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Perminant Loans

Posted on Fri Aug 2nd, 2013 @ 8:20pm by Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Commodore Alexandra Harrison

3,266 words; about a 16 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Starbase 400 - Security Annex
Timeline: Concurrent with present mission


Lt Commander Torilla Yamaguchi
Chief Strategic Operations Officer
Starbase 400
Commanding Officer
USS Venator

***** Security Annex - Starbase 400 *****

Lt Commander Torilla Yamaguchi entered the main domain of Captain Alex Harrison, the mother of her daughters present boyfriend, as for that changing in the future, Torilla was leaving that to her daughters best judgement as
Rachael knew for herself what she wanted and how she would get there but the task facing Torilla today was business and not family.

"Ensign?" She looked down at the smaller woman who looked like she was from Proxima Centauri as she was lightly tanned but had red eyes rather then
the browns, greens, blues or greys of most others. "Yes...Uhh sir.?" she looked
suddenly intimidated by Yamaguchi's more massive size.

"Easy Ensign.. I don't bite... is the Captain about?" she inquired as she smiled at the younger and smaller woman.

"She's in her office I think."

"Alright... Thanks." and with that Torilla went over to the door indicated to her and tapped the doorchime.

Alex looked towards the door, "Enter at your own risk."

The door opened and in walked Torilla Yamaguchi. "Is it safe to enter sir?" she inquired. "Will this hurt?" she added.

Alex chuckled, "It might depending on what you need. What can I do for you?"

Torilla stepped forward as the door closed behind her, she held a PADD in her hand. "The USS Venator is almost finished her upgrades and I'll soon be able to take her out on her trial runs... with that in mind, I'd like to select a group of a dozen of your people to fill out my roster, they would be assigned to the Venator as needed..."

Alex leaned back in her chair, "A dozen huh? I don't see a problem with that. Of course, you'll have to get together with Commander Lokran so he can decide who he can spare."

She nodded. "I'm going through the senior staff in order, I figured I'd start here since I have more to risk in your case then anyone else." she explained.
"Rachael says Hi by the way." she added. "she also said something about the Admiral's husband left, leaving the kids with you."

"It was temporary. Vice Admiral T'Lar is back now and she has them. Her husband is a writer and he had a once in a lifetime chance to write with some investigative reporter. He deserves it. He supported her so she is returning the gesture. How did you hear about that?"

"She told me... before I came to meet with you." Yamaguchi responded. "Her skills are getting better all the time..."

"Paul mentioned that. He's kind of intrigued by Rachael's abilities." Alex leaned forward in her chair, "I have to admit that I am a little concerned about Rachael though. It's great to experiment and practice but I think before she tries out her new found abilities around others, she should do it around those who are able to assist her if it goes wrong. Paul is too green to handle something like that."

Torilla nodded her head. "I think she knows already but I will make certain she is reminded of that fact."

Alex remembered what VAdm. T'Lar told her, "T'Lar told me the story of when she had first learned about mind melds. Someone at Starfleet Academy dared her to do it to this one student. Well, let's just say that it didn't go very well, especially for her and now, she won't use it unless it is absolutely necessary."

Alex leaned back into her chair once again, "I'm sorry. I don't mean to tell you how to raise your daughter, I am just concerned about my son. He's new to all of the different alien races that come in and out of this starbase. He's inexperienced and doesn't know half of what they can do."

Torilla was many things, foolish and/or stupid were neither to her as she raised her hand to signal Alex to stop. "You're not, you're just being a good parent... but you should know that Rachael only touches my mind... she won't go near anyone else, after the incident with Captain Pike... For most it wouldn't think anything of it and she learned several important lessons but it was also deeply traumatic for her..." she sighed softly.

"That is good to know." Alex relaxed a bit.

"Alex, I'm going to share a couple of things with you..." Torilla said softly.

Alex nodded, "Sure."

