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USS Buraq Part 2

Posted on Thu Apr 18th, 2013 @ 6:38am by Commodore Andrew Clifford & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr & Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Commander Tressa Brislan & Lieutenant Zhao Quan & Lieutenant JG Connor Maxwell

1,056 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 82 - The Aggressor
Location: Cestus III
Timeline: Mission plus 39 hours
Tags: Away Team, Capt Clifford. Colonel Hurd.

Following their discussion Andrew waved his people to action.

Commander Lokran and Lt Cmdr Brislan, and Lt Quan headed for the shuttle. Major Crespin headed off to join her fighter squadron.
Colonel Hurd issued orders to have some of the marines join the shuttle with the away team.

Lt Cmdr Yamaguchi started interrogating the Buraqs computer system, and see if she could command the Buraq to lower it's life support temperature.

Andrew sat and watched and waited, but he had a feeling he would not have to wait long. inwardly he smiled, he was very happy with the way his lead officers were all working together.

He still had a question though, where were the crew of the Buraq?

Meanwhile Torilla Yamaguchi narrowed her eyes as she gently interogated the badly dammaged computer of the USS Buraq as she slipped a communications earpiece into her left ear as she acessed the com logs, there were a lot of them as someone tried to evacuate survivors.

She narrowed her eyes. "Captain... there is a fair chunk of com chatter here... someone was squarking, two shuttles were able to escape while a third bought time for them... from the looks of this data... the rest of the crew... a few were captured by the Gorn.... beamed away after the two shuttles escaped.." she explained as she listed in on the chatter.

"Evac transport Delta 1-5 to Evac Dispatch: loaded up, ready to go!" came a voice which sounded like a native to Alpha Centauri.

"Delta 1-5, this is Evac Dispatch, copy that. Proceed at your discretion." came a different voice over the same com channel, this time it was someone who was not human, his accent sounded unusual and Torilla couldn't place it.

"Delta 1-5 to dispatch: Gorn fighters on my tail! Taking enemy fire!"

"Copy, Delta 1-5. Can you-" the first transmission was interrupted by the second. "Mayday! Port engines hit, we're going in! I'm going to try to set her down!" Torilla knew what he was refering to, either it would be the heavily populated planet of Cestus III or another world nearby. "Mmm..." Torilla decided to do a remote download as she opened a com channel to the away team. "Away Team, this is Homeplate." the baseball reference made her smile. "Be advised, the USS Buraq's main computer core is heavily damaged, expect it to be boobytrapped and tampered with." she explained. "recommend letting me finish my remote download first, over?"

Away Team

"Affirmative Commander Yamaguchi," Tressa replied from the shuttle. They were within twelve klicks and had begun sensor sweeps of the Buraq. "We are searching the ship across all bandwidths now."

Torilla raised an eyebrow as she noticed a lot of data had already been copied and downloaded. "Captain Clifford. I am of the opinion that we are tampering with the bait in this paticuler trap." she commented. "The Buraq's core is showing signs of having been tampered with..." she then proceeded to explain the situation to the away team.

Andrew nodded, "That's ok Lt Commander. Just keep monitoring for now. Let me know when the away team reaches the Buraq"

"Yessir." Torilla responded evenly and as she turned her attention back to the sensors. "Captain. I'm reading USS Saratoga, just entering sensor range.. they should be here shortly."

The Captain and Colonel Hurd looked at each other. "Best tell them to keep back Colonel, I don't want to tip the Gorn off that we have something heavier than a pair of Interpids here."

Col. Hurd looked at the Captain, and replied ''Aye Sir''. Walking hastily to a nearby console, he opened a secure com-line to the Saratoga, and said, ''This Is Col. Hurd, Pull back and hold out of sensor range, i repeat, Pull back and hold, that is a direct order'' After a few seconds, the officer on the other end replied, ''Aye sir, order's recived and understood, out.'' After that the comm line went dead.

Col. Hurd turned back to the Cpatain, and said, ''Sir, with your permission, when the Saratoga gets into this fight, I would like to request that i be on the Bridge of my ship''

Andrew smiled at the Colonel, "Of course Colonel, there is no way I would ask the Saratoga to go into battle without it's co on board"

Torilla smiled, there was something in the Colonel's tone that reminded her that he was commanding his own ship and while aboard the USS Kearsarge, he was little more then a passenger but she wondered if the distinction also applied to her since he had requested that she serve as his Executive Officer on the USS Saratoga as needed.

She narrowed her eyes. "Captain... I'm reading some wreakage... its a match to Delta One Nine. The shuttle that bought the two escaped shuttles time to flee at the cost of itself, reading one body in the debris..." Yamaguchi reported. "There are four possible class M locations in the system where the two escaped shuttles could have fled sir... One of the moons orbiting Cestus Six, Cestus Three itself... Cestus Five which is class L, Marginal at best and the last is a class K moon orbiting Centus, the second gas giant... the two moons are on the list because of their geothermal outgassing."

Andrew stood and walked over to look at yamagouchis screen, "well spotted Lt Commander, keep searching. Helm plot a course to those four locations, full impulse".

The helm officer quickly entered Yamagouchis inforation in to the computer, "Course plotted and laid in Captain"

"Sir... we do have a Flyer class heavy shuttle aboard... with your approval, I'd like to take a small party with me and recon those four locations..." Torilla explained. "The Vespasian will be able to let me get to those locations quickly and its weapons will help me stand a chance."

Shaking his head Andrew walked back to his seat, "Sorry Lt Commander, we are already spread too thinly. We will have to leave the away team on the Buraq for a few minutes and take a look ourselves. Helm engage. Full sensor sweep as we pass, we won't be stopping".

The Kearsarge quickly started to pull away from the Buraq. As he watched the main screen, he could see the away teams shuttle docked with the Buraq.


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