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Posted on Thu Aug 29th, 2013 @ 3:22am by

631 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Holodeck Three - USS Sutherland
Timeline: Concurrent with present mission

***** Holodeck Three - USS Sutherland *****

Master Sergeant Jeffery Duval stood wearing plate armor as he inhailed
the fresh scent of heather and lilac as it flowed smoothly on the wind,
the faint breeze blowing from the east which when he looked to the east
from where he stood over the great watchtower at the top of the city of
Minas Anor or more rather it was now called more properly as Minas Tirith.

The view to the east was bracjketed by a chain of evil looking dark peaks
which resemelved the lower line of teath from a vast preditor in size and
scale but, this was no animal that had ever been seen on this good Earth
for it was a chain of mountains, the eastern boarder of the realm of Gondor,
the settled home of the men of the west. These teath were known as 'the outer fence' and three sets if mountains bracketed Mordor to the north, south and west.

It was the land of Mordor and in the center was the one single massive
Volcano, the mountain of Doom and located nearby was the fortress of Barad-dûr and there was purpose behind Duval's viset to Gondor today as he smiled as he took in the view as two Knights approched.

"Your pardon Master Duval but the Knight Commander has sent word that you're request is granted, we are to escort you to him immedietly."

Duval nodded. "Thank you gentlemen." he turned. "An Ill wind blows this fine
day... does it not?"

"Aye, what is that stench?" asked the first.

Duval raised an eyebrow as he inhailed the scent of ashfall and volcanic fire.
"That gentlemen is a Volcanic fume... I must be quick about my busness..."

"A word please Knight of Gondor." interupted a new voice as Duval turned to see a very old man garbed in white with a staff, clearly this was a wizard. "Of
course Mithrandir." Duval addressed Gandalf the white with a smile. "I sense
great times are upon us."

"You carry a great burden, don't you?" Gandalf replied. "I see it upon your
person, like the armor you wear..."

"I manage just fine with my burdens, parted from my wife and family who are
elsewhere while I protect them. Even with my death if I must."

“Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give
it to them?." Galndalf inquired evenly and upon seeing Duval's hesitation
"Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very
wise cannot see all ends." he explained gently as he smiled.

"Of course Mithrandir. I will consider your council in my future endeavours."
Duval commented

"Thats all I ask of you, Knight of Gondor." and with that Gandalf turned away
to take in the view as clearly the conversation was over as he went off to go
viset the Knight Commander and conclude his busness here but the words that
Gandalf had said would remain with him, while this gandalf was a Hologram and thus was a mere collection of light particles and forcefields, that still did
not diminish who he was in Duval's eyes.

Duval bowed his head in Gandalf's direction as he and what seemed to be a
small child walked towards the front of the city, Duval meanwhile knew better
as he knew who that small boy was, the boy was no mere child but a fully grown man in his own right.

He turned and proceeded to walk towards the line of buildings which the White
tower was located as he turned his thoughts back to his counter-terror ops he
was planning to run when the USS Sutherland arived at Deep Space Fourteen.

***** Here's where the fun begins - Anakin Skywalker *****


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