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Let somebody else do the talking

Posted on Sat Apr 4th, 2015 @ 6:27pm by Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Sogh Varn Son of M'ron & First Ramata`tar & Commodore Andrew Clifford & Lieutenant Commander Holly Gillo & Lieutenant Saith i-Ki Baratan & Ensign Vortek

1,293 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 87 - Disaster
Location: Starbase 400, Ops
Timeline: MD2 1415hrs, Following 'Talks Begin?'



While the Admiral was getting ready to go to the meeting Clifford caught the attention of Lt Cmdr Roebuck, Lt Gillo and Lt Baratan and pointed to a corner of ops away from the Admirals group.

When they were away from the Admirals conversation, he added quietly. "We'll let the Admiral and his group leave ops, then we can get down to business. "As a starting point though," He turned his attention to Lt. Gillo and smiled, "Don't worry about upsetting the Krazzle with the scans, I would imagine that if the situation was reversed they would be scanning us like it was going out of fashion, just do a thorough job and keep an eye on the neutron radiation levels close to the Starbase. If I remember correctly that was the only givdsseeaway when Chancelor Gorkon was killed by Changs cloaked Bird of Prey."

Moving his attention to Lt Baratan, "As far as on base security in concerned, I would like you to prioritise enough people close to the Krazzles location to respond to anything they may do, or have done to them. But don't neglect the rest of the base and feel free to use some of the base Marines if you need extra manpower."

Finally he turned his attention to Lt Cmdr Roebuck, "I need a list of the ships we have available on patrol and have them all move to yellow alert. I also need a tactical review of what it would take to knock out that BattleShip of theirs if the need arises."

Holly just nodded, "Will do." One thing that she was good at was getting non-verbal cues down from commanding officers to communicate. She didn't want to worry anyone but she had a funny feeling that this wasn't going to go down nicely. Keeping her uneasy feelings to herself she went about casually going to her station once she was dismissed and going about her duties.

Saith hoped she had not rolled her eyes. Prior to the meeting she had already been reprioritizing, shifting personnel, and adding patrols. She had ever since the initial visit the Krazzle had made. She wanted to scream at them that she knew her job. Instead she smiled and nodded, "Yes sir."

Roebuck nodded, “Yes sir, I’ll have the list of ships to you in a moment begin my tactical analysis.” Jonathan walked back over to Tactical One and tapped in a few commands. Instantly, the location of every ship assigned to Starbase 400 appeared on one of the displays.

‘Docked Vessels:
Pegasus - Galaxy Refit Class
Essex – Intrepid Class
Sutherland – Nebula Class
Yorktown – Defiant Class
Endeavor – Nova Class
Avenger – Intrepid Class
Kearsarge – Intrepid Class
Tirpitz – Excelsior Class
Luna – Luna Class
Steadfast – Diligent Class
Laffey – Defiant Class

Vessels assigned to Hunster II Relief Mission:
Saratoga – Akira Class
Ark Royal – Ambassador Class
Venator – Prometheus Class
Mercy – Olympic Class

Patrolling Vessels (Sector):
Durga – Ronin Class
Lexington – Sovereign Class
Vanguard – Sovereign Class

Patrolling Vessels (Kaleb System):
Constantinople – Steamrunner Class
Cutlass – Saber Class
Princeton - Constitution Refit Class’

Roebuck saved the info on a PADD and took it over to Captain Clifford.

Andrew glanced at the padd, although he knew the base had a lot of ships assigned to it, he had never been presented with them in a list. If that lot couldn't contain the Krazzle battle cruiser starfleet was in a lot of trouble. He looked up "Thank you Mr Roebuck"

Next would be the harder task, seeing what it would take to neutralize that Krazzle Battleship out there. Those massive ships were nothing to play with. While the Starbase herself could outgun it, having the support of her assigned vessels would make the job much easier...but he also wanted look at it from the perspective of the Starbase being unable to assist.

Andrew seeing that the Admirals party were moving out of ops moved back into the middle of the room. His crew were all at work and went back to studying the padd Roebuck had given him. He looked up, "Mr Roebuck, Which of the Sovereigns is closest and how far away is it, please?

Roebuck tapped in a few commands, then replied. "The Lexington is closer. Her projected flight path has here within two light years of the Kaleb System at this time. Also, the Vanguard is along the edge of the Triangle right now."

Andrew nodded, "Thank you" and went back to studying the details of the PADD.

Several minutes later, Ensign Vortek walked over to Captain Clifford. "Captain, I have been ordered to inform you that the talks with the Krazzle have been recessed for an hour." The Vulcan waited for any reply from the Captain.

Andrew put the padd down to answer the ensign, "Thank you, Ensign."
Looking across the room Andrew spoke to Lt. Baratan, "Are you aware of this, Lt.? You may need to move some more people over to keep the peace"

Saith paused briefly with a quick count to ten (a trick Maal had taught her)and nodded. In an even voice she answered, " Yes my officers informed me. We have shifted to cover corridor and I am sending extras to the Promenade."


Ramata'tar and Varn were in the Promenade. The sight of a Jem'Hadar and a Klingon walking together, patrolling a Federation Starbase's Promenade made almost as unique sight as the three Krazzle they were keeping an eye on.

The Krazzle had behaved themselves, and even ate at the Klingon restaurant.

Varn looked around and just within eye sight were seven total Krazzle on the Promenade. He tapped his commbadge, "Varn to Baratan, we need another Security Team in the Promanade."


Saith paused and frowned. There should be more than enough Security in the Promenade. She tapped her comm badge requesting confirmation from the teams that should be there. One by one they confirmed their placement, except for one team. She performed a quick sweep with the computer. Nothing. She asked the computer to locate the team members; it was unable to do so. "Sir." She glanced at Andrew, "I am missing a security team. We will have to make a search." Rather than contact teams already on the promenade and potentially in earshot of the Krazzle, Saith contacted Main Security. She knew the brig was currently empty. She ordered them to send a team to the promenade to help keep the peace with the Krazzle and to do a quiet search for the missing team members. She informed Andrew of her plans.

With the padd now forgotten Andrew focussed on his security officers report. "Very good, Lt." He addressed the room, "Everybody, I need to know of any unexplained incidents on the base since the Krazzle beamed aboard. Did they use beaming the main party to disguise another beaming." He refocussed on Saith, " Lt. do what you have to do to bottom this one out, and if you meet any resistance from station personnel, you have full authority to deal with it as you see fit.".


Elsewhere on the Promenade, sitting at a side table in one of the many restaurants, a slender older man looked over a small PADD he’d brought with him. He glanced up to see a Security Patrol pass by then looked back down at his PADD.

He knew it would take time for Security to find the two Security Officers he’d knocked out and locked away. He’d hoped it search for them would draw a few more Security Personnel away from their patrol routes, but he’d have to make due now. Everything was in place, ready. They would soon pay for what they did to his people...



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