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"Two Schools of Thought"

Posted on Mon May 20th, 2013 @ 7:28pm by Captain Torilla Yamaguchi

640 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 82 - The Aggressor
Location: Starbase 400 - Gym
Timeline: Concurrent with Present Mission

"Two Schools of Thought"

Master Sergeant Jeffery Duvall
1st Division First Sergeant
Starbase 400

Lt Commander Torilla Yamaguchi
Chief Stratigic Operations Officer
Starbase 400
Commanding Officer
USS Venator

Rachael Yamaguchi
Civilian - Child
Starbase 400

***** Marine Country - Starbase 400 *****

Master Sergeant Jeffery Duvall sighed softly as he regarded the PADD in his hands, it was informing him of his new job title and various responsibilities which meant little more then he did on his last three assignments, he had
been offered two commissions, one of them was during the Dominion War
while the second was after the Borg Invasion several years before and he
had refused both.

He now had an office, which was something he never wanted as now he would be saddled with more paperwork then ever, as he sighed softly while walking
down the hallway but as he passed the gym, he decided to go in and see who was there, the idea being was to decide if he wanted to go for a jog before checking out his new office.

He had the rest of the day to get to know his new assignment which was relative as he was permanently on call and needed to be ready for anything at anytime.

What he found was shocking as he found himself admiring two women going through what was clearly a exercise workout then he narrowed his eyes as he looked closer, he quickly realized one of them was a child and the other woman wasn't her sibling, it was her mother and the two seemed to enjoy fighting each other.

He stood against the door as he watched the older woman who was clearly teaching the child the ins and outs of mixed martial arts, he smiled despite his bleak mood.

He noticed the child seemed unusually controlled for one so young, as he watched the mother move across the training area, the child waited until the last moment and then she moved.

"Nice.." he commented.

Both mother and child stopped as he realized he had interrupted them, the child reacted first as she simply turned her head as the mother turned around to face him, Duvall narrowed his eyes as he admired the mothers delicate features from afar.

"I apologize for interrupting... I couldn't help but admire your training method."

"Most would call it child abuse." The older woman responded.

"Interesting statement... Is it?" he responded before thinking.

Torilla Yamaguchi and the girl who was clearly her daughter shared a look.
"If a marine screws up and you make him do fifty pushups.... is that abuse?"
the younger child inquired without sounding angry or snippy.

Duvall found he didn't have an answer for that and said as much, the older woman nodded her head. "Lt Commander Torilla Yamaguchi." she introduced herself as she indicated the child. "This is Rachael, my youngest."

"Master Sergeant Jeff Duvall, ma'am" he shook hands in the human tradition with Torilla first and then Rachael. "Do you train all of your children like this?"

"Indeed I do... I beleive its important for people to know how to defend themselves and not become victims... It paid off when my eldest was assaulted last year when her boyfriend wanted something Beth was not prepared to pay."

"Ahh.. overly abusive boyfriends.." Duvall shook his head. "My training methods were different but... My three would probably get along with yours."

"You're a family man?" Torilla inquired.

"Indeed... married with three of my own, all at the academy and all in various areas of study.." he sighed. "Well. I'd best be going... work waits for nobody and... you two still have much to do..."

Torilla smiled. "Indeed we do. Thank you Jeff."

"Till next time ma'am." and with that he turned and left as Rachael and Torilla resumed their training.

***** Here's where the fuin begins - Anakin Skywalker *****


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