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Posted on Sun Mar 12th, 2023 @ 2:15pm by Ensign Edg'rrr Anisu

596 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 115 - Planting for the Future
Location: Starbase 400, Ensign Anisu's quarters
Timeline: MD1, 0502
Tags: Edg'rrr, Courage, USS Leo

With a careful hand Edg'rrr pressed a small tube into his model of the communication device. With a small utensil he carefully nudged it into place giving a sigh of relief when the device flickered on. "It works. Finally." Said Edg'rrr grabbing a pad from the pile of spare parts on the worktable in front of him. He flickered through a list of of systems while grabbing a tricorder nearby holding it in front of model device. "Haha, everything works and checks out." He said leaning back in his chair as Courage drifted into the room.

"Supposing everything has gone well?" Asked Courage as Edg'rrr smiled.

"Better as the upgrades should have a slight boost to functionality with some reduction to power draw." Said Edg'rrr pointing to where the various upgrades would be installed. "Spent awhile on this but no idea on how it's going to go if the system was built to base schematics." He turned around and looked at the wall behind him full of notes and images of various Starfleet vessels.

"Yet there is the possibility that since the station was built there have been various retrofits and repairs. So what you have may not work." Said Courage as Edg'rrr raised a finger in the air.

"I've taken as much of that into account as I could but I won't have a more clear picture until I get to my post later." Said Edg'rrr rubbing his eyes.

"When do you need to report in?" Asked Courage.

"Fifteen hundred hours, ish?" Said Edg'rrr spinning around in his chair looking at the time on his pad. "Still several hours and can't get a wink more to sleep."

"This may give you plenty of time to recheck your work." Said Courage.

"Or use what little time I have to figure out what happened to the USS Leo." Said Edg'rrr as his mind began to race with ideas before Courage moved closer and Edg'rrr looked at him before sinking back into his chair with a pout. "Why not?"

"Giving as much time as possible will assist them more if it's done right." Said Courage.

"Nnnggghhh...and if it's done right it'll help on our first day not to mention we still don't know what the borg stuff will do." Said Edg'rrr as his eyes looked at a blurred image of a twenty third century ship. "Eh, well it's not like the mystery can wait. Though what addons could the station's crew have put into everything I won't know until I get there like I said."

"I would start with what if any systems would be missing and trying to compensate for them. Perhaps working from the most critical to the least?" Said Courage.

"The bio-gel packs would be the more critical. So what would I be able to do if that is missing?" Said Edg'rrr getting to work as Courage looked at the wall.

"So what peaked your thoughts on the USS Leo for your hobby?" Asked Courage as Edg'rrr removed the fake bio-gel pack from his model but chuckled.

"The Leo was supposedly part of a new ship class built in or after the Romulan war. Never found much on why the ship class was built for so I have no idea on the Leo's mission profile. That picture came from a satellite within the Sol system that I managed to get some access to because of, rummaging through files at the academy." Said Edg'rrr as Courage looked at him noticing Edg'rrr stopping briefly. "At least Starfleet Academy updated security before I graduated." He said chuckling.


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