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Song of the East

Posted on Thu Apr 18th, 2013 @ 9:25pm by Commodore Alexandra Harrison & Captain Torilla Yamaguchi

1,952 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Mission 82 - The Aggressor
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: (Warning) Backpost: A few hours before the USS Kearsarge departs for her patrol

"Song of the East"

Captain Alex Harrison
Commanding Ofifcer
USS Steadfast
Chief Tactical Officer
Starbase 400

Lt Commander Torilla Yamaguchi
Chief Stratigic Operations Officer
Starbase 400

***** Near Airlock Five - Starbase 400 *****

Lt Commander Torilla Yamaguchi was concerned, one could say as much from the look on her face as she read the PADD she held in her hand as she leaned up against the bulkhead, her duffel was at her feet and she had a rifle slung over her back, clearly she was expecting trouble. Nearby stood a decidedly uneasy Lieutenant who was clearly delivering bad news. "Stand Easy El Tee.. This is not your fault." she said softly.

The Ensign then clearly relaxed. "How recent is this?"

"At least six hours old ma'am."

"Okay... Contact Starfleet Stratigic Ops for the Theseus Region and request a status update for all fleet units in this region, also request intell on all the nearby powers as well. friendly and foe... also inquire about the Typhon Pact's recent movements."

"Yessir. Hopefully it'll be on your desk for when you return." the Lieutenant responded evenly.

"Starfleet might have issues with you asking but I will be off base for a patrol, that should help... if they give you any hassle, contact Admiral T'Lar and get her to deal with it... It might cause the Admiral some headaches but... she don't take gaff from anyone." Torilla then smiled. "Questions?"

"Nosir. I'll handle it."

"Right. off with you then..." and she handed him back the PADD as she lifted her pack which was half her size yet she seemed to carry it like it weighed almost nothing, she sighed softly as she slung it over her shoulder, her ears then perked up as she heard someone approching as she turned her head.

Starfleet training automaticly kicked in as she came to attention, the woman facing her wore four pips to her two and a half but she recognized the other woman instantly. "Captain." she addressed her formally.

Alex also recognized the woman, "Oh, hello Commander Yamaguchi. Good to see you."

"Thank you Captain... What can I do for you?" she inquired as this could be formal but then it could not be.

Alex smiled at the woman standing before her. "Are you busy? I thought that maybe we could talk."

"I'm heading towards the USS Kearsage but sure. I have a few minutes, Whats on your mind?" she had an idea but she could be wrong, also she did not wish to jump to conclusions.

"Good, I'll walk with you." She started walking, "I just met your daughter. She's very nice. It looks like my son Paul has taken a liking to her."

Torilla smiled despite her black mood, she was a highly experianced combat veteren, it showed in her body language. "Racheal misses her friends on Starbase 45 and the USS America. She speaks highly of Paul... I honestly want to meet this man." she said man rather then boy as her daughter was only 12 years old but that meant nothing. "Did she tell you about Beth hitting on him?" Torilla inquired.

"Well, first of all, my son is only fifteen and yes, she told me. I'm not surprised. He is quite handsome but then again, I am bias."

Torilla nodded her head, she expected no less. "I would be the same, Racheal seens to greatly enjoy his company... my husband advised I trust her judgement... even if she is only twelve."

"I wouldn't have known it. She's very mature for her age. I understand that Hallians mature faster. It's very fascinating."

"She also has good emotional and mental control.." Torilla explained with a smile. "Jake and I taught her emotional control from a young age... I'm far more hot blooded then she is... combat experiance has shaken some of my control loose.." she sighed softly. "Hence the rifle." she gently patted the butt of the rifle which jutted up over her shoulder. "My own design, based off the existing phaser rifle.. has a larger power cell and more features like beam or pulse." she explained. "I also taught my children how to fight... to defend themselves and others.... it paid off when Beth, my second eldest was sexualy assaulted last year... her ex-boyfriend is now serving a jail sentence, she beat him within an inch of his life. "

"Ouch." She smiled, "Well that's good. I know that Paul wants to learn to fight and I'm all for it. I'm sure his dad is turning in his grave about now."

Torilla chuckled softly. "Jake and I work hard at our marrage.. We have three kids and I'm sure you'll meet them all." she commented as another figure approched, this one had trhe same willowy and athletic build as Torilla but was slightly thicker in apperance, she had the same hairstyle and the same eyes. "I apologize for interupting." She said to Alex and clearly this was Torilla's eldest. "I wanted to see you off mom."

"It's okay." Alex studied the girl in front of her.

"Racheal speaks highly of you... I'm Elizabeth Yamaguchi." she stood somewhere around 5'10 in height and she was close to her mother in height
and mass. "Gabriel is around here somewhere."

Alex smiled, "Hi, nice to meet you. So you have a brother as well."

"Aye, he's my only brother.." she grinned at the Captain.

Torilla sighed as she handed off her bag to her daughter. "Well then... make yourself usefull and carry this for your old codger of a mother."

