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The Raging River

Posted on Wed Aug 7th, 2013 @ 1:55am by Commander Tressa Brislan

1,067 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Infirmary - Starbase 400
Timeline: Concurrent with present mission

"The Raging River"

Lt Commander Tressa Brislan
Rachael Yamaguchi

***** First Junior High School - Starbase 400 *****

Rachael Yamaguchi's heart turned to raw ice as she watched the
fight between Paul Harrison and Anthony Donos break out, she
knew on some level that it was coming but the feeling of seeing
two guys she knew well trying to smash each others skulls in set
something off within her.

She separated them with far too much force as she watched Paul
crash into some lockers and Donos go flying down the hallway.

Her reaction to what she had done as she felt the blood pounding
through her ears as she turned and fled, leaving chaos over a simple
fistfight which had been over nothing to begin with.

A short time later, Rachael Yamaguchi walked into the infirmary as
the hounds of hell were chasing her as she stumbled and fell flat on
her face. "Crap" she muttered as she felt someone picking her up.

"Hello little one, what seems to be the trouble mmmm?" the massive
man inquired with a warm smile. "Wait... you are Rachael Yamaguchi,

"Yeah..." she muttered as he gently set her down on a nearby biobed
as he tapped his combadge. "Mollari to Brislan, Doctor,... Ms. Yamaguchi
is here and she's showing all the symptoms you briefed us on." the Doctor

Tressa was on a treadmill when she got the page. She tapped her combadge.
"I'm on my way," she said as she sprinted out of the gym.

Rachael cringed as she had hoped she didn't pull the doctor away from
something important because she saw herself as a problem, she hated the time of the Bloom as it played merry hell with the inside of her mind.

The CMO arrived in Sickbay in her sweats; the attending doctor nodded towards the room where Racheal was waiting.

"Racheal, how are you feeling? What happened?" she asked gently.

Rachael cringed as she looked at the Doctor as she mentally tried to pull herself together. "Paul Harrison and Anthony Donos.... got into a fight
over me..." she sighed softly. "The suddenness of it... I never saw it coming so I tried to separate them.... trouble was... I used way too much force and
flung Paul down the hallway, the guy is much bigger then me... and Anthony went into a wall of lockers. thankfully they are all bolted down." she shivered.
"When I realized what I did... it hit me all at once..."

"That takes a lot of strength," Tressa said softly.

"I'm twelve Doctor... I should not be able to do something even my mother can't do." she whispered. "the looks on their faces..." she added quietly.

"I wouldn't worry too much about that, after all they didn't end up here," the doctor said with a teasing smile. She reached for a hypo. "I would like to give you another nutrient boost with sedative, is that ok?" The girl nodded. A moment later Tressa pulled a chair over to the bed and sat. Racheal was looking down at her as she spoke.

"First, you did the right thing coming her immediately, thank you for that. You will be seeing Counselor Delair very soon?" The girl nodded again. "Excellent. We spoke about you wearing a monitor, I would like for you to do that. it will allow us to track your specific hormonal changes when you feel your abilities surfacing, and it will let you know when your body is experiencing an endocrine spike."

Rachael nodded, she instantly felt better. "I've met Lieutenant Anandra Delair a few times. I like her... She speaks her mind and treats it how it is, no games.." she looked at the Doctor. "Wearing a monitor... will it hurt?" she inquired.

"Not at all, in fact you can choose what color you like," the doctor said. She pulled out a drawer filled with rows of colored wristbands. "These are really just microcomputers linked to the primary computer here in Sickbay. The little lights here will glow when it detects a change, in your case I will have it monitor your endocrine and nervous systems in addition to your vital signs. I still want you to come to Sickbay when you have a psionic experience," she added.

Rachael nodded as she selected a deep green one. "Alright... I'll come here... who should I see, anyone in particular?"

The doctor smiled and lifted her left hand; a deep green wristband slightly thicker than the girl's adorned her arm. "I will know when you need me; you may speak to the duty nurse or any other member of my staff, and if you cannot come to Sickbay the computer will let me know where you are," she said softly.

Rachael smiled at the larger woman. "Thank you Doctor." she responded.
"I should be back to normal in a couple of months... I hope." she paused as she inquired almost shyly. "Do you have a doctor named Siaxx Dvald by any chances?, she's a Bolian.."

"Doctor Dvald? Yes, she has an office here. Do you know her?"

Rachael nodded. "We've met on a previous assignment, I was quite young but. I remember her.. it'll be good to see a friendly face again..." she sighed softly as the monitor beeped once, causing Rachael to flinch in surprise, she then inhaled a lung full of air. "I felt it that time..." as she mentally forced herself to calm down.

"Do you feel better?" Tressa asked gently.

"I'm okay... I wasn't expecting that.." she admitted. "But I see now what you mean about sudden changes..."

"Just don't let it frighten you. The monitor is a tool, nothing more, and knowing when these changes are occurring will help you to learn to control them over time. You may have seen similar monitors on people who are epileptic or diabetic."

Rachael nodded her head, she was only twelve but she had had to grow up in a very serious hurry but this was normal for Halanian children, her mother was the same way as were both older siblings. "I understand... thank you."

"I will see you soon, you have a checkup in two weeks. Be well, Rachael."

Rachael bowed to the larger woman. "Thank you again Doctor. be safe out there." and with that the small child turned and departed.

***** Here's where the fun begins - Anakin Skywalker *****


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