Yamaguchi looked at the younger woman. "Alex.. Rachael is unusually gifted, she's extremely strong for a Halanian, far stronger then both siblings combined and eventfully, she will become even more powerful then I am, but... you have cause to be concerned.... this is why I allowed her to spend time with Paul and to a lesser degree, with you."


"She respects you and she and I both know that you will tolerate no nonsense from her whatsoever... because her abilities might literally go to her head, its something I'm watching out for." she sighed softly. "But I can't be here every moment of every day... especaly since I got the Venator."

"I understand. I will keep an eye on her while you are gone. I like Rachael a lot and I feel protectant over her almost as much as you do." Alex assured her.

A smile graced Torilla's lips. "Thank you... I appreciate that.... One thing though, while I'm gone, she will need to train... she is the only one of my three who could make mixed martial arts into a career... I want her to consider something other then Starfleet..."

Alex agreed, "And so she should. It shouldn't be a problem."

"Alright.." Torilla responded. "Though... I think it would be rather strange if I wound up bringing home a large pet of my own... on my next mission away from the base."

"I wasn't sure if Bremer would let T'Lar bring him and she wouldn't have if she thought him to be a threat. They seem to understand each other in some sort of strange way."

"Probably because Earl sees the Admiral as a Hunter... equals on some level."
she smiled. "I know there are places where one can go for weird and unusual animals as pets..." she considered it. "I might just go for a regular housecat though... but after Earl, I don't think a kitty will do."

Alex laughed, "As long as you don't bring home a Sehlat. Earl doesn't like scary Vulcan teddy bears."

Torilla chuckled. "Scary Vulcan teddy bears.. I'll have to remember that one.."

"But seriously, I'm sure Earl would get along with any animal, big or small. It's nice to see that Earl has friends like Rachael and Paul."

Torilla smiled. "Earl has been well trained." she responded. "Deela clearly looks after him extremely well." she looked at Alex. "As it should be.."

"He's the onlly thing left of her former husband. I think that if she had to give up Earl, she'd find a way to keep Earl and her career." A thought came to her, "I was just thinking that maybe Rachael should talk to Deela. She knows what it is like coping with abilities that she has to keep in check."

Torilla nodded her head. "I like the idea." she smiled. "It'll give Rachael someone to talk to who is not her mother." she chuckled. "I know she needs her space... and she has earned it..."

"Yes she has. I think that this is good for her plus T'Lar can tell if she is letting her abilities rule her instead of her ruling her abilities."

"It'll also give Deela something good to think about, now that she's alone.. " she sighed. "Besides.. Rachael and I can babysit if needed." she then smiled
at the other woman. "Motherhood is a blessing... but only if you're ready for it..."

"I agree wholeheartedly." She was thinking about Paul. She could tell that Paul was falling in love with Rachael. With her being twelve, it worries her that they might do something when they aren't ready for the commitment that it takes.

Torilla nodded as she too shared the other womans concerns. "Rachael is many things... foolish isn't one of them.." she paused. "I have faith in her, Paul however, I don't know him that well... I've been letting it go to let Rachael get to know him without having to deal with me looking after her..."
she sighed softly. "Maybe I'm being too paranoid... but you think Paul will do anything stupid?"

"I'm not sure but I think that it might be time for that talk. I'm not ready to be a grandmother just yet. Lee and I would like to have another child. It might be a little awkward to be both, don't you think?" She smiled a liitle, "I don't know where Paul's head is at right now. I've noticed that he 's been a little distant lately. I'm seriously thinking about having us meet with the Chief Counselor. I don't think that he'd hurt anyone but he needs to deal with the fact that his father lied to him. Before he enters into any kind of a relationship, he needs to work out his problems."

Torilla chuckled softly. "As a rule Halanian females generally don't become sexually active until about their fifteenth tear of life, when they mate, they often mate for life... Rachael knows all too well about the dangers of that, some of it is taboo in my culture and part of it is hormones." she sighed softly. "She won't let Paul do anything like that and everything I've seen of Paul tells me he's more controlled then the average guy his age..."

