer here.”

"Please come to my office." Sevlek spoke flatly and directly.

Mike stopped in mid-stepped, lowered his head and took a deep breath. “On my way.”

Mike had no idea what this could be about, but it had better be important.

A few minutes later he arrived on Level Four and was granted access to the Strategic Intel facility. While on his way there, Mike had informed Janice he’d be a little later than he thought to Sick Bay. She wasn’t happy, but she said she’d let Jewel know. Mike wanted to be there for the family, but he also knew as a Starfleet Admiral sometimes duty called.

Sevlek watched as Bremer walked through the central operations area of the suite towards his office. A moment later, the door chimed and Sevlek said, "Enter."

Bremer walked into Sevlek's Office and gave a respectful nod, he wasn't sure if this was business related or not so he played it formally. "Admiral."

The Vulcan nodded to the other man. A man whom he had great respect for and spoke, "I apologize for rerouting you from your intended destination. However, a matter of some urgency has arisen and I require your input."

'Business' Mike thought to himself as let out a breath. "It's no problem, what's going on?"

"Rather than being reassigned to Earth in my previous position as Starfleet's Chief of Strategic Intelligence, I have been offered, and accepted the post of Beta Quadrant Commanding Officer, as well as a promotion to Fleet Admiral." Sevlek watched the surprised, then acceptance cross the other man's face in a mere couple of seconds. He continued, "Along with this new role, I have the ability to select a station, colony or outpost to designate at my flagstation."

Mike smirked. “Congratulations. I’m sure you’ll keep the Gladiator under your command, and pick your own facility as your Flagbase?”

"Ineed. I would prefer to establish my flag aboard Starbase 400. However, rather than using the authority I now have to do so. I would prefer if you consented to my request willingly."

Mike smirked again, ‘Vulcans sure have a way with words, I’m glad I’m only a quarter Vulcan’ he thought to himself before replying. “Well, seeing that you already have this office set up the way you want it, I don’t see a reason for you to leave.”

Sevlek noticed the smirk and spoke, "Thank you." He paused as he picked a PADD up and handed it to Bremer. "These are the changes that I would like the engineering crews to make to the office suite. It is unfortunate, but necessary, that the office suite is expanded for an increase in office space and working areas."

Mike looked over the PADD, "Shouldn't be a problem. I'll send this over Commander Coleman and Lieutenant Wooldridge and have them get started as soon as you give the word."

Mike paused a moment before added, "Just so you're aware, seeing as you're now my direct report along the chain of command, I plan to recommend Vice Admiral T'Lar be promoted to full Admiral, Brigadier General Hurd be promoted to Major General, and Colonel Jackson to Brigadier General. I'll send the official recommendation and notifications to you in the morning, but I'd like to promote them both tonight. The USS Warrior is due in soon and I'm planning an informal dinner for the Station's and Warrior's Staffs and I think Deela, Jewel, and Thomas would be surprised by the promotion. Jewel especially since she just had her baby yesterday."

Sevlek nodded, "I will do what I am able to expedite the process." He paused, "I have also, officially, assigned you to the role of Ares Regional Theater Commander. A role which you have done unofficially for some time. You will also be receiving an increase in rank to Fleet Admiral."

Mike nodded, "Thank you. I guess it's time to update the signature on my PADD." Mike smirked for a brief moment, then let it fade since the joke would be lost of the Vulcan anyway.

"Are there any additional duties that you need me to handle?" Mike asked.

"At the moment, I do not have other duties I would like you to oversee. However, that may change in the future. I will keep you updated." Sevlek paused, "If there is nothing else you wish to speak about, you may go."

Sevlek looked at the desk that belonged to him and noticed the already increasing work load with the messages that were now being routed to him, officially, by Starfleet Command and its various divisional offices.


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