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"The Other version of Therapy"

Posted on Wed Jul 31st, 2013 @ 7:31pm by Captain Torilla Yamaguchi

799 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Chapel - Promenade - Starbase 400
Timeline: Thirty Minutes after "Blockade"

"The Other version of Therapy"

Lt Commander Torilla Yamaguchi
Commanding Officer
USS Venator
Chief Stratigic Operations Officer
Starbase 400

***** Starbase Chapel - Promenade - Starbase 400 *****

The space outside Starbase 400 was a truly majestic sight as several ships of various types from tugs, hauling massive sections of hull plating to any of the half dozen skeletal drydocks in upper Kaleb IV orbit to four shuttles and several groups of Starfighters, four per group as normal procedure as Lt Commander Torilla Yamaguchi smiled as she regarded the human wearing a black robe with the trational garb of a priest.

"Commander. You requested my presence?" the human woman inquired.

"I hope you don't mind that we're meeting here as we can look out over the infinite horizon of space." Torilla commented evenly. "I sometimes find my faith undergoing judgement..." she paused. "I know you guys sometimes prefer the quiet and the dark."

"the clergy specializes in private conversations in small quiet places. I'm afraid there aren't many priests in this sector of space.....or any sector to tell the uncomfitable truth. We're something of a vanishing breed out here." the Human woman responded with a soft smile, this woman wore the uniform but she clearly carried her faith as her sword and shield.

"I'm Sorry..." Torilla said softly.

"Don't be... A decline in faith and the influence of the church was to be expected once humans penetrated heaven and found there no angels, no chior eternal or not even a delinquent seraphin left behind by the general evacuation." she paused as she smiled warmly at Torilla. "Just infinite space... for three hundred years mankind has walked among the stars on legs of fire and steel, daily encountering more profound wonders then the burning bush."

"True... but still there are still alot of scientists who beleive in various forms of god." Torilla explained. "Depending on the world of course." Torilla responded, clearly warming to the conversation.

"Oh sure." The Priest smiled in a disarming fashion. "Physisists have tried to soften the blow with quantum mechanic consolation prizes, noting mystries yet to be resolved in tiny, subatomic particles who's actions hint at the presence of intelligence, but where in those infinitesimal spaces can be found the god who stopped the sun in the sky over jericho, parted the red sea, birthed the universe and shaped molicules of dust untill their name was man and woman." her smile widened into a grin. "Once we got into space, the deck was stacked and the clock was ticking but that doesn't scare me, I think the church has a few suprizes up our sleeve." she then chuckled softly. "As for what those are Commander... I'm not sure but... we will endure.."

"Well... I tend to hope for the best in people Maiev." Torilla responded, addressing her by name "But my faith in others has been shaken of late." she sighed softly. "My daughter has been placed through a very great ammount of strain and... I don't jbnow what to do about it."

The human woman who was lightly tanned, had blue eyes and clearly smiled a lot, simply smiled at Torilla. "Take heart in that you do not face your battles alone, god might not be worshipped or even respected on your world but, he watches over you Commander... same as the personel on this base and the ships patroling the system."

Torilla raised an eyebrow. "I was expecting a more hardline about god from someone such as yourself Maiev."

"Nonsense Commander.. I would never dare to press my beleifs upon anyone, its disrespectfull and insulting, I wont do it..."

"Of course my apoligies."

"No offense was given Commander Yamaguchi." The priest commented. "Do not trouble yourself about offending me, I see all sorts of things on this base, from the truly horrific to the trualy angelic and I have never needed to leave these halls, floors or walls to go there.... "

"How long have you been here?" Torilla inquired.

"I have lived on this starbase since she was comissioned into Starfleet service close to nineteen years ago." she shruged. "Its seem its fair share of ups and downs Commander.... but the base has never seemed so alive as it is now."

Yamaguchi smiled. "Well the early base staff are to be commended for that more then me as I arived only a few months ago, they did comendable work.."

"Aye, they did." the Priest responded.

"Well... I hate to cut and run but... I do have a few things I need to tend to.."

"I understand, should you desire my council, I will be here in the chapal. and with that the priest bowed as Torilla bowed likewise. "Thank you." and with that the two women parted company.

***** Here's where the fun begins - Anakin Skywalker *****


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