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Posted on Wed Jul 31st, 2013 @ 5:36pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Fleet Admiral Sevlek & Admiral Deela T'Lar & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Lieutenant Anandra Delair

3,540 words; about a 18 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: 0800 hours


It had been a few weeks since the covert mission into Romulan space, and like always life aboard Starbase 400 was humming along. Three civilian transports, eight freighters, and several Starships were due to leave or depart over the next twenty-six hours.

It was 0800 hours as Mike walked through Ops on his usual morning rounds. Out the corner of his eye he saw Captain Zandusky step off the turbolift and walk directly toward him. He didn’t say a word, just handed Mike a PADD, then turned and left.

Mike looked at the PADD, and realized the info wasn’t something that could be discussed in the open. The Federation Council had finally voted and approved military aid to the C’Hakilians, kind of. They had agreed to send a fleet to the warzone, and set up a blockade around Krazzle space. A daunting task to say the least. However it wasn’t just Starfleet, the Federation had reached out to its ally the Klingons and Chancellor Martok agreed to send ships as well. As a surprise, the Cardassians were also sending ships too. As they continued to recover from the Dominion War, many changes had taken place in the Government and Military, most pioneered by Garek. While the Federation and Cardassians didn’t consider themselves allies, they did have a new Non-Aggression Pact in place and the extra cooperation was encouraging.

Besides, with the Typhon Pact now consisted of the Romulans, Gorn, Tholians, Breen, Son’a, Krazzle, Holy Order of the Kinshaya, Tzenkethi, and Talarians having the Cardassians as ‘friends’ was a plus.

The news wasn’t that much of a surprise to the Admiral though. He’d been informed of the Council’s discussions by Admiral Sevlek weeks ago, he even knew who the Klingon Commander and Cardassian Commander for the blockade would be, the news to him was that the vote took place yesterday and the blockade was to be in place by the end of the week!

Mike walked over to the Intel position, which was currently not in use, and logged in using the secure information provided on the PADD. It brought up a list of Federation, Klingon, and Cardassian ships in route to the Station to be used in the blockade. Two ships would be sent from Starbase 400 itself, the Venator and Pegasus. This would be the Pegasus’s first mission since her repairs and upgrades, and Mike was eager to get her out into open space. The rest of the ships in the blockade force would be arriving in a few hours.

Mike tapped his commbadge, “Admiral T’Lar, Admiral Sevlek, General Jones, Captain Pike, Commander Yamaguchi, and Counselor Delair please report to my Office.”

Mike checked a few more details, then logged out of the Intel station and headed to his Office.

Once there, he ordered a raktijno and sat down in his chair. He looked over the PADD and waited for everyone to arrive.

Lt Commander Torilla Yamaguchi was already on duty but saying she was distracted was stating the obvious as her husband was aboard the Starbase, he was presently asleep as he had been conducting patrols and drills in several of the nearby sectors. Now he was here, visiting his wife and youngest child.

She heard the summons as she raised an eyebrow but said nothing as she went over to the Admirals office, the young woman behind the desk recognized her and then let her into the Admirals office, to her suprise she was the first to arrive.

"Admiral." she greeted him.

Deela had the kids since Vincent, her husband left for Earth and was bathing her daughter when she got the summons. She was so used to having Vincent there that she forgot about making arrangements incase she was called into a meeting like this one. She got a hold of Alex's son, Paul who graciously agreed to be her emergemcy babysitter. She quickly changed into her uniform and left, walking very hurriedly. Arriving at Bremer's office, she stepped in, looking a bit frazzled.

Alex saw Torilla and nodded to her, then to Bremer as she sat down. She seemed slightly out of breath which was uncommon for her, "For a minute there, I thought that I'd be the last to arrive."

Torilla smiled at the older woman. "I know the feeling sir." she responded with a soft smile. "If you need, Rachael can babysit for you." she paused a moment as her eyes seemed to glass over, clearly she was in telepathic contact with someone else. "She is willing to help, should you ask it of her."

Deela's looked at Torilla and responded in the same manner, "Paul already asked if she could join him when he babysits. I said that it was fine. That is if it's okay with you of course."

Yamaguchi smiled. "It doesn't bother me at all, I saw how she treats Earl and you have done more for her then most, besides she speaks very highly of you.... getting her onto the subject is easy but getting her to change the subject afterwards is at times, next to impossible... but... I must ask... Where did you find Earl?" she inquired.

"He used to belong to my deceased husband. He raised him from a baby. When he passed away, I adopted Earl or I really should say, he adopted me. He sort of became the USS Essex's mascot." She almost let out a chuckle but stopped herself when she looked over at Mike sitting there.

Torilla nodded her head, clearly understanding. "Ahh.." she was suddenly reminded that Admiral Bremer was sitting before them as they waited for the others to arrive.

