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Answers, and More Questions

Posted on Wed Oct 10th, 2012 @ 1:18pm by Vice Admiral James K`Temoc Bremer

750 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 79 - Triangle
Location: USS Steadfast, Bridge
Timeline: Following 'Report from the Steadfast'

“Mission Log, Stardate 66276.4. The Steadfast is at warp seven heading back to Starbase 400. Clark and Winter are in the Brig, under tight security. Winter hasn’t said anything since his arrival, and Clark has been silent since he arrived at his cell.”

“Medical has been examining Clark’s blood and DNA, but they have had trouble identifying him. It seems at some point, Clark received genetic engineering, and his DNA was rewritten. We’ve been looking though Starfleet files, trying to find out just who his man is. However, every time we think we’ve found a possible match, the query fails and the connection with Starfleet Medical Database is interrupted. If I didn’t know better, I’d say someone didn’t want us finding out who Clark is.”

K’Temoc ended his log and looked over the data that they had so far. Was it possible that someone at Starfleet Medical or even Starfleet Command was trying to keep Clark’s identity a secret?

He stood up from the Tactical Two station and stretched. He walked over to the food slot and ordered an ice water, then returned to the station and took a sip of the cool beverage. He started the search again. Again, the query failed and the search stopped. K’Temoc let out a breath as he slammed his fist onto the console. He was frustrated. ‘Who at Starfleet Command had that much pull’, he thought.

He didn’t want to have to wait until they returned to Starbase 400 before attempting the search again. He also didn’t want to rely on his brother to get the answers either. K’Temoc then spent the next two hours making inquiries into the situation. He spoke to three people at Starfleet Medical. None of them could explain the search failures. Two of them said they would research the problem on their end and get back to him. However a former aid and friend to his mother when she was Head of Starfleet Medical, Rear Admiral Zen, was willing to assist.

“I’ve accessed the information and encrypted it, sending it to you now.” Rear Admiral Zen replied with a smile.

K’Temoc’s panel beeped, “Received. Thank you.” He smiled back.

“Be caref…” static suddenly started affecting the comm-line and her sentence was cut off.

“Everything okay?” K’Temoc asked, concerned.

“Odd, my access to the Medical Database has just been locked out.” A moment later, a red-headed woman stepped behind Zen. K’Temoc recognized her as Rear-Admiral Beverly Crusher, current Head of Starfleet Medical.

“That is odd, my access is locked out too.” Crusher said, her expression shown concern as well.

“We’ll look into this on our end, let me know if there’s anything else we can do to help.” Zen then added.

K’Temoc nodded, “I will,” He paused a moment, “Be careful.” He closed the comm-line then accessed the file he’d received.

The picture of the person was clearly Clark, taken a few years before, he had a touch of gray in his hair now. “Commander Alexander ‘Clark’ Clarkson. AWOL from Starfleet since Stardate 55002.6. Previous assignment, Executive Officer USS Bellerophon.” K’Temoc read to himself, then he added, “He’s been AWOL since just after the end of the Dominion War, XO of Admiral Ross’s Flagship…all the trouble trying to pull these records that aren’t even complete…this stinks of Section 31.”

He leaned back in his chair and folded his arms. “Current age, 48 Earth Years, Graduate of Starfleet Academy Class of ’58. Completed Starfleet Advanced Tactical Training Course. Won the Remeck Tactical Award, Distinguished Service Star, Original Thinking all during the war…a decorated Officer.” He shook his head, it didn’t make sense…Clark seemed to be a well-trained and respected Officer…not one to just turn Pirate. The more he read, the more it sounded like a Section 31 cover up…but what were they covering up? It couldn’t just be a former operative turned rogue, there had to be more to it than that, and no one had tried to hide Jon and James Westmoreland’s records, or James Winter’s records for that matter. Not to mention, someone was still aiding Clark, getting him intel, weapons, and helping to keep his identity secret.

The Steadfast would be back to Starbase 400 within four hours, he’d keep the information to himself until then, the fewer people that knew the truth right now, the better.


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