"I hope so, I hope so."

"Paul is processing many things at the moment and lets face it, with you and Captain Pike off station at random times, he doesn't have anyone he can confide in, except Rachael..." she sighed softly. "but Alex, there is one other thing... while you are pregnant, I don't know if the Admiral will let you off the Starbase on assignments..."

'I'm fine with that. I could really use a vacation anyway. I don't need to be out there among the stars to be fulfilled. I've been doing this a long time. It'll be nice to just concentrate on Paul and our relationship."

"Besides. I'll be there to assist as needed and when you and Captain Pike, I can't remember his name for some reason..." she sighed. "anyway, when you two need a day off, I'll look after your little one, it'll remind me of my three.."
she grinned at the younger woman. "Anyway... Paul will come around in time... he simply needs to come to grips with the fact that almost everyone in his life ha used him or screwed with him..." she raised an eyebrow. "note that I said, almost..."

"I know he will and I'm sure with Rachael being there for him, it'll help."

"Remember, I share a psionic connection with my youngest... she tells me many things..." she then remembered Captain Pikes name. "I'm surprised I don't give Leon a headache." she suddenly smiled. "Still. I could try..." she cackled madly. "I could always tell my husband I want more babies... wouldn't that be something..." it was hard to tell if she was joking or not.

Alex studied her for a moment, then she smiled, "You have a lot of family from what I can tell. So, what's one more kid, right?"

"I'm the last of my bloodline." Yamaguchi answered quietly. "the Last Unal." she added. "Jake however has four sisters and two brothers... Each are married with between two to six children apiece." she suddenly smiled. "I should bring Paul to one of my family gatherings and watch how he reacts.." she chuckled softly. "To be a Yamaguchi is to be good with family."

"I think you should. He might actually enjoy himself." She thought for a moment, "Or he might get a bit overwhelmed. But exposure to families might be a good thing." At this stage in Paul's life, he had no idea how he'd react.

"If I do... I'd like to bring you and Lee along as well." she explained. "Fair is fair afterall. I can't bring him and exclude you two, that wouldn't be right.."

"That would be fine. Just let us know when and we'll be there." Alex smiled.

"My family gatherings take some doing to organize but two of my sisters in law will be visiting the base over the next few weeks... I'll probably miss them though.." she sighed.

"At least you'll see them." She looked at Torilla, "It's better than not seeing them at all."

She smiled. "Indeed. Besides... you spend as much time as I do looking after Rachael... I know Jake thinks highly of you and I'm sure Talon does too."

"Thank you. Rachael is very easy to get along with. I sometimes forget she is only twelve." Alex admitted.

"Her thirteenth birthday is August fifth, I'm not sure if I'll be around for it." she sighed softly. "Maybe I shouldn't be commanding the Venator is all I'm going to do is miss all of the important things... her issue with Lee came about because I wasn't here to help her and I knew she was going into full bloom.."

"Lee still feels really bad for what happened. I'm sure that if I am around that we can throw her a little birthday party. Paul would love to celebrate her birthday together."

Torilla smiled warmly at the other woman. "Alex... I know its not my place... but Lee is a good man, if he didn't care... he wouldn't be trying with Rachael the was he is.... you got lucky with him..." she sighed. "there are so few real men out there... Jake is another..." she paused. "When I truly thought that death was coming back in Sixty six... the Fleet had just ben ravaged at Wolf Three Five Nine.... Jake refused to let me give in to despair, he promised me we would not only survive but we would destroy them, it was a simple bet but our relationship grew from that, over twenty years now... I may be exiled but... I have a family and a home to call my own."

"Why did they exile you if I may ask?"

"The Halanian's regarded my joining Starfleet as a passing alliance and nothing more, they warned me that I was not following my people's expectations of me and when I mated with Jake and became pregnant with Elizabeth, they banished me from Hallia, never to return on pain of death..."

