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Searching the Station

Posted on Tue Jan 30th, 2024 @ 3:53pm by Colonel Ezekiel Bagwell & Lieutenant Xalanth & Lieutenant Colonel Sam Kyle
Edited on on Tue Jan 30th, 2024 @ 5:35pm

658 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 118 - "It's About Family"
Location: Deck 400

Beaming onto Deck 400 of Starbase 400. Lieutenant Colonel Sam Kyle, flanked by a fireteam of Marines, took up positions, sweeping through. Sam himself, takes point leading the fireteam down the corridors, checking rooms as they go.

=/\= "Kyle to Bagwell, Sweeping through Deck 400, moving aft, no signs of changlings."

He lifts his rifle as he takes up breeching position, nodding to the sargeant on the otherside before breeching the room and making their sweep, rifles at the ready.

Ezekiel was in his office which he turned into Command center, tracking his Marines and trying to coordinate with Lieutenant Xalanth. Going by deck by deck was slowing them down but they needed to be thorough. It was unclear how many changlings were on the station as they’ve already found a couple.

"Understood I'll seal the bulkheads as you clear them." Ezekiel called out knowing he was going to inconvenience the station. But given the recent bombing and all the aggressions, the station personnel were going to have to deal with a little discomfort.

“Acknowledged, we’re finishing the sweep of the last section, about to move down to 401.”

Kyle replied as he reforms with the marines on this deck.

“Transporter control, 1st Platoon, ready for transport, deck 401 section One-Alpha”

=/\= "Colonel Bagwell to Lieutenant Xalanth.=/\= Ezekiel called out from his communicator. It is mine he is already processing the next set of actions, and the rain Operation center had turned into a temporary makeshift tactical Command center. Which felt a little strange to him that they had stories 400 divided up into zones trying to you isolate any changelings still on account for.

=/\= Xalanth go ahead.=/\= the lizard replied from his most unpleasant position. That being sweeping the station's Jeffries tubes. With a flamethrower just to be sure.

=/\= "My Marines, are starting on deck 400. They're sealing off each bulkhead a clear it."=/\= Ezekiel called out as he was using his own command area as a base of operations for the Marine units under his command.

=/\= My men will start sweeping from deck 300. =/\= the lizard replied before he pulled the trigger on his flamer causing a flick of liquid fire down the Jeffries tube.

=/\= "We'll find them all, Lieutenant." Ezekiel started to say, as he continued to monitor his marines movements on the sensors."keep this line open, as long as you can. I want to make sure we apprehend these changelings." Ezekiel said.

Xalanth hissed as he breathed out before letting loose another burst of flame down the Jeffries tube. " Tube 34578 clear." He said into his radio before heading for the next one. As he turned the t junction his yellow eyes immediately darted to the anomaly on the floor. It looked like a pile of dried-up soda crystals just laying on the floor of the turbolift. " Xalanth to search teams i got something here. " He hissed as he kept his flame thrower on the pile.

"Colonel Kyle, what's your status?" Ezekiel called out, is hoping that he could spare a couple Marines if Xalanth needed the assistance. Any of their 100 floors below them, but the site to site transporters should be working.

Unfortunately, Xalanth already had backup as the blond-haired Nova Roman came up behind him. " What is it?" Fulvia asked keeping her own flamer aimed at the bits.

Xalanth carefully placed his flamer down before using his suit's tractor beam to pull one of the bits towards him. "According to the scanner, it's a changeling or what was one. Looks like all the moisture in it was removed." He replied keeping his channel open.

"Removed, I didn't know that was possible?" Ezekiel said, he wish you would have been there in person to see this because it wasn't like changelings normally they had some kind of biological residue that was moisturized.

Fulvia had carefully scraped up the crystally substance and sealed it within in a container. " Resuming the search" She called into the coms before following Xalanth down the tube.


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