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Checking it Twice.

Posted on Mon Aug 5th, 2013 @ 9:25pm by Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Commander Tressa Brislan

2,298 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Main Infirmary - Starbase 400
Timeline: Concurrent with present mission

"Checking it Twice."

Lt Commander Torilla Yamaguchi
Rachael Yamaguchi
Lt Commander Tressa Brislan

***** Main Infirmary - Starbase 400 *****

Lt Commander Torilla Yamaguchi had several people left to see on her list of things to do today and next stop was the Infirmary, she was wearing her regular uniform with the pants rather then the skirt as she sometimes preferred while on duty.

From another side corridor came her youngest child. "Oh, Hey Mom."

Torilla smiled as she looked at her youngest. "Rachael and what brings you here?"

"A medical checkup I've been putting off for too long... just my annual check, nothing serious Mom." Rachael reassured her mother that all was well between her and her close friend, Paul Harrison.

Rather then get alarmed, Torilla merely chuckled. "Rachael, I hate to tell you... but I can read you like a book... "

Rachael gave her mother a wry smile as the two entered the main Infirmary area, oddly enough all looked almost quiet with a few people here as medics and nurses went about their routine.

Torilla stood in line as a nurse came over to her and Rachael who stood beside her mother. "Can I help you?" the attractive Bolian smiled.

"I'm just here to see the Doctor about inquiring about poaching several of her junior nurses and two doctors." Torilla smiled. "and get my command physical done."

"Ahh.. and for you?" the turned to Rachael.

"I'm just here for my checkup before heading down to Kaleb Four for a camping trip."

"Of course. Right this way, please. Doctor Brislan is attending today, do you wish to be seen at the same time or shall I have one of you wait outside the examination room?" the nurse asked.

Rachael and Torilla nodded. "No... the Doctors time is precious so we'll do it together."

"Certainly. Racheal, would you mind having a seat on the bed? Lieutanant Commander, please have a seat here," the nurse added, motioning to a couch.

Tressa entered the examination room, smiling at the two women as she washed her hands. "Two for one today I see, well then you get the group discount," she said with a laugh. "Thank you Velara, I will take it from here."

The Bolian nodded her head. "Yes Doctor," and left the room.

Torilla smiled at the Doctors easy candor. "Do you take cash or credit?" Torilla inquired as Rachael looked from her mother to the Doctor. "Hopefully it won't require service charges... I'm almost broke..." she paused. "Lets just pretend I didn't say that.." she added, clearly in a joking manner.

Torilla raised an eyebrow, she was expecting her daughter to be nervious around the doctor since this was her first check since going into full bloom.
"You okay Rachael?"

"I will be... I need to know of my potential Doctor." she said quietly.

Tressa picked up her padd and located Racheal's medical file. She extended her hand to the young woman on the biobed.

"I'm Doctor Brislan, it's a pleasure to meet you," she said, shaking the girl's hand. "We're just going to do a check-up today, make sure everything is ticking along as its supposed to. Computer, vitals please, also cardiovascular and endocrinological scans." The bed glowed briefly. "So tell me, have you been feeling well?"

Rachael raised an eyebrow. "Well... I just recently came into full bloom, I have telepathic as well as other various abilities..." she explained. "I've been hungry a lot more..." she admitted quietly. "I've been having headaches recently plus there are moments when my abilities go dark... after what happened with Captain Pike, I'm wondering if there is something wrong." she inquired

Torilla raised an eyebrow. "I was off the station at the time the incedent occurred. Rachael was reaching out into space with her telepathic gifts when she witnessed the return of the USS Vanguard and she reached out to tell Alex... that is Captain Harrison that she had come into bloom when Captain Pike prevented her from doing anything."

Tressa watched the girl; clearly she was shaken. "He hurt you Rachael?"

"No, it was an accident... he never meant me harm..." Rachael said quietly.

Torilla looked at her daughter as she gently placed a hand on her shoulder, a subtle reminder that she was present and that she understood. "Lee didn't know Rachael at the time...."

Rachael sighed softly. "It felt... blinding, searing... I never knew such pain could exist Doctor..." she paused a second time. "I hope I never feel anything like that again...."

"Computer, neurological scan please, overlay with endocrinological. Did the pain disrupt your sleep pattern?" Tressa asked, gently touching Racheal's face and looking in her eyes. The girl nodded. The panel behind the bed showed the individual scan results in addition to the overlay. "Your body is in a state of intense change, physical maturity is causing hormonal and neurological swings. Worst part is they kind of act as a feedback loop, and that is no fun for you. I would like you to see Counselor Delair as soon as possible, she can help you to cope with the emotional effects of all of this, and for the time being I am going to ask you to see me once every other day for a nutrient boost. Your increased appetite is perfectly natural, eat when you are hungry," the doctor said with a smile. She made a notation on her padd, then looked her in the eyes again. "You are healthy, and what you feel and sense are normal and nothing to be alarmed about. However, if you feel intense fear or anxiety I want you to see me immediately. I have an order in your file that I am to be paged if I am not in Sickbay."

Rachael nodded. "I understand Doctor." she responded quietly. "It has caused me nightmares... some of them downright terrifying.." she paused.

Torilla smiled at her daughter. "I'll make a few appointments for you to see the Counselor. She's nice and friendly, you'll like her.... I hope."

"She is, and very good at what she does. I've just sent your scans to her along with a message that she will be seeing you soon," Tressa said.

Rachael looked at the doctor, there was something she found comforting and soothing but she had no idea why, nevertheless she was not about to question it. "He was protecting Captain Harrison from what he felt to be a Psionic attack." she explained. "He responded accordingly, using a telepathic blocker to stop the attack.... trouble was... it was me."

