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New Marine XO

Posted on Mon May 20th, 2013 @ 8:05pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Colonel Danny Lennox & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr

482 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Mission 82 - The Aggressor
Location: Admiral Bremer's Office
Timeline: Following 'New Chief In Town'


Mike was starting to think he'd never finish up with the meetings for the day. He'd already met with Yamaguchi, Talan, Coleman, the Marine Staff, Sevlek, Delair, and now he had one more meeting to hold.

Just after Counselor Delair left, Mike received word that a new Marine had come aboard from the same transport that was taking Counselor Dallas to her new assignment.

Mike looked over the information he'd received. Major T'Lyn was a rather young Vulcan, but she had good experience and was well though of by her previous CO.

He sent a message asking Colonel Hurd, Major T'Lyn, and Captain Lennox to come to his office. He kind of felt bad for Hurd and Lennox, since they had just heading back to 'Marine Country' to carry out the Admiral's orders from their earlier meeting.

Tapping his combadge, Lt.Col.Hurd replied, ''Aye sir''. Turning to Lennox, he said, ''The Admiral wants to see us.'' The two men turned and stroad back to his office. As they arrived, Hurd rang the door chime, and awaited permission to enter

"Enter." Mike replied to the door's beep. With Lennox and Hurd walking in, Mike stood, "Sorry gentlemen. I've just received work that a Major T'Lyn has come aboard with orders to take over the XO position of the First Marine Division."

Lennox smirked, "Well, acting-XO of the Division was nice while it lasted."

T'Lyn had got the message to meet with Admiral Bremer she headed straight for Ops. Once she got their she walked to the Admirals Office and rang the chime and awaited answer.

"Enter." Mike said again when the door beeped.

Once she got the clear she entered his office "Major T'Lyn reporting for duty sir," She replied with no show of emotion she stood at attention infront of the Admiral.

"Major T'Lyn, welcome aboard Starbase 400. This is Lieutenant Colonel Hurd, the First Marine Division CO and Captain Lennox Commander of the First Regiment of the First Marines." Mike motioned to the men as he introduced them.

She nodded to them as she stood their, "Thank you Admiral," she stated. She looked at the Division CO, "What is the mission at hand sir?" She asked as she wanted to get to work right away.

"Standing orders for the Division is training, as well as full inventory of equipment. Once you're settled in, report aboard the USS Tirpitz and verify her status." Mike replied.

"Understood sir," she replied as she stood their.

Mike nodded, "Very good. Colonel, Captain if you'll show the Major around and to her quarters...and Major, welcome aboard."

"Aye Skipper." Lennox replied as Hurd headed for the door followed by T'Lyn, then Lennox.

Mike then eased back into his chair and let out a deep breath, now, finally, the meetings were over for the day but sadly the 'paperwork' had a ways to go...



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