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Breaking Bread

Posted on Fri Aug 2nd, 2013 @ 8:25pm by Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Commander Jonathan Coleman

843 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: USS Princeton - Starbase 400
Timeline: Concurrent with present mission


Commander Jonathan Coleman
Lt Commander Torilla Yamaguchi

***** USS Princeton - Starbase 400 *****

Lt Commander Torilla Yamaguchi was seeing people to
poach a few junior officers would she hoped would be
assigned to the USS Venator on a semi-permanent as
needed basis, she liked that arrangement best as she
found it best to work with officers and crew that she
knew rather then have to explain how she did things
time and time again.

This time, her endeavours took her to see Commander
Coleman, he seemed reasonable but then Torilla knew
nothing about him, only that she could feel his mind
from out here at the airlock which told her that the stories
about him not being human were correct.

She looked at the ensigns at the airlock. "Lt Commander
Yamaguchi, request permission to go aboard?"

"Of course sir...I don't understand why you'd ask...Though
you do have the right to board USS Princeton." the first
Ensign responded.

"Its a matter of respect Ensign. This old girl has been around
and served many years... and fates willing, she will serve
many years yet."

The Bolian male smiled. "Of course sir, thank you and yes, you
may go aboard."

Yamaguchi smiled as she went aboard through the airlock and
she then stepped back in time as she smiled, she had a feeling
her quarry would be located either in Engineering or on the
bridge so she would start on the bridge.

She went over to a turbolift and stated her destination, within
moments the lift car sped to its destination and within moments
she found herself looking at Commander Coleman who was by all
appearances quite busy.

"Commander, I request a moment of your time, I will be brief."
Torilla commented. "Since we are just meeting for the first time,
Lt Commander Torilla Yamaguchi.." then rather then shakes hands
as was the human custom, she bowed to him as she had heard that
was the El-Aurian custom.

Coleman saw the bow and gave a bow in return. When he came up from the bow, he said, "Well, Commander. What can I do for you this fine day? As for the busy part, I'm alright. Just getting caught up from the last mission. What can I do for you today?"

"I'd like to swipe a few engineers for a semi-permanent assignment to the
Venator." she explained why. "It'll be easier for me to have permanent personnel as opposed to someone who is constantly new." she responded.

Coleman scratched his chin for a moment, trying to think who would be the best to put on the ship for semi-permanent assignment. "Come with Commander. I'm going to pull up the crew manifest for the starbase and see what we can pull up for you."

Coleman then lead over to one of the master control panels in the rear of the engineering section of the starbase. He began to pull up the manifest and leaned against the panel, looking at Yamaguchi. He asked, "Is there any specific types of engineers that you know you would like to have on the ship with you? SI engineers, Warp engineers, ect?"

"I'm looking for a mixed bag of everything but mostly people who have some experience." she commented evenly. "I'm also intrested in keeping the same group when I go on assignment rather then different people.." she added.

Coleman nodded, saying, "Alright, I'll give you a nice bag of some of my more experienced engineers." Coleman pressed a few commands on his console and a mix of engineers with all sorts of specialties came up on the screen. Coleman said, "Computer, assign these engineers to permanent assignment to USS Venator. Authorization code Coleman-5-9-baker-charlie."

It took a moment, but the computer chirped its conformation and Coleman looked over at the Commander. "Well, Commander. I've assigned you a decent little sized crew of engineers. All of them have at least three or four years of experience and hold the rank of Lieutenant (Junior Grade) or higher. So, I think you'd be doing great Commander." Coleman gave a little smile as he finished speaking.

Torilla smiled. "More then I could have hoped for Commander." she smiled warmly. "Thank you for your officers.."

Coleman smiled back, warmly. "No problem, Commander. How's the Venator doing at the moment? Everything up to your specs?"

Torilla regarded him with a smile. "She's in great shape, the refit is almost finished and she's ready for trial runs." she commented, "You and your people are to be complimented for their work."

Coleman nodded a moment before saying, "However, the leadership is what makes for a well run ship. But, if you ever need anything else from the engineering department, just come find me and we'll see what we can do." Coleman then gave a curt little smile.

"Understood sir. Thank you for your time." Torilla responded evenly.
"I need to be going, got lots of other places to go." she commented
and upon receiving his leave, she turned and departed.

***** Here's where the fun begins - Anakin Skywalker *****


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