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The Center Cannot Hold

Posted on Wed Jul 31st, 2013 @ 7:38pm by

584 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Marine Country - Starbase 400
Timeline: Concurrent with present mission


Master Sergeant Jeffery Duval
Brigadier General Andrew Jones II

***** Marine Spaces - Starbase 400 *****

Master Sergeant Jeffery Duval was presently off watch and he
was enjoying a letter his wife, a Vulcan woman no less had
written for his birthday, it was filled with general news and
updates from home.

He smiled as he realized the USS Shield of Vega was being assigned
to the Blockade Operations but she didn't tell him as much, instead
she had said the USS Shield of Vega was being assigned to protect,
patrol and police the area around Starbase DS14.

It meant he would see T'Nae for his fifty seventh birthday as he had
not expected to meet with his wife,. who's presence he missed dearly
when the summons arrived. Too late he noticed a file was uploaded to
his personal database with the letter and it was marked from his wife.

"Sorry T'Nae... we'll finish this later." and with that he turned the
letter off and after donning his uniform jacket and boots, he departed
his quarters and went off to see the General who had requested him
by name.

A few minutes later he was standing at attention before the General.
"Master Sergeant Duval reporting as ordered sir.?"

"At ease...", said Andy "As you may know we are going on a diplomat mission... I've been apointed Head of the diplomat part and I want you
to be head of my personal security while we are at the mission, that job would imply to coordinate with the station chief of security in terms of the meeting and you will report directly to me"

Duval simply stood easy as he regarded the General, he had never
served as Chief of anything other then a platoon but he was up for a challenge. "I look foreward to this assignment sir. When do we leave?"
he inquired as he mentaly filed away the information about the
Sutherland, he always liked the lines of the Nebula class ships,
something about them almost made him smile.

"Soon... For the moment report to the Sutherland's XO ASAP", answered

"Yessir." Duval responded evenly. "But before I depart sir, may I inquire as to who exacly I am reporting to?" he inquired.

"Commander MacLeod... he will be acting as my XO for the mission", he said

"Yessir. I will go report to him as soon as we finish sir." Duval responded.

"By the way you are going as the Platoon Leader... The Chief of my personal staff assignment is just between ourselves... of course that Lt Col Hurd and Commander McLeod will be informed... Basically as an intel operative myself I want you to have the liberty to see without to many eyes set on you"

"I understand sir." he responded evenly. "The USS Shield of Vega will also be on station, patrolling the area around DS14 in case she is needed." he added evenly.

"I know... And I know your wife is onboard... I'll try to figure something for you to be able to see her", he said smiling

Duval smiled, he couldn't help himself as he missed the company of his wife and everyone who knew him, knew this much about him as he never hid behind his work or his job. "Thank you General. I greatly appreciate that."
he paused. "Is there anything else you require of me sir?"

"No MSGT Duvall You are dismissed... I'll see you at the briefing previous to the Sutherland's Launch...", he said Returning Duvall's Salute


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