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Past, Present...Future? PT3

Posted on Fri Mar 10th, 2023 @ 5:53pm by Admiral Deela T'Lar & Commodore Alexandra Harrison & Brandon McNamara

899 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 115 - Planting for the Future
Location: Kaleb/SB400
Timeline: MD1-2021 hrs

Archeology Site

Deela tried but couldn’t enjoy herself because she felt as if she had to stand guard. But seeing how Brandon was so interested and excited, it was worth it. She had a few things to figure out once she got Jim to SB400. Bremer would probably keep him in the brig until Starfleet could pick him up. She just hoped that this move would make Bremer question her sanity. She said under her breath, “Let the chips fall where they lay.”

Brandon joined his mother, “Okay, I’m ready to go. So, I take it that we aren’t spending the night here?”

Deela shook her head, “That’s right. I’m sorry that we need to leave but we’ll be safer on Starbase 400 than here.” They left for the shuttle. Deela kept looking over her shoulder, making sure no one was following them.

They arrived at the shuttle and lo and behold, he was waiting there with a duffle bag. He smiled, “You look surprised that I’m here.”

Deela nodded, “You are right. I figured you’d run. I guess miracles do happen.”

“I’ve been thinking about this situation and I’m sure you have too. I just want to say that if I must sit in the brig for who knows how long, it’s better than running or dead.”

“Good to know.” They gathered into the shuttle and took off. They arrived at the base, and they all walked out together. She had contacted Alex to meet them there.

Starbase 400

Alex was there as they stepped out. She gave a double look, “What the...?” She knew her deceased husband, so she was in shock.

“I know. He saved my life.” Deela knew that she needed to explain the situation. It was going to be a long night.

“Go ahead. Take me to the brig. I know you must follow protocol. I won’t fight you.” He was ready for what may come. He was escorted to the brig by two security guards.

“Let’s talk in your office.” They made their way to her office. Alex was livid, “What the hell were you thinking? You bring your deceased husband’s doppelganger to Starbase 400 with no security guards or any warning? I must question your judgement. Ever since Jack was taken, you have changed. You’re not thinking straight. I miss the old Vulcan trained Betazoid Deela.”

“Before you go any further, let me explain the situation. While we were on Kelab, two men tried to abduct us. They grabbed Brandon and then tried to get me.” She explained how he found out that there was someone trying to nab them. Jim saved us. And all he wants is asylum.” She continued, “He can’t go back. He’ll be killed.”

“So what? You can’t trust him. You know what kind of people they are.” Alex folded her arms.

“But I know where Jack is being held. And I was right. He’s there in the other universe being held by his doppelganger. He wants to get me there so he can kill me in front of Jack. It’s like the ultimate torture by taking away everyone he loves. This guy really hates him for some personal reason and is enjoying torturing him. So, I brought Jim back so he can tell Starfleet that he is there, alive and back me up.” A tear dropped from the side of her eye, “He’s alive Alex, he’s alive!”

“That’s great Deela but what about Jim?” Alex huffed, “Nevermind. It’s late. We’ll deal with this after you get some sleep. I’m so glad that I won’t have to deal with Bremer in this situation. He’s not going to be happy at all. Especially with you NOT telling anyone that you and Brandon were leaving.”

“Don’t you think I know that?!” She took a breath, “I know Alex that you are trying to be a friend but there is a limit to how much I’ll let you take liberty with me. Don’t forget who outranks you.” Deela didn’t like being scolded by anyone, especially a friend. She thought she’d understand but obviously, she didn’t. Right now, getting Jack back to his own universe and to her was the most important thing.

“So, now you’re pulling rank? Sorry but I’m done. I can’t do this with you.” Alex turned to leave, “When you find the old Deela, let me know. I miss her. Good luck...Admiral.” She left, very upset.

Deela saw Brandon waiting outside her office, “Alex is really, really mad. She left in a hurry.

“Yes, she is. But let’s not worry about that now. Let’s get cleaned up and eat something. Then bed. I have a long day tomorrow.” She spoke under her breath, “That is if I don’t get a rank deduction.”

They went to the promenade to eat. She could see that Brandon was still shaken by what happened. They had a long talk during their meal. It seemed to calm Brandon down. They were both tired. Once home, they bathed and went to bed. Deela wasn’t looking forward to the next day and hoped that she’d get some sleep before her shift.


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