Anandra had just barely settled into her own office for the day before getting the summons from Mike. With a sigh, she tapped her commbadge. "On my way, sir." She stood from her desk and left the office, arriving at the door to the Admiral's office in a matter of minutes. "Hello everyone." she greeted as she passed through the doorway and met a few familiar faces on the other side.

Andy had just finished breakfast when he listened to the call of the big boss, he answered that he was on his way and then after locking his station he proceed to te admiral's office.

Once he was there he took a seat next to Deela and said "Reporting as ordered sir"

Torilla raised an eyebrow, she was a decidedly junior member in this very select gathering and she was feeling a little intimidated.

Anandra moved to take a seat next to Torilla, and flashed a smile at the Commander as she sank into her chair.

Torilla returned the smile from the other junior officer in the room, her senses suddenly strengthened as she realized they were missing one more person, thus she settled down to wait, she still have issues with Captain Pike that she needed to sort out with him.

Lee was sitting in his office going over reports from the latest mission, he had already checked on Maal earlier. He then got the call from Admiral Bremer. "Pike here, on my way sir."

"Reporting as ordered sir." Lee said as he walked into the room and gave a nod to everyone else there.

Sevlek walked into the room, accompanied by Andrenicus and Zandusky. Sevlek hadn't informed Bremer yet, but it was likely the Gladiator would accompany the fleet and fulfill its role as a Command Cruiser and relay information from the Fleet to Sevlek and vice versa. Sevlek nodded to everyone as he sat down at a vacant seat.

Deela watched Sevlek as he nodded at everyone and then sit down. She didn't like him from the beginning and still didn't. But she knew that she would have to keep her feelings about him at bay if they were going to co-exist on the Starbase if she liked it or not.

“Thank you all for coming.” Mike began. “I’ve called you here because a priority situation has arisen. As you all know, the Krazzle and C’Hakilians are at war. While the two have fought before, it has always been a border war, neither side able to push deep within the other’s territory. That’s changed, the Krazzle have pushed deep inside C’Hakilian space, overrunning more than a dozen of worlds and pushing the C’Hakilians back to their core planets closest to their homeworld. Recently, we have learned that the Typhon Pact is aiding the Krazzle, and that the Krazzle have officially joined the Pact.”

Mike paused a moment to let the information he just provided sink in before adding, “The Federation has had a peaceful and mutually respectful relationship with the C’Hakilians for many years, and they have asked us for help. While the Federation Council will not approve a formal declaration of war, they have agreed to provide a blockade around Krazzle and C’Hakilian spaces to stop the flow of outside aid to the Krazzle. This will be a massive undertaking, but we should be able to manage since both Krazzle and C’Hakilian space border Federation territory. Also, it’s not just the Federation providing ships. The Klingons and the Cardassians are sending ships. It’s believed that by showing a united front, the Pact will think twice before trying to run the blockade. We also believe cutting off the outside aid will allow the C’Hakilians a chance to halt the Krazzle advance.”

Mike paused again, looking at each person in the room, then continued. “Any ship stopped within the Blockade zone will be searched and any contraband confiscated. Ships can defend themselves, but are not to ‘attack’ without provocation. The Pegasus and Venator will go from Starbase 400. Deela, I want the Station on yellow alert while the blockade is in place, keep at least two ships patrolling the sector. Starfleet patrols along the Federation border will be unaffected by the blockade, ships currently assigned to patrol duty will maintain their patrol stations. In the meantime, the Federation has also promised to try to mediate a peaceful end to the war. General, you’ll be taking the Sutherland to DS14 which is our closest Starbase to the warzone. Representatives from the Krazzle and C’Hakilians will meet there to discuss bringing the war to an end. We are allowing one ship from each Government to attend and Starfleet has already increased ships in that area from three to twelve.”

Mike looked around one more time, “Questions?”

"Yes Sir... I would like to have Master sergeant Duvall as my security aide... He is a fine marine and I trust him... Other than that I'll make sure to do the job that's laid on my plate", answered Andy.

Mike nodded, “Done, he’ll be assigned to you.”

Yamaguchi decided to roll the dice. "If we do stop a Typhon pact non-combatant and one of their warships show up, do we talk it over?" she inquired. "and if they start shooting, is lethal force authorized?" she added, clearly not wanting to mince words because she knew that she was going into a very fluid and what could be a very dangerous situation, thus she wanted a clear set of rules of engagement.

“If you’re fired on, you can defend yourself.” Mike replied. “I would prefer you fire to disable, not to destroy.”

Mike then added, “My plan for the blockade deployment will be two fold. We’ll have vessels assigned at ‘Picket Ships’, they will be actively sweeping the area with sensors, and being a link in the tachyon grid. We’ll also have ‘Intercept Ships’ assigned that will intercept any vessel attempting to run the blockade. The Pegasus and Venator will be two of the ships serving in this roll. This way, the sensor and tachyon grid is maintained, while we have ships that can quickly move in on any vessel detected.”

