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Giving the Avenger the word

Posted on Tue Jul 5th, 2011 @ 11:08pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Captain Ryan Greenwood

355 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Mission 75 - Time of Change
Location: USS Enterprise Officer's Mess
Timeline: Following Greenwood's post


As Pike walked off, Greenwood came over...

Mike nodded "I am. Yourself?"

Ryan smiled. "I have just arrived."

The two men stepped over to look at some of the pictures from the Enterprise-E's history. In one holophoto, Worf, Mike, K`Temoc, and several Security personnel were firing on the Borg near Engineering. "When in the hell did someone have time to take a picture?" Mike shook his head.

He then looked back at Ryan, "Look like you have something on your mind, how can I help you?"

"I have been anxious to the the Avenger out of dock and back into action. That is all Admiral. Not that I don't enjoy my stay on the Starbase, but I miss commanding my own ship."

Mike nodded, "You do command your own ship, based out of SB400. But to the question at hand. Once we hear back that the Endeavor is safe, I'm heading back to Earth to pick up Janice and I have a few loose ends to tie up with Starfleet Command. I plan to have the Yorktown and Venator accompany the Pegasus, I'd like the Avenger going too."

Ryan didnt mind the idea of heading to Earth for a bit. It had been about 3 years since he had been to Earth.

"The Avenger will be ready sir."

Ryan paused a moment.

"Sir, if I may ask, why would we need 4 ships to go to Earth?"

Mike paused, then turned toward Ryan so his voice wouldn't carry, "After recent events with Starfleet Command holding Janice longer than necessary, Admiral Jellio assisting the Romulans in spying on Starfleet, and current changes at the heart of Starfleet Command...I just want to make sure there isn't anything else going on."

"Understood sir. The Avenger is ready when you are."

Ryan knew that the recent events had put everyone on edge, even the Admiral.

Mike nodded, "Very good. Once the Endeavor is safe, we'll launch. For now though, enjoy the party" He said with a smile.

"I will sir." Ryan nodded and began his way toward some refreshments.


JP By:

Admiral Mike Bremer


Captain Ryan Greenwood


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