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Seeking the Truth

Posted on Thu Jun 4th, 2015 @ 4:03pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Admiral Deela T'Lar & Captain Jack Solomon

1,319 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 88 - Memories Lost, Trouble Found
Location: Starbase 400, Admiral Bremer's Office
Timeline: MD3 1555 hrs, Following 'Chances'


Bremer was in his Office, and it had been a busy day. The USS Warrior was due in at any time and Mike was looking over a handful of reports regarding his ‘new, official’ job until his door chimed.

“Enter.” Bremer said as he set a PADD down.

Deela walked in and stood at the front of his desk. It was obvious that there was something bothering her which was quite unusual for her. She had to ask for something that she wasn't comfortable with at all. She was sending one of her former crewmember into the lion's den but she knew Solomon would find a way to meet the girl, with or without T'Lar's help. "Sorry to bother you but there is a situation which requires my assistance."

Mike smiled as he stood from his desk and motioned toward the sofa across the Office. “It’s no bother at all, have a seat, what’s going on?”

Deela sat down, "I was approached by Lt. Solomon yesterday and he has requested a runabout. Are you familiar with his past?"

“Some.” Mike replied, his tone more serious. “A side from his Starfleet records, I also know about a plot and murder he was accused of being involved in.”

"He claimed that he was set up by a Section 31 operative named Andrea Madison but was court martialed and demoted for the incident on Korriban anyway. He has recently been contacted by a woman who claims that she has proof that he was set up. He wants to meet up with her to get the evidence she has so he can prove his innocence."

Deela leaned forward slightly, "From what I know about her, I do not trust her. Although she has tried to kill him on numerous occasions, he is still hell bent on going. So I have agreed to go with him against my better judgement."

Mike thought for a moment. His first reaction was to send a regiment of Marines along, or at least send Lokran but the Chief of Security was on leave. It sounded like a trap, and Mike wasn’t about to send either of them into it without some kind of backup. “I want you to take Ramata’tar with you, with his, unique abilities, he should come in useful if trouble arises.”

Jack had finished prepping the Runabout for its trip and he was happy that it was ready for departure. But he realized that all of this relied upon Admiral Bremer giving authorization to use the ship and give the go ahead for he and T'Lar to leave the Station.

"Computer, what is the location of Vice Admiral T'Lar?" He asked as he left the Runabout bay .

"Vice Admiral T'Lar is in Admiral Bremer's Office," the computer responded. Jack then realized that she must've been asking for the Runabout and decided his presence would sway the situation in their favour. He stowed his tools away and double-timed it to Bremer's office.

Once he arrived, he pressed the door chime as he caught his breath.

As he and T’Lar were sitting on the more comfortable, informal, area of Bremer’s Office he heard the door chime again.


Jack composed himself just before entering the Admiral's Office and walked in, seeing both Bremer and T'Lar sat in the informal area of his office

"Admiral, I'd like to... join the conversation if I may?" He asked tentatively. "I have a feeling that Admiral T'Lar is here regarding a...request I made," he finished. Jack hadn't dealt with Bremer too often of late, but he was well aware of how being honest with him was the best policy.

Deela looked up at Solomon but didn't smile.

Mike glanced at T’Lar, then motioned for Solomon to take a seat in the arm chair opposite his. “How can I help you both?”

Since this was his original request, she thought it best to let Jack explain the situation.

"Sir, several years ago I was framed for a situation that wasn't my fault. I testified at my Court Martial as such regarding the incident on Korriban and my time at the hands of the Borg. My suspicions and further investigating lead me to discover that Section 31 agent Andrea Madison was responsible for this," he explained, standing before the two superior officers.

"My...ex-partner has contacted me after several years explaining that she holds evidence proving this to be true and that I was wrongfully tried. However, the danger is that my ex, Talia, has tried several times in the past to endanger my life or try to kill me... But her current actions and method of contact recently seem to be different and I believe she intends to be faithful in the transaction of the information she holds," he finished, trying to compartment the situation as best he could.

Mike listened carefully, but he liked the situation less and less. Now, for sure, he wasn’t about to send them to this ‘meeting’ alone.

“I’m not comfortable with you two going alone, but I'm also well aware that the site of a large Starship could scare Talia off while a Runabout would be a sitting duck if they have any kind of Raider. I want you to take the Steadfast. She’s equipped with a cloak and slipstream, and capable of fighting her way out of any trap that might be planned. I also want you to take Ramata’tar with you, his unique abilities might come in handy. Keep the crew small, and if anything arises that either of you feel could jeopardize the mission you get your butts back to Starbase 400. Agreed?” Mike looked at both T’Lar and Solomon with very serious eyes, then added, “This will also allow you to sleep on things tonight and depart tomorrow, make a plan of action before just rushing in.”

Mike trusted his Officers, but he also wanted to protect them as much as possible. Sending them in a Diligent class ship would do that. It would just be up to them to get the information they needed to finally fully clear Solomon’s name.

Deela concurred with Bremer. Still, she was uneasy about this whole mission. Solomon was one of her original crewmembers when she first took command of the Essex and was someone she considered as a friend. She wanted him to be able to clear his name but not at the cost of his life. "I have to agree. We need to use extreme caution when it comes to Talia. This could be another one of her attempts to kill you. To think otherwise would be foolish." Deela couldn't count on her fingers how many friends, comrades, and spouses she had lost. She's be damned if she would lose another one.

Jack nodded as Bremer cleared the mission to go ahead but with his own stipulations for it to take place. Although he was expecting to go with T'Lar in just a Runabout, knowing that the Steadfast could cloak and was Slipstream capable meant they had the advantage of Speed and being invisible to other ships. He also wondered about the protection assigned to them. He felt some relief at the fact of Bremer was willing to grant him the chance to clear his name.

"Thank you sir, I really appreciate you allowing us to do this. With regards to the Steadfast, we'll need some time to assign crew and to formulate a plan of action for the situation ahead," he said.

Mike stood and nodded, “Get to work on that, but I want you both at the informal dinner tonight in the Reception Hall.” Mike flashed a smile to try to ease tension as he dismissed Solomon and T’Lar. Mike also decided to inform Ramata’tar at the dinner tonight about the mission, not that Jem’Hadar ate...



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