Torilla nodded as she quickly processed the information. "Also sir... how long is the mission going to be and do we have a breakdown of what ships will be assigned to the groups?" clearly she wanted ship names so she knew who to speak with regarding deployments and such.

Mike gave a frank answer, “As long as it takes Commander. As for what ships will be assigned to which group, I think Admiral Sevlek has that information.”

Lee sat there listening to things then decided to say something:"So who are the Klingon and Cardassian commanders?"

Sevlek nodded at Bremer and stood. After he was standing and Bremer moved to his own seat Sevlek spoke. He first addressed Captain Pike's question, "The Klingon commander is General G'Tar of the 7th Fleet and the Cardassian commander is Legate Evek of the Fifth Order." He then moved to provide general data, "The following information is classified and is being share on a need-to-know basis."

After looking around the table briefly he continued, "The entirety of this fleet will consist of 712 starships. 190 are being provided by Chancellor Martok and the High Council, 197 are authorized to detached duty by Legate Garak and the remaining 325 are being detached from the Second, Fourth and Eighth Fleets." He paused, "The entirety of the fleet will arrive here at Starbase 400 in 3 days, they will remain here for 2 days. During those 2 days, preparatory briefings for Squadron and Wing commanders will be held. At the conclusion of that time, the fleet will depart under the field command of Admiral Bremer."

"Command and control functions and communications will be routed through the Gladiator by means of a secured and encrypted command channel frequency that Captain Zandusky will inform you of at the conclusion of this briefing, Admiral Bremer." A pause, "I will remain on Starbase 400 and will relay any tactical data or executive orders issued by Starfleet Command or the Presidential Office." Sevlek looked at Mike, his remaining on Starbase 400 was a sign of trust and belief in Mike's ability. Sevlek was not known for putting important things in the hands of others.

"Formation orders will be transmitted 6 hours before departure, not before. The vessels assigned to the fleet will be in your message inbox after this meeting, Colonel Andrenicus will see to that personally. Assignments relating to the composition of the Fleet's wings, squadrons or flights is left to the discretion of Admiral Bremer." Sevlek nodded to Bremer as the Vulcan moved back to his seat and sat down.

Torilla felt the deathly quiet that descended upon the room after the Admiral had imparted his information but she had no idea that a force of that size could be massed that quietly and as Strategic Operations, she should have had some idea with ships being sent elsewhere and the like but she had no inkling that this was even in the works.

She wasn't sure of what upset her more, the fact she had no idea of what was going on or the fact that her husband was almost certain to be assigned to this assignment alongside her and also this was not how she saw her first command turning out, with an assignment of such significance.

Then it hit her, that she would be going alongside Admiral Bremer and not someone with more senior of a rank, she was a rookie and yet, she felt she had to prove something, that she was worthy and able to handle the big chair. 'This is what you wanted, wasn't it?' her inner voice said. 'Well, guess what!, you're in the middle of it so suck it up!' as she sighed softly.

Mike remained sitting, looking at each person one at a time before speaking. “I realize some of you have been left out of the loop on this and other recent …events.” He looked at Pike and Yamaguchi, his Intel Chief and Strategic Operations Chief respectively, then added, “This mission will require the upmost professionalism from each of you and everyone within the fleet. It will only take one vessel, one Captain making a wrong decision to escalate this to a Galactic War between the Federation Alliance and the Typhon Pact. We don’t want that to happen.”

Mike paused one more time, looking at everyone again, then added, “Yamaguchi, you’ll have your Command Staff for the Venator within the hour. General Jones, while you’re on a diplomatic mission, I am sending a small Marine Squad with you for VIP and meeting security. Admiral T’Lar, station and sector defense is yours. I don’t expect any incursions, but I want to play it safe. Assist Admiral Sevlek as needed.”

Deela nodded, "Understood." She wasn't crazy about who she would be assisting but orders were orders.

“Any other questions?”

Lee sat there and shook his head. He didn't know General G'Tar but hope he would be a good officer.

"No questions, sir." Anandra responded as she processed the scope of the operation that lay in store. There would be an awful lot of ships out there in a volatile situation. She knew it would take some delicate diplomacy to avoid certain catastrophe, and she wondered if the parties filling those diplomatic roles felt the palpable tension that she did.

Yamaguchi felt her questions had been answered but she was apprehensive about the upcoming mission due to her lack of command experience, however she had been assured she would have a good senior staff among her crew which was fine with her. Last thing she wanted was an Exec who would get in her face about everything.

She was sure she would have more questions however once she read her orders and other various pieces of information once she got them.

