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Posted on Wed Jun 3rd, 2015 @ 5:04pm by Colonel Danny Lennox & Major General Thomas Jackson & Master Warrant Officer Gaius Aquila

755 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 88 - Memories Lost, Trouble Found
Location: Level 10, Colonel Jackson's Office
Timeline: MD3 1545 hrs, Following 'It's Time'

Jax and Gaius sat at the desk, as the Colonel read Gaius' report on the SAR Mission. "Are you sure about this Giaus?"

Gaius looked at his friend. "Everyone who works as hard as this deserves another chance to either shine, or screw up again, especially if I could trust them to have my back."

Jax nodded, trusting his friend's intuition. =/\=Jackson to Captain Lennox. Bring Corporal Vaal to my office ASAP!=/\=

Olga was doing routine maintenance on some of the weapons in the armory. She heard Jax page her and stopped what she was doing. =/\= I'll meet you in the passageway Captain Lennox. =/\= Olga quickly moved out of the armory.

She wasn't sure what the meeting was about. Olga just hoped it wasn't about the Tellarite engineer she jaw boned at. She honestly didn't think the guy would make a formal complaint.

Lennox had just gone on duty and was on his way to relieve Corporal Schmidt on guard duty outside Shuttle Bay Six where Rodek's shuttle was docked. Lennox was expecting to meet Private T'ork there but the call to the Colonel's Office changed his plans.

"On my way." Lennox replied. While heading to meet Corporal Vaal, Lennox contacted Gunnery Sergeant Agtx and ordered him to meet Private T'ork and relieve Corporals Schmidt and Nas.

A few minutes later, Lennox was on Level 10 and in the passageway. He saw Corporal Vaal waiting."

"Corporal, good morning. Do you know what this is about?" Lennox asked Vaal.

"No Sir." Olga replied. She did look a little apprehensive.

Lennox smirked, "I'm sure it's nothing to worry about." He motioned for the Corporal to go first as they walked to the Colonel's Office and tapped the chime.

Jax and Gaius heard the door chime, and quickly replaced the smirks on their faces, with looks of grim tidings. Jackson yelled, "Come!"

Lennox and Vaal stepped inside. Being the Senior Officer of the two arriving, Danny reported in. "Captain Lennox and Corporal Vaal reporting as ordered Sir."

Gaius stood beside the seated Colonel, glaring at the pair standing at attention. Jax was reading a PADD... "Uh huh. Hmm. Oh? Uh huh." He looked up at the pair. "Captain Lennox, did you give me a complete report on your unit's role in the SAR mission, assisting colonists?"

"Yes sir, it was submitted on our way back from Hunster II." Lennox replied.

Jax appeared concerned. "Well Captain, then you will admit that this Corporal took initiative on her own to save the lives of the colonists that were stuck in the water..." He glared towards Vaal, "and that she initiated a rescue operation on her own, and upon arrival of the QRF, she initially directed where the resources should be deployed for this rescue. Am I right, or wrong?!?"

Lennox looked over at Vaal and smirked, then looked back at the Colonel. "You're correct Sir, she's guilty as charged."

Then Jax stood up, and stepped around his desk to face Vaal. "I am sorry, but I cannot, and will not stand for such acts by a Corporal to be ignored. Call it karma, call it justice, I don't care. Stand at attention Corporal!"

Olga stood rigidly at the position of attention. "Is the Colonel going to bust me down for over reaching my rank?" Olga thought to herself.

Jax motioned to Gaius to step next to him with a PADD. He nodded to him to read it.

"Attention to Orders. Let it be known that for continued excellence when performing her assigned tasks, as exemplified during a Search and Rescue Mission on the noted stardate, Corporal Olga Vaal is hereby advanced to the rank of Sergeant, with all the powers and responsibilities that accompany this rank."

Jackson's "mean CO act" disappeared, as he produced a set of sergeant's stripes out of a small box. He replaced Olga's Corporal insignia with the new rank, and shook her hand with a smile. "Well done Sergeant."

Olga looked down at the chevrons and smiled. "Thank you Sir." She replied. "You won't regret this."

He looked at the Captain. "You have a fine NCO here, please make sure you utilize her as such."

"I plan to." Lennox replied. "Sergeant Vaal, once you're finished with your current duties, come see me outside Shuttle Bay Six."

"Yes Sir." Olga responded. "I only have a few things to wrap up and it shouldn't take me any more than an hour."

Lennox gave a respectful nod, then looked back to the Colonel to be dismissed.

Jackson nodded, "Dismissed."



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