Beth accepted the bag as she gave her mother a long suffering look. "You need a new hobby mom." she responded evenly. "So.. Alex... tell me about yourself?" she inquired with a pleasent smile.

"What's there to tell. I wanted a career in Starfleet, my husband didn't so he divorced me. I got my career and he got Paul. He died and now Paul is living here with me."

"He got Paul?" Torilla inquired as Beth frowned, clearly the younger woman thought something was up as well. "Well in the end, you seem to have won.."
Beth replied evenly. "Its been awhile since I've been on a starbase like this one." Beth turned back to her mother and for a moment, they looked instantly alike. "Well... we're here." Torilla commented evenly as they approched Airlock Five.

Alex nodded, "I just wanted to let you know that I really like your daughter. I think she's good for Paul. She's welcome anytime."

Torilla and Beth shared a smile as the older of the two women turned to Alex. "Thank you Alex... now I can worry less when I go offbase for these assignments... someone will be around to keep an eye on Racheal..."

Beth smiled. "Paul didn't lose his temper when he met me... I like him.."
she said evenly. "Besides.. he has more control then the average guy which
also impresses me.... I wish I'd met him before Racheal but aww well."

"He does okay when it comes to his temper. His dad on the other hand couldn't control his. He's why he doesn't lose his."

"Everyone loses their temper sooner or later. Its simply a matter of how its done." Beth explained evenly. "Will he do it in a helpful manner?." she inquired as she shruged. "Or will it be in a complete loss of control?" she added.

Alex had no answer, "I hope it's in a helpful manner. Time will tell."

Beth nodded. "Racheal will be able to handle him when it happens... she might be small but... she'll be fine." she smiled at the older woman.

"OH, I know. That's what I like about her. I am a big believer in a female being able to handle herself when it comes to males. Don't even get me started."

Torilla nodded. "I considered it important for all my children to be able to handle themselves.."

Beth looked at her mother then over at Alex. "Considering what my ex did to me... it was worth the training... I made him eat concrete..." she smiled. "he was still bigger and more powerful then I was... I still won."

"So I was told. I was quite impressed."

"Thank you... his brute force was his strength and his weakness..." Beth commented. "he also came at me with a chair... beleive it or not..once I disarmed him...I then made him pay for what he did to me.."

Torilla nodded. "You were my finest student Beth... you learned well."

"Thank you Mom." the younger woman responded evenly. "Captain... I hope to serve under your command one day..."

"And when that day comes, I will be glad to have you." Alex smiled.

Beth smiled. "Thank you Captain... but I would rather apply and let my work speak for itself... having excellent refferences is always a great help however."

Torilla nodded her head as she turned to her daughter and then to the senior ranking woman as she bowed her head and said a Halian parting, which Beth reciprocated back to her. "Safe travels mother." she said in english.

Torilla turned to Alex. "Its good to meet you Alex... I hope to see you again soon."

Alex smiled, "I'm sure you will. You have a safe trip."

"Thank you sir... Smooth seas and steady breezes your way." which was clearly a nautical term.

Elizabeth smiled as she watched her mother depart in silence, she looked very much like her mother as she turned to the Captain. "I don't often get to see my mother ma'am." she admitted.

"I'm sure that's how Paul feel sometimes but that is our job." Alex looked at the girl for a moment, "So where did you hear the term, "smooth seas and steady breezes?"

Torilla turned as she smiled. "From the various Pirates that hunt Tortuga, its an interesting place.... if you can handle the unwashed bodies and the disgusting table manners but it has the best grog I've ever had." she smiled. "I may have to do an inventory check... Yaarrr...."

Alex chuckled, "You have a good sense of humor. We'll get along great."

"Thank you... However if you end up missing any inventory, I promise I won't have it...more or less.." she added the last three words after an evil grin appeared on her face. "got any Rum?.... Yaaarrrr..."

"Not for you girlfriend. You may mature fast but the is no way in hell I'd let you drink, Besides, I don't have any in my quarters so don't be looking for it." Alex joked.

Torilla chuckled softly. "You are fortunate for a drink little.." she responded.
"drinking around Racheal... not a chance in hell.."

"Yes, I agree. And yes, us mother's do stick together." She smiled at Torilla.

"Aye, indeed we do.." Torilla responded. "I hope Racheal will behave for you while I'm gone... she's usually good but her friendship with Paul is something new for her... I'm concerned it'll go to her head... plus she is learning about warfare, something I've tried to keep her from..."

"We can't protect our children forever. She'll be fine."

"I know.." Torilla sighed softly. "Beth had the same reaction... nightmares and the like.. Racheal will probably cost whoever she's staying with a couple of nights sleep..." she sighed a second time.

"Don't worry about it. We'll help her get through it. Paul is very easy to talk to." Alex reassured her.

Torilla smiled despite her bleak mood. "You are too kind." she responded. "I wish you well Alex... I will be back before you know it."

Looking at Torilla, "Okay, you have a safe trip. Racheal will be well taken care of."

Torilla smiled. "Thank you." and with that she turned and departed.


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