Alex frowned, "That's harsh."

"It's whats fueled my anger ever since.... why do you think I went from apprentice to Second Dan in ten years." she responded. "martial arts gave me
an outlet, I think Paul would be exceptional at it, I've seen how he acts and when he's at my place, I can feel his control... he's more then he seems Alex because if Rachael and Paul's relationship survives time and distance then I honestly see them settling down with each other." she smiled. "I would not object... providing he does not mistreat her."

"He'd never think of mistreating her, that's just the way he is. I think I will encourage him to join the program."

Torilla smiled at Alex. "There are some martial arts classes on base, I know Rachael is planning on signing up, he could sign up with her..."

"That would be up to Paul but I'm sure I can persuade him."

"May I recommend being gentle about it." Torilla commented evenly.

Alex nodded in agreement, "Yes, I will try. It would give him confidence as well. It helped me."

"Alex, if you feel the need to train or to spar... I'd be honored... I hear you are quite dangerous.." Torilla gave the other woman an evil smile. "Someday, I want to put that to the rest... either way, It'll be a great fight."

"You and me, okay. I'll take you up on that. But I have to warn you, I am a bit rusty. I haven't had a real fight in a while."

Torilla gave the other woman a smile. "It'll be a glorious battle." she commented. "Which reminds me... What did you have in mind for your wedding?" she inquired.

"We are having a Klingon wedding but we haven't discussed the details. I don't know if he wants the long ceremony or the shorter, informal ceremony. There is a great deal involved in the long ceremony. I'm not sure if that would be something I'd want to do."

Torilla smiled. "Well... may I recommend you talk it over with Lee... he also wants to teach you some Klingon..."

"I know a little Klingon but not enough to have a conversation. I'm sure if I practiced."

"You need to practice against someone who can speak the language." Torilla responded with a gentle smile. "My sister Talon can handle that or an old friend of mine, one Commander Shai Emerson."

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves. I haven't even decided yet."

Torilla raised an eyebrow. "As you wish..." she paused. "However I believe Lee is waiting on you." she added with a smile. "But... is there anything else we need to discuss.... other then living arrangements for the kids."

"None that I can think of. I think we have covered it. As for the living arrangements, all of us with the exception of T'Lar, will be on the mission. And Vincent, her husband, is not on base as well. Now, I trust my son and I trust Rachael but there is always the slight chance that they might slip up. T'Lar can watch them sometimes but she will be spending time in OPS and the kids will be babysitting her kids."

Torilla smiled. "It'll be interesting to see how this goes..."

"Yes it will. We should talk to them together and tell them what we expect from them while we are gone. Like I said, I trust them but I believe that they need to see that we are both on the same page."

Torilla nodded. "Personally I think we already are, I'm going to have the talk with Rachael tonight before I finish my paperwork for the Blockade mission." she explained. "

"Okay, good. I will do the same."

Torilla nodded, now suddenly all business again. "Well Alex, thank you for your time. I must be off... got people to see and things to break..." she gave the smaller woman a wide smile. "Though... I think you'd look great in a Klingon red dress... it'll bring out your curves.."

"Thank you. I will take that in consideration...Boss." Alex smiled, realizing that she would be serving under her on this mission.

"Alrighty then." she responded. "Did we miss anything we need to discuss?" she inquired.

Alex stood up, "Nope. I think we've covered everything."

Torilla likewise stood up. "Always a pleasure to spend your time Alex." she grinned at her friend, "After this mission ends, I know my husband will want to celebrate my gaining a Captaincy." she smiled. "It'll probably involve a good meal, a couple of drinks and a little debauchery.." she chuckled. "Anyway I'd best be going..."

"Okay, later then." Alex smiled at the woman in front of her.

"Right... I'll see you aboard.." and with that after being given leave, she turned and departed Alex's office.

***** Here's where the fun begins - Anakin Skywalker *****


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