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Crash and Thump

Posted on Thu Aug 8th, 2013 @ 12:51am by Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike

2,251 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Promenade - Starbase 400
Timeline: Concurrent with present mission

"Crash and Thump"

Lt Commander Torilla Yamaguchi
Chief Strategic Operations Officer
Starbase 400

Captain Leon 'Lee' Pike
Chief Intelligence Officer
Station Second Officer

Music Soundtrack: Scared Icon Suite Two - Halo Legends

***** Promenade - Starbase 400 *****

Lt Commander Torilla Yamaguchi was slowly making her way through the crowds of the Promenade as her mind was reeling, coming to terms with
what she had just been told, this would be one of the largest operations she
had ever seen much less been a part of and this could make or break her career.

She then felt herself crash into what seemed to be an immoveable wall as
she fell backwards to the deck as she blinked, then she jumped back to her feet as she commented. "Oh.. Its you.." she found herself looking at Leon Pike
who was the immoveable wall in question.

Lee stood there looking at her and raised an eyebrow:"Is there something wrong Commander?"

"No... You took me by surprise is all..." Yamaguchi responded evenly.

"You sure you're ok, you seem distracted?" He gave her a concerned look.

"No... just dealing with recent events." she indicated with a roll of her eyes to the ceiling, it was indicating the briefing they had just attended rather then his
actions in regards to his first meeting with her daughter.

"May I walk with you. We need to discuss something..."

Lee nodded as he knew what she wanted to discuss:"Sure after you Commander."

Yamaguchi regarded the larger officer with her lovely dark eyes. "Actuly sir... after you, somewhere where we can go and chat alone and not be overheard."
she responded. "you're bigger then me and these people don't seem intrested in being polite." she added with a smile.

Lee nodded:"True some people can be rude at times. Yeah have found that am bigger then most here."

"Exacly, plus you're more subtle then I am." Torilla smiled. "Someone will walk into me, I might end up punching someone.. it won't end well for me."

He started walking:"We can go talk in the Klingon restaurant if you like. Know of a table or two there we can use for privacy."

"Sounds good... not had any decent Klingon cuisine since I left the Courageous." she added, clearly warming to the idea. "Also. Jake is on his way here, he'll be here in a few hours and I know he wants to see you."

Lee stopped for a moment and looked at her:"Is there something I should be concern with Commander?"

"No. I wanted to make sure you knew about it so no misunderstandings occur."

He nodded as they started walking again:"I do appericate the heads up."

"Rachael is my daughter and my student but Jake doesn't think of it along those lines, to him, she is his little girl and I know he'll want to have a chat with you.."

Lee gave a small chuckle as they finally reached the restaurant."All parents are different then others. I know my dad has his moments when I was growing up."

"Well Jake is nicknamed 'Viking' by his sisters because of how he operates."
Torilla responded.

He lead them over to the table and motioned for her to sit first before he did.

Torilla sat down as she was aware of this old custom, it was considered a sign of respect.

Lee then sat down next:"So what else did you want to talk to me about Commander?"

"My first assignment as Captain of the Venator. Its ironic I got selected rather then yourself, Alex or Captain's Greenwood or Clifford." she responded. "One has to wonder..." she raised an eyebrow.

Lee shrugged:"Am sure Admiral Bremer has his reasons for giving you command of the Venator. You are a good officer Commander."

"I've been told I tend to overthink things and I'm too methodical for my own good." she replied with a smile. "I did have a few teachers in regards to command, still you'll get to meet my sensei when she arrives... My sister, Talon Hunt.."

He then called a server over to order food.

the waiter smiled. "What can I get you fine folks?" he inquired as he looked at Torilla who ordered a bowl of gagh in racht sauce. "For the vitamins and calories, I'm sure to need them later." she explained with a smile. "A warnog to wash it down please?"

"Coming up... and for you sir?" he looked at Pike.

"I will have a plate of gagh and a bloodwine please." Lee nodded to the server.

Torilla smiled. "I've missed Gagh... Not had it for some time.."

The server nodded and then headed off to place their orders.

"I look forward to meeting your sister when she gets here Commander."

Torilla smiled. "She won't want to meet you the way Jake will, she is here for me more then anyone else.." she smiled. "I've missed my sensei and her council and I need it more then ever... Rachael is acting like an assault victim...." she sighed softly. "She's been throwing herself into her daily activities with more energy then ever... You should have seen her yesterday, I watched as she lost control... She acutely hit me too then she disarmed me..."

Lee looked at her with a serious look on his face:"Honestly Commander, your daughter feels like she is an assault victim. Yes she knows that it is an accident but she still feels that way about it."

Torilla nodded. "I know... I'm wondering what to do..." she paused

"Am sorry if what said has upset you or anything but I am the type of person who doesn't sugar coat anything, I have been and always will be straight forward."

Torilla smiled at him. "I wouldn't have it any other way Lee." she called him by name for the first time in quite some time. "Its best that the situation be dealt with directly.... especaly in Rachael's case..."

Lee nodded:"Yes true there it is for sure in Rachael's case Torilla."

Torilla nodded. "I know... Jake isn't happy about what happened but he's going to remain out of it, he does wish to meet you."

Just then the server brought the food to them.