Torilla could feel her daughters emotions which were frankly, all over the place. "Rachael, take a deep breathe..."

Rachael turned her head to regard her mother as she did so in a shaky manner as she did so and then she took several more. "It's going to be alright sweetie. It'll just take some time..." Torilla said with a smile.

Tressa watched the girl's heartbeat jump and her temperature drop 4 degrees. She pulled a hypospray from a drawer and made an adjustment, then administered it in her arm. "Nutrient boost with a mild sedative," she explained. She waited until her vitals stabilized before continuing. "Your body and mind remember pain, working in tandem they can vividly recall an experience so that it feels almost the same as when it happened. I would like for you to let me know if this happens again; we may need to have you wear a monitor for a while to determine your triggers," she said softly.

Rachael smiled shyly at the doctor. "I will Doctor, though I have a feeling I may become a serious pain for you...." she sighed softly as she took a deep breathe. "But it'll be done..."

Torilla gently rubbed her daughters shoulder but didn't say anything.

Rachael looked at the doctor. "Six months ago, I was a normal girl... now I don't know what I am..."

"You are my daughter." Torilla commented softly. "That will never change.."

"Ordinarily any episodes such as this one should occur less and less often over time. They may not go away completely but they should fade, and Counselor Delair can help you with that as well," the doctor said. "Everything else looks good, I don't see any problems at all. Do you have any concerns that we haven't discussed?" she asked.

Rachael paused. "No. I think you covered everything... If I have any issues, I come see you right?" she inquired.

"Absolutely, anytime, ok?" Tressa said.

Rachael nodded. "Okay..."

Tressa smiled, hoping to ease the girl's anxiety, and looked her directly in the eyes. "Racheal, you are not going through this alone. You have a whole team behind you and that includes your mother and me. Taking care of you is never a bother. Never. It is what I do."

Rachael felt more settled then she was earlier, that was the medication she had been given taking effect on her. "Thank you Doctor... for everything."
with that she bowed to her, a Halanian sign of respect and then she turned and departed.

Torilla watched and listened quietly, clearly she had been taking mental notes. "Her siblings had a much easier time Docotr, they were on Starships with maybe six hundred to a thousand souls aboard, surrounded by friends and family, Rachael really was cursed." she sighed. "she's easily the strongest of my three and... she has over a hundred thousand souls to deal with...not
to mention the stress levels on base are very high right now...."

"We will get through this together, Commander. It is a process, a journey that will take time. She is fortunate to have such a concerned mother," Tressa added with a smile. "Speaking of whom, I believe we have business as well?"

"I'm just here for my physical, I just got command of the Venator not long ago and I want to be sure this checkup is on time, not like the last one which was over six weeks late." she smiled down at the younger woman who was also smaller then she was, she was easily the largest human looking woman on the base.

"Another late physical... why do I get the feeling everyone is avoiding me?" Tressa said with a laugh. "Am I so difficult to be around?" She motioned for the woman to lie back on the biobed and initiated routine scans.

"Well in my own defense, The USS Venator became operational three days ago and now I'm coming to get my physical done for the ships Chief Medical Officer, so I need to poach a doctor from you for that."

"Certainly. I believe Doctor Morgan is next to be assigned off-base. I'll send you her files as well as those of her staff." Tressa watched the scan results. "I'm very glad Racheal came to see me, I think she is feeling better about what happened."

"Between you and me..." Torilla said quietly. "She will be back, needing your help.. the incident with Captain Pike really hurt her, she won't share the memory with me to relieve herself of the burden of what it carries..." she sighed softly. "There are Halanian medical techniques for it but... It would definitely cause more harm then good.."

"I believe that Counselor Delair and I will be able to help her. The biggest challenge is to help her realize that her experiences are completely normal. She doesn't have to worry about being judged or being different, and for a teenaged girl that is a real challenge indeed."

"You have children of your own Doctor?" Torilla inquired. "I caught the look
when Rachael told you about the incident with Captain Pike..."

Tressa smiled, "I am the legal guardian of my neice and nephew, they have been with me since my brother and sister-in-law died four years ago. Their mother was Betazoid," the doctor answered.

"I understand." she responded quietly. "If you need a babysitter, let Rachael know.. It'll give her something to focus her energy on."

"That would be wonderful, Xavier and Kaylee would love her," Tressa said. "Commander, have you had any pain, headaches, difficulty sleeping?" she asked.

Torilla raised an eyebrow as she clearly had not been expecting the question.
"Mostly muscle issues but I do look after myself." she explained. "It takes me a little longer to nod off these days... maybe a little more painfull in the mornings." she paused. "is something up?"

"Nothing serious, but you do have some cartilage wear in your knees and lower back. You exercise aggressively?"

She nodded. "Usually every day, Its relaxing as I find it helps to unwind."

"If it isn't too much of a bother then you're fine, and everything else looks great. If you notice any pain I can give you an analgesic. Your cardiovascular system is in excellent health, osteo and musculo systems are as well. You are in tip top shape, Commander, and fit for duty," Tressa said with a smile. "Is there anything you want to discuss that we haven't covered today?"

"Well I need a few medical officers for the Venator to be assigned there on a permanent basis or as near permanent as I can get."

"I have three teams that are ready to go besides Doctor Morgan's team. If you send me your crew roster I will assign the medical staff you need. Is there anything else I can do for you?" the doctor asked as she made a notation on her padd.

Torilla shook her head. "Nope, I think that about covers everything."
she smiled at the other woman. "Thank you Doctor... I'll see you next time."
and with that she slipped her massive form off of the bed and departed the infirmary without another word.

***** Here's where the fun begins - Anakin Skywalker *****


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