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The Road to hell...

Posted on Thu Aug 8th, 2013 @ 12:44am by Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike

2,029 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Astrometrics - Starbase 400
Timeline: Concurrent with present mission

"The Road to hell..."

Captain Lee Pike
Lt Commander Torilla Yamaguchi
Captain Talon Hunt

***** Astrometric's - Starbase 400 *****

Lt Commander Torilla Yamaguchi had always liked being in Astrometric's no matter where she was assigned and today was no different but she had a matter she needed to resolve with Captain Pike and once again, it concerned

Jake already knew about it as Rachael herself had explained to her father what had happened and he empathized with her but he did not sympathize with her, needless to say he was less then amused about it.

Jake had met Leon Pike and he thought the other Captain was worth more then he seemed as Jake had been expecting a man who was all boilerplate and hid behind the rank, what he got was some real understanding from someone who didn't run or hide and Jake found himself respecting the man a great deal because of that.

Meanwhile, Torilla had been present at the conversation and while Jake had not been happy, he did not scream at her or yell in general or break anything, he simply told her to avoid Captain Pike and don't train with him until she had come to terms with her issue regarding him.

Now the next morning, Torilla walked out of Astrometric's and almost face planted herself into the chest of Captain Pike. "Hey" she greeted him as she
dodged him. "May I run with you Captain?" she added in a joking manner.

Lee looked at her and then started running again:"Sure Commander you may."

"I heard what happened between you and Rachael." she commented. "Are you alright?" she inquired, she hated feeling like this, to make amends for her daughters issues as she followed the Captain who seemed to like running.

He nodded:"Yes she told me that she was going to inform you. I am quite alright. Your daughter has quite a lot on her plate right now."

Torilla nodded. "I know... I just...." she stopped.

Lee half turned his head towards her:"Are you alright Commander?"

"I feel so guilty about it... I wasn't around to help her and I should have been."
It wasn't her fault but she felt so helpless at times.

Lee stopped running for a minute:"I can understand that you feel helpless being a parent but am sure she knows that you are there for her when you can be."

Torilla almost crashed into the back of him as she moved to one side at the last second, so sudden was his speed change. "Rachael and I share a psionic connection, same as I share with all my babies, I've shared it with them since they were born... it fades with distance of course but she talks to me when she wishes, I don't force it...."

"She'll be ok am sure and before you know it this whole thing will have blown over. I have also suggested to her about training her with her abilities if you and Jake approve."

Torilla looked at him as she slowly smiled. "I do, I think it'll let her see that she can trust you, that you are not the monster of her nightmares.." she
explained. "Jake isn't happy that Rachael almost hit you from behind but he understands why she almost did it."

Lee looked at her:"Am sorry that she has nightmares. Hopefully they will go away soon."

Torilla gently placed a hand on his shoulder. "What happened wasn't your fault. You were defending your own and Rachael will understand it someday..."

"I have yet to tell Alex about the latest stuff going on, probably should inform her bout it tonight." He sighed

"Probably a wise plan, still I admit, you're still willing to spend time with her and even help her after what's happened... I find that sort of thing inspiring... I've spent too much time making choices that let me indulge in my anger and rage..." she paused. "With the exile and all.."

Lee looked at her:"Rachael seems like a good kid. Am glad she knows it was an accident."

"She will come around in time..." she commented as she regarded him. "Of my three children, she is easily the most powerful of the three.."

He smiled:"Shall we go back to running Commander?"

Torilla chuckled as she looked down at her uniform, she was wearing the pants rather then the skirt she sometimes preferred to wear. "Sure... " she slipped off her heels as she picked them up, she held onto them alongside her PADD. "Can't run in heals.... not unless I want to seriously screw myself up." she gave him a cheerful smile.

Lee looked down for a second:"Sorry about that."

Torilla smiled. "Its fine... try sprinting in silence..."

"So what else is on your mind Commander?" He jogged slowly

"Not much else sir." she responded. "How did the meeting with Jake go?, he won't tell me..."

Lee chuckled:"The meeting with Jake and I went good."

Torilla followed the Captain as he jogged forward. "Lovely... and here I was thinking he said something stupid to you." she raised an eyebrow. "Jake isn't know for being diplomatic."

Lee laughed at that:"Sometimes am not the most diplomatic myself Commander."

"Ahh..." Torilla responded as she ran beside him. "Fair enough I mean. But at least no threats were exchanged or anything ugly right?"

"No Commander Jake and I didn't try to kill each other."

Torilla raised an eyebrow. "Clearly it was a good meeting then... Jake generally behaves himself but there are times..." she paused. "I sometimes
have to pull him back."

Lee shrugged:"Am sure there will be some point in time where Alex will have to pull me back for something."

"She will. There will come a time when something will happen which will test your guys relationship and/or marriage." Torilla explained. "Mine was the second Borg attack."

He nodded soberly:Yea know how that can be. When the Borg came around my cousin Sartak lost his wife to them."

"Well good riddance to the Basterds." she responded quietly. "I could say our brothers and sisters died with honor but.." she sighed softly. "They are still dead..." and with that moments distraction, she crashed headlong into a hapless Ensign.

