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Posted on Sun Jun 2nd, 2013 @ 4:00am by Captain R'nard Lokran

174 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 83 - Recovery
Location: Lokran's Quarters
Timeline: Present

After leaving the Ready Room, R'nard went to his quarters to prepare for the away mission. He would have to be the one not seen or heard, and this required great control and discipline on his part. He got the equipment that he would need and then took off his uniform, all of it.

Clad only in his fur, unencumbered by anything, he went into deep meditaion. He felt one with his body, concentrating on each part. He felt each hair of his fur as a unit, yet as individual parts as well. And all were part of the universe around him. All was in harmony, and made to create harmony.

Arising, still in meditative state, he went into graceful movements. much like the Klingon Mok'Bara ritual, combined with his own Tralazar training.

He would flow with the pulses of the universe around him, drawing on its power. And he would be the shadow that walks unseen. The movements went faster and faster, all in tandem with the motion before.

He would be ready.


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