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Checking in with the Doc

Posted on Tue Sep 19th, 2023 @ 11:31am by Lieutenant Kah'lyn Chiara-Rivers & Lieutenant Commander Anna Bagwell

747 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 117 - "Returning to the Mirror"
Location: Infirmary
Timeline: Prior to recent events

OOC: Prior to recent events


Kah’lyn hummed a happy tune as she walked into the infirmary with Verelan in her arms. It was time for an overdue check up with Anna, for both herself and Verelan. She smiled as she was greeted by a nurse who showed her to an empty biobed to wait.

Anna had just finished up with a patient when she turned and saw Kah'lyn, holding Verelan. She walked over and smiled as she spoke. "I couldn't believe it was time for a checkup. It seems like time is moving faster lately.

“Tell me about it!” Kah’lyn grinned. “Fulvia doesn’t so long helping me get back into shape after I had Verelan, time just seems to have totally flown by. Plus I’m overdue on coming for our check up anyway.”

“I was about to message you.” Anna smiled. “I give a little leeway but I like to keep on a schedule. Come with me and we will get you both taken care of.”

Kah’lyn nodded and followed Anna. “I’ll keep on schedule from now on, I’m not much of a Starfleet Officer if I can’t keep on schedule.” She grinned.

"It happens." Anna smiled. "You have two jobs, being a mother and your professional career. At least you haven't made me send for you." She had a feeling Kah'lyn would be surprised at some who seem to avoid their physicals.

“That’s true” Kah’lyn nodded. “Before you ask I’ve no problems to report, Verelan is feeding nicely, and sleeping well too.”

"That is what I want to hear." Anna smiled widely. She would get to the checkup in a moment she liked to talk to her patients first and develop a relationship other than work related.

“It’s been something of a major learning curve for me, especially when we first had Verelan.” Kah’lyn smiled. “But I’ve gotten past a lot of the ups and downs now that she’s sleeping longer.”

"All parents hope for that day." Anna smiled. "And they can't wait for them to walk and talk and then...they wish for those days when they were young again."

“I guess I’ll find that one out later on” Kah’lyn smiled warmly. “Right now I’m just learning to be the best mum I can be.”

"And it looks like you are doing an excellent job." Anna smiled. She indicated the bio bed. "If you set Verelan there, I will take a look at her first."

Kah’lyn smiled and gently placed her daughter down where Anna had asked. She had every trust in Anna.

Anna started her physical. She scanned Verelan and smiled at how attentive she was. “She is developing very well.”

Kah’lyn breathed a sigh of relief. “I’m glad, to be honest I was worried what the mix of genetics might mean for her.”

Anna finished up her checkup and smiled at Kah’lyn. “She is in perfect health. Just make sure you make her appointments on time from now on.”

Kah’lyn nodded. “I will, that’s a promise! I don’t miss important appointments.”

“Now it is your turn.” Anna smiled. “Have you been feeling well? Any problems or issues that I need to know about?”

“No problems to report” Kah’lyn smiled. “I’ve been doing a fair amount of exercise to get myself back in shape. It’s been a whole new learning experience, the hardest part has been the sleep disturbance, but Croesus has been a tower of strength.”

“That is good to hear.” Anna smiled. “Support from your partner is essential. Everyone needs down time.” She scanned her and used a hypo spray to extract some blood. “You are in excellent health. I don’t see anything to be concerned with at this point.”

Kah’lyn nodded and smiled. “That’s good to know, thank you Anna I appreciate you looking after us.”

"I am always here for you." Anna said seriously. "If your free one day, I would like to do lunch." She smiled. "It seems most people I only see for doctor appointments.

“Sure!” Kah’lyn nodded and smiled. “I’d like that very much. Just choose a day and I’ll be there!”

"I will look forward to it." Anna smiled. She stood up. "Unless there is something else, you two have a clean bill of health and are free to go."



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