Torilla blinked as she looked up with the Ensign standing over her, "Crap crap. I'msorryI'msorryI'msorryI'msorryI'msorryI'msorry"

"Ensign.." Torilla silenced him with a sigh. "Help an old woman up please..."

She could have sworn she heard Pike laughing as her cheeks turned a dark shade of milk chocolate with embarrassment as the Ensign tried to help her up but failed, she sighed. "Useless.." and with that she hauled herself to her feet and as she stood in at her rather impressively height of Six foot even, she found herself towering over the Ensign who was a lightweight compared to her at only 5'4.

He found himself staring at her chest which to him was downright impressive in scale and scope. "Ensign." Torilla commented. "I'm up here... stop staring at my chest.."

Lee stood there giving the Ensign a glaring look.

"Uhh yessir." and with that the Ensign turned and fled as Torilla sighed softly. "What is it with the young men around here... So I nursed three children by myself... Take heed, Alex might have the same issues if you
two have kids together."

Lee looked at Torilla and shook his head:"Some people I tell you, might have to have a talk with that man later."

"Yeah... though yelling at him might not help. some men have this endless fascination with some women's body parts.." she sighed softly. "Anyway. you were saying?"

He kinda chuckled:Yea Alex and I have talked about having a child, maybe should see if she wants more then one."

Torilla smiled. "Not a bad idea."

"Torilla, darling." came a voice as a smaller woman who stood in at about 5'7 approached as Torilla smiled. "Talon!."

The smaller woman came over as Torilla handled the introductions. "Talon, this is Captain Leon Pike, Lee, this is Talon, my sibling and sensei." she explained as the two women bowed to each other.

Lee gave the woman a nod:"Nice to meet you Talon."

Talon grinned at him. "So your the one who barbequed my nieces brains.." she chuckled softly, clearly giving him a hard time about it but she wasn't angry at all. "I see why Jake and Rachael as well as Torilla here all speak
well of you despite that mishap."

Torilla chuckled softly as she his her mouth behind her hand.

" to love those first impressions."

"I'm Jakes older sibling... well one of them anyway... there are a lot of us Yamaguchi's around.." she grinned. "Yes we are an evil bunch..."

Lee gave a smirk:"Yes can see so far that you guys are quite an interesting bunch."

Talon grinned at him as she looked up at him, he towered over her by almost a foot, this guy was almost gigantic. "Still. We Yamaguchi's all serve and to keep our bonds strong, we accept anyone who comes into the family as kin and blood, it could be years between family get together's.... which is almost a crime."

Torilla nodded. "They consider me blood, despite me being of a different species.."

"Not to us, your not Torilla..." Talon responded. "You'll always be a part of the family, regardless..."

"It doesn't matter what species you are. The House of Torg considers the Pike family to be family even though most Pikes are human and the House of Torg are Klingons." He looked at both women

Torilla and Talon both shared a look, clearly they were not expecting the statement and it showed. "It cuts down on the family drama, we treat everyone equally, regardless of where they are in the tree..." Talon explained. "So... tell me about yourself... I keep hearing so many interesting stories about you." she smiled up at him.

"Well am a direct descendant of Commadore Christopher Pike. I have a very long line of family members who have entered Star Fleet. My father and several of my uncles have been in Star Fleet and some of my cousins are currently in Star Fleet like me. I am half Betazoid and I study Vulcan martial arts."

"Chris Pike.. I read stories about him." Talon commented. "One of my ancestors served under him and another served with him when he was at Starfleet command before..." Talon trailed off as to her the subject was almost physically painful.

Torilla noticed instantly. "Talon?"

"I'm okay. He was my childhood hero.." Talon then smiled. "a great man." she looked at Pike. "You are most fortunate.."

Lee did a slight bow:"Thank you and sorry about the pain."

"Its alright. I never met one of Pike's decedent's before... even if you are a giant." she commented. "You're taller and larger then the biggest Yamaguchi..." she added.

Torilla nodded, he was larger then her and clearly she was in agreement.
"Alex is 5'7 and your 6'5, must get uncomfortable at times." she shared a knowing grin with Talon.

Lee shrugged and chuckled:"I have gotten use to it with our big height difference, besides if really want to I'm strong enough to pick her up."

Torilla smiled. "Jake can pick me up easily but then I'm six foot tall, I am not as small as Alex is... I'm also heavier too." she explained as she looked at Talon. "You look about Alex's size.."

"Yeah, though I'm a little heavier then she is... three kids will do that to me afterall.."

Lee nodded:"Well if you'll excuse me ladies I have things to attend to here on the Base. It was nice meeting you Talon, and Torilla feel free to come to me for anything."

Talon smiled. "Well it was nice meeting you Lee..." she paused. "and no more barbequing my nieces brains alright..?" she chuckled

Torilla sighed softly, leave it to Talon to make a joke out of it as she looked at Talon. "You... can buy me dinner.." and she smiled. "seeya later Lee."

***** Here's where the fun begins - Anakin Skywalker *****


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