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Mirrors and Lies

Posted on Fri Sep 15th, 2023 @ 12:32pm by Lieutenant Commander Croesus & Lieutenant Kah'lyn Chiara-Rivers

1,356 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 117 - "Returning to the Mirror"
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: MD2, 1235hrs


For a season Croesus was very content in his new life with Lt Kah’lyn. The birth of their child gave him excitement but of late that excitement had changed to redundancy.

Redundancy was fine for his human side but not for his over aggressive Klingon side.

" Kah’lyn? Meet me on the rec deck." Croesus stormed .

Kah’lyn was just about to take her lunch break when Croesus’ voice came over the comms. Knowing her husband all too well she could hear the frustration in his voice. “On my way.”


ghoHchaj Hoch, 'ach qo'vaD 'e' luchaw'choH Croesus yelled as the AI weight bench was too slow to increase the weights.

“I’m not entirely sure the crew will appreciate you cursing, and especially not in Klingon” Kah’lyn offered her mate a smile as she walked over to him. “What bothers you my love?”

Croesus paused at the sound of his wife's voice.

" I don't really care."

Croesus then rushed over and scooped his wife up.
" Perhaps I can take my aggression out in other ways."

Kah’lyn smiled. “You know I’m always happy to help you in any way I can” She gave him a romantic kiss.

Croesus kissed back but with great strength and proceeded to crudly act before stopping.
" I'm sorry...something is making me mad. Take me to sickbay NOW."

Kah’lyn knew with his strength, that Croesus could be dangerous, not that she thought for a moment that he would be. “Wait, talk to me, tell me what you’re feeling.”

Croesus paused and then looked at his wife.

" I feel like I am not me. Part of me wants to hold you but the other half wants to explode...I can't explain it. Ever since I got back from working on the Denobulan medical ships transporter I feel like my inner hulk wants out." Croesus explained.

“The transporter? That’s very strange.” Kah’lyn was worried about her husband. “Okay let’s get you to medical, maybe they can sort this out.”

As they walked out of the rec deck and down the corridor to the lift Croesus stopped and again had his fit of rage on the wall before composing. By the time they arrived to sickbay he had again composed his rage.

Ironically greeted by a Denobulan physician.
" Hello Mr seem ill. What is wrong?" asked the male physician.

" Your transporter did this to me."

" Sir we told you not to activate the transporter but you insisted to test it. Come lie down on the table." he said guided them to follow him.

Kah’lyn followed worried about Croesus, she’d never seen him like this before. “What’s happening to my husband?”

" I am Glom the chief medical officer of the Denobulan ship. The Commander has a rare chronoton blood disorder. I always look up people who board our ship.Apparently Mr Croesus transport back to the station from our ship has unscrambled his humanoid and Klingon dna. This can happen with patients of mixed breeding. I can recalibrate his sequence but he will need to use the same transporter. Fortunately his pattern has been saved in the buffer." Glom replied.

Kah’lyn looked at Croesus concernedly. “What if it makes things worse?”

Glom then joked " We could split him into and make two of him. The transporter is an experimental device. The bridge cross over to other dimensional Plains has become very common. So much so we are working on a controlled system to make that jump."

“If that isn’t crazy I don’t know what is!” Kah’lyn gave Glom a look that said it all. “Just cure my husband okay!”

" Oh my a Romulan and Klingon hybrid. Your children will be quite dangerous. Very well Commander please return to me to our ship. Can you also come?" Glom replied.

“I was planning to” Kah’lyn gave Glom a nod. “I need to be there incase Croesus needs me.”

The ride over to the Denobulan ship took several minutes as they had now moored to an airlock.

" The transporter is recharging but it will be ready in a moment. Refreshments anyone?" Glom asked.

“No, thank you” Kah’lyn offered a polite shake of her head, her attention clearly focussed on Croesus and making sure he was holding himself together.

Glom hummed and then noticed the device was ready.
" Time to reassemble you Mr Croesus. Come with me."

Croesus followed the Denobulan Doctor to the platform and grimaced a smile.

" Stand still and say Cheddar. " Glom said as he activated the transporter.

The blue gold energy enveloped Croesus and a half second later he vanished.

Glom smiled and then turned to Kah’lyn.
" It was a success."

Kah’lyn looked at Glom. “If it was such a success where is Croesus!? Why isn’t he here?”

" The pattern buffer is reassembling him. The greater dna will reassemble and you will have your Croesus back good as new."

“I had better!” Kah’lyn was worried about the what if’s, possible side effects and who knew what else. “I want him back now!”

" Of course . OH MY! There's an issue the buffer had redistributed the Commander to a secondary set of coordinates. I was afraid this would happen." Glom replied. " He is gone and the transporter needs time to recharge."

“WHAT!?” Kah’lyn rushed over to look at the details for herself. “WHERE is Croesus!? I want to know, and I want it NOW!!”

" This is Glom to command the Commander was safely delivered . "

[ Good job Glom. We are breaking orbit.]

Glom then turned around with a phaser.

" I am afraid you will have to stay with us Lieutenant. The Commander us on a mission to retrieve one of our operatives in another dimension."

Kah’lyn stood back, she wanted to put up a fight but she had her baby to get home to. “I’ll be missed Glom, so will Croesus. This is a huge mistake!”

" Not if you Croesus does his job. The one you helped was from the other side. We beamed yours over there to get our partner. When we pulled him back their Croesus came through. I did you a favor actually."

Kah’lyn’s eyes widened in surprise. “That wasn’t...he wasn’ Croesus?” She paused, how could she not have known? He even kissed her, granted it was a different feel but she’d put that down to him not being himself. “So what happens to me? I have a baby to get home to.”

" Sympathies are offered but the fate of our race trumps my sympathy. Commander Croesus has to rescue Fivel from the Federation Empire."

“Federation Empire? Who are they?” Kah’lyn gave Glom a curious look. “And just who is Fivel?”

" For years Star Fleet has been aware of multiple universes. Transporter technology has at times crossed over unto their subspace realms. Where their and our subspaces meet. Fivel created a safe Transporter to use. He was captured by the Empire and now they want and demand a similar device. We have the secret that they do not posess." Glom replied.

Kah’lyn nodded. “I take it this...Empire isn’t good? From what I’ve heard of the Mirror universe it’s rarely a good place. Why didn’t you just ask for help? Give our Federation a chance?”

" Bureaucracy. We actually have a better rapport with the Romulans. They availed us the quantum drive from one of their own vessels to power the transporter "

“The Romulans?” Kah’lyn dreaded to think about what a mirror verse version of herself was like, that was if she even existed there. “So you’re telling me, if my husband saves your Fivel, then you’ll just let him go? That you’ll send him home?”

" Good as new. What is it they say, Pinkeye Swears."

“Pinky swear” Kah’lyn corrected glaring at Glom. “And you’d better make sure he returns or I’ll make sure you’ve got no Pinky’s to do any swearing with!”



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