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Posted on Tue Jan 25th, 2011 @ 11:09pm by Commodore Alexandra Harrison

232 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 74 - Fate, Dissolution, and Demise
Location: Pegasus Bridge
Timeline: Present


“If that ship so much as scans us, I want shields up as we decloak and a weapons lock on them.â€

"Don't worry. If it comes to that sir, I'll be ready for them." Harrison replied with a voice of determination.

'Be careful of what you wish for' was something that she heard a lot of growing up. She was bored, just standing there, not doing much. She wished that she had something else to do that involved a little more action. She didn't think that her wish might be answered this soon.

Harrison cold feel anger welling up inside. She spoke under her breath, not enough for anyone to make out what she was saying, "Why is there always one idiot on every mission?"

Alex couldn't help but wonder what was so important that Smith would bypass the security codes just to join Bremer. She told herself that it was probably because he knew that K'Temoc wouldn't let him go. The more she thought about it, something didn't sit right with her. She thought to herself, ~What was so important that he'd risk compromising the mission?~ She started to form her own scenario in her mind but then shook it off to concentrate on the task at hand.

She watched the Excalibur along with everyone else. She had her fingers in position and ready.

OFF: Captain Alexandra Harrison


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