Torilla smiled as the waiter placed their food between them, she looked down at her plate of Gagh as it reared up and hissed at her. "Its still alive, the Chef honors me.." she said in passable Klingon as she snagged it with one fist and then tore a chunk out of it with her teath, then she chewed the chunk of meat to avoid getting an intestinal parasite as she growled softly.

She swallowed. "Mmm... I gotta come here more often..."

He nodded to her as he ate too:"Your Klingon is pretty good there Torilla."

Torilla chuckled softly. "You are too kind however my Klingon is passable."

Lee raised an eye brow:"Least you know some Klingon, a lot of people don't know how to speak any of it."

"Well I have a few Klingon friends but I hear its quite an honor to be a part of a house." she explained.

He shook his head:"I need to start teaching Alex how to speak Klingon soon and some before the wedding."

"Its a rustic language." she commented with a smile. "Commander Shai Emerson taught me while I was assigned to the USS America..."

"I have been honored to be a part of the House of Torg along with the rest of the Pike family. I learned Klingon from Sgt. Maal."

"Torg" Torilla almost whispered the name. "They are an ancient house..." she paused. "since the time of the great emperors.."

Lee nodded quite impressed:"You are correct about General Torg's family Commander."

"The Klingons have walked among the stars for almost a thousand years where humanity has only been out for the last three centuries." she smiled.
"Both empires on legs of fire and steel except both use very different ideologies to ensure their goals.."

He nodded in agreement:"True that they have. It is quite interesting sometimes sitting there listening to Klingon stories. I've heard the story of Khaless a few times."

Torilla nodded. "I too have heard the story of many of the old emperors and being honest, I've always admired Klingon culture but... neither my husband or myself are Klingon." she sighed softly "I find that sometimes they are willing to die a little too much."

"Yes Commander quite a few Klingons are willing to die too much, and there are other races who are the same way as well."

Torilla nodded. "Yeah, that's true but... Death is cheep, no matter how you look at it but life is expensive.." she shrugged her sizeable frame. "Dying for me is easy, live for me... that's hard."

He looked at her:"Yea but living is so much more rewarding then dying."

"Yessir... that it is." Torilla responded. "I have so much to live for that I can't fathom dying... its a waste of everything."

Lee smiled as he finished his food:"Yea I have quite a bit to live for as well."

"Make Alex happy, that's all she'll ever want... do that and she'll make you happy as well." she smiled. "One thing though... If you don't mind my asking." she commented. "Are you considering adopting Paul Harrison" because of the gravitas of the question, she used his full name. "As your own." she finished the question. "I realize its a moot point but.... you do have the option plus... it'll give him as real father figure in his life..." she paused. "I do not mean to offend or speak out of place... but I am concerned about Paul."

"Alex makes me happy and I believe that in my heart I make her happy too." Lee smiled "I have already talked to Paul and if he wants to and when he's ready I told him that I would adopt him."

Torilla smiled as she ate another bite from the plate of Gagh. It was said that it was best when served live and Torilla for her part could see and taste why. "Well I know Rachael likes spending her time with him, she sees him more then she spends time with me." she smiled

Lee smiled also:"Ah teenage love, such excitement there."

"Ain't it great?" Torilla inquired. "Paul makes Rachael happy in a way she's never known before... Alex really did something with that guy." she added. "But... I can feel the burden he carries... he reminds me of Golmorgas, the Halanian version of Atlas." she paused. "carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders... nobody that young should have to bear such a burden."

Lee nodded in agreement on that one:"Yes I have sensed it too when am around Paul. He really shouldn't have to carry that much like he does."

Torilla nodded softly. "Rachael has talked to me about it... and he is slowly letting go of his burdens but.... he feels the need for self control as a result of what his seed-donar did to him." she phrased 'seed-donar' as a very serious insult.

"Yea he does need to let go a lot of stuff from results of his biological father." Lee shook his head "Paul also feels bad for all the time he has lost with his mother, and she feels bad for when she leaves for a mission."

"Collective guilt." she sighed softly. "Great... and Rachael is getting in the middle... why do I not see this ending well?"

Lee gave her a look:"You never know it could end good. Paul knows that his mother is a Star Fleet officer and that sometimes she has to leave on missions, it's just sometimes they wish things where a bit different. Which tons of people wish things where different sometimes."

Torilla gave him a look as she raised an eyebrow. "Rachael is having her thirteenth birthday in four days time. I will likely be gone form this base in that time, same with you and Alex.."

Lee sighed then gave a shrug:"Tis the life of a Star Fleet officer, am sure there will be many more things that we will miss cause of a mission."

"Oh I have no doubt." Torilla responded. "It'll happen to you as well and you'll hate it as much as I do... No.." she paused. "You'll grow to well and truly despise it." she sighed softly. "I got lucky in that Jake and I were together so we never missed anything for my first two... Rachael is paying for it since she came with me rather then stay with her father..."

He nodded:"I know that I will and have dealt with that stuff all my life, granted I was born on a ship."

"Knowing it and accepting it are two separate things Mon amis." she addressed him in French. "Why should you like the fact that you miss everything?"

Lee gave her a look:"Who says that I like the fact that miss everything."

Torilla raised an eyebrow. "I never said who...." she responded as she
finished the last of her food. "Mmm... that was filling."

He nodded:"Thanks for the meal and conversation Commander but I must return to my office."

Torilla rose to her feet as she nodded. "I need to go as well. got work to do and all that."

***** Here's where the fun begins - Anakin Skywalker *****


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