Andy looked at T'Lar, Slevek and Bremer... They all knew what his position meant in the negotiations, as chief diplomat officer and Starfleet Representative on the negotiations... and if the Typhoon Pact decide to fight its way through the Sutherland and other vessels would stand to the test

Mike waited a moment, then dismissed the group. As everyone left, he picked up a PADD and leaned back in his chair as he started making a ship/crew assignment. A few minutes later, he sent the information out to everyone.


Ship Assignments:

USS Pegasus-B – Galaxy Refit
Admiral Bremer – CO
Captain K’Temoc – XO
Ensign Brody – CSec/Tac
Commander Coleman – CEO
Lieutenant Gillo – COps
Major Sullivan - - Marine CO/Fighter CO
Lieutenant Gilmore – CSO
Lieutenant JG Gardner - Intel
Acting Ensign K’Wor – Sec
Sogh M`Kota - Sec
Chief Petty Officer Branson – Flight Controller
Dr. Mclintock – CMO

USS Venator -Prometheus Class
Lieutenant Commander Yamaguchi - CO
Captain Pike – XO/Intel
Captain Harrison – CSec/Tac
Dr. Brislan – CMO
Lieutenant Quan – CEO
Lieutenant Archer - COps
Sergeant Maal – Marine CO
Lieutenant JG Murphy – Flight Controller
Ensign La Baron – CSO
Lieutenant Commander Roebuck – Sec
Lieutenant JG Baratan – Sec

USS Sutherland – Nebula Class
Brigadier General Andrew Jones – CO
Commander MacLeod - XO/Intel
Lieutenant Colonel David Hurd – Marine CO
Lieutenant JG Delair – Counselor
Warrent Officer Talan – CSec/Tac
Major T'Lyn – Marine XO
Captain Lennox – Marine
Master Sergeant Duval - Marine
Gunnery Sergeant Ermey - Marine
Gunnery Sergeant Agtx – Marine

USS Gladiator – Gladiator Class
Captain Zandusky – CO
Colonel Andrenicus - XO
Lieutenant Commander Matthews – Intel

Starbase 400 -
Vice Admiral T’Lar - CO
Captain Clifford – XO
Admiral Sevlek - Intel
Commander Lokran – Sec/Tac
Captain Greenwood
Lieutenant JG James
First Ramata’tar
Ensign Vortek
Sogh Varn
Ensign Vega
Nurse Ashley
Sergeant Taz
Corporal Nas
Private T’ork
Lieutenant JG Shrok
Ensign Lovan
Lieutenant JG Heron
Lieutenant JG Maxwell
Lieutenant JG Clayton

Pegasus Group –
USS Pegasus – Galaxy Refit – Intercept Ship (Admiral Bremer)
USS Warrior – Defiant Class – Intercept Ship (Captain Worf)
USS Berlin – Nebula Class – Picket Ship (Captain Vanok)
IKS R’mall – Vorcha Class – Picket Ship (T’sax HoD)
IKS Gr’vak – Vorcha Class – Picket Ship (R’vis HoD)
CUS Dramal – Keldon Class – Picket Ship (Gul Gomar)
CUS M’raad – Galor Class – Picket Ship (Gul M’ral)
USS Atlanta – Intrepid Class – Picket Ship (Captain Davis)
USS Camaro – Defiant Class – Picket Ship (Captain Harper)
USS Vendetta – Galaxy Class – Picket Ship (Captain S’tal)
USS George S. Patton – Excelsior – Picket Ship (Captain Ebon)
IKS – Heg’sa – Vorcha Class – Picket Ship (Varis HoD)

Venator Group -
USS Venator – Prometheus – Intercept Ship (Lt Cmdr Yamaguchi)
USS Concorde - Concorde class - Intercept Ship (Captain Williams)
USS Tempest - Akira class – Picket Ship (Captain Henderson)
USS Endurance - Kelvin class – Picket Ship (Captain Wolfhowl)
USS Unseen - Nebula class – Picket Ship (Captain Devereux)
USS Undaunted - Akira class – Picket Ship (Captain Sanderson)
USS Crescent - Nebula class – Picket Ship (Commander Emerson)
USS Powerfull - New Orleans class – Picket Ship (Captain Amedi)
USS Pillar of Autumn - Borodin class– Picket Ship (Captain Keyes)
USS Argonaut - Excelsior class – Picket Ship (Captain sh'Andii)
USS Spartiate - Excelsior class– Picket Ship (Captain Erickson)
USS Columbia - Galaxy class – Picket Ship (Captain Tucker)
USS Merlin - Excelsior class – Picket Ship (Captain zh'Arrhis)

Other Notable Ships Assigned to Blockade-

USS Titan - Luna Class (Captain Riker)
USS Challenger - Challenger Class (Captain La Forge)
USS Rhode Island - Nova Refit Class (Captain Ramon)
USS Ashalla – Intrepid Class ( Captain Ro)



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