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Presidential Orders

Posted on Fri Feb 10th, 2023 @ 11:57am by Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Lieutenant Heath Carter & Tom Vercetti & Vito Russo & Bail Donovan

744 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 115 - Planting for the Future
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: MD1, 0815hrs
Tags: .


Roebuck was finishing putting on his uniform when he heard a chirp. It wasn’t from his door or his commbadge on his chest, instead it was from his pocket and the old commbadger he kept on him at all times.

“Computer, secure the room and deactivate all sensors and in this room. Authorization Roebuck-8-1-Zeta-Lamda.”

The computer beeped, then Roebuck pulled the older commbadge from his pocket and tapped it. “Roebuck here.”

“Commander Roebuck, this is President Donovan.”

“Mister President. What can I do for you sir?” Roebuck asked.

“I need your help. The USS Louisville was attacked near Omicron Zeta three hours ago. She was transporting torpedo reloads to Xavier Fleet Yards while the yard’s production center is undergoing upgrades. Two dozen Hellfire torpedoes were taken as well as an equal number of Tri-Cobalt Devices. Jon, they also made off with materials and specs XFY was using to complete construction of the USS Searcher, a Sagan class ship.” Donovan explained.

“What’s the status of the Louisville?” Roebuck asked.

“Drifting. The USS Talwar is in route as are tugs from XFY.” Donovan replied.

“Do they know who attacked them or where they went?” Roebuck asked as he made notes.

“Reports suggest it was a Hawk Class Raider and a Kaplan F17 Speed Freighter. They departed in separate directions.” Donovan replied.

Roebuck thought for a moment. “Hawks are commonly used by Pirates in the Triangle as well as others that operate near the Mutara Nebula. The F17 though, there aren’t too many of those operating in the Beta Quadrant…and I know of two of them.”

“Commander, I need you to find the tech and weapons. Time is of the essence.” The Federation President replied.

“Understood Mister President. I’ll assemble a small team and depart immediately.” Roebuck replied.

“This isn’t something that needs to get out, so tell as few people as possible.” Donovan added.

“Understood Mister President. Send me all logs of the attack from the Louisville and an itemized list of what was taken as soon as you can. Roebuck out.”

After speaking with the President, Roebuck sent a message to Carter and Kanan to meet him aboard the USS Cutlass, and have the ship ready to depart. He then went to Ops and advised Fleet Admiral Bremer of the situation. Next, Roebuck went to the Promenade to speak with one of the people he new had a F17 Freighter, Tom Vercetti.

“Mister Vercetti, a word please.” Roebuck said as he entered ‘Good Fella’s’.

“Commander, what can I do for you?” Tom replied.

“You new ship.” Roebuck started.

“Cercatore di Tesori.” Tom replied.

“Yes. It’s an F17 Freighter, correct?” Roebuck asked, already knowing the answer.

Tom nodded. “Yes. Is something wrong?” Vito stepped up behind Tom.

Roebuck eyed the larger man for a moment, then focused back on Tom. “When was the last time it left the station?”

“Three days ago. We made a run to DS6 to pick up somethings for the restaurant.” Tom replied.
“Yeah, and we were held up a few hours because the cargo ship was delayed.” Vito added as he handed a copy of the ship’s log to Roebuck.

Roebuck looked over the PADD, handed it back, then used his commbadge’s holo-display to cross reference the information with SB400’s and DS6’s logs, confirming the information.

Roebuck deactivated his holo then gave a nod to Tom, “Thank you. I would suggest your ship remain here for the time being.”

Tom glanced back at Vito, “We were supposed to go to DS9 to pick up a few items we bought from Quark while he was here a few months ago.”

“Please, hold off on that for now.” Roebuck requested.

Tom, being shrewd and a former Starfleet Officer could read between the lines. “Understood. Just let me know when we’re clear to depart.”

Roebuck nodded. “One last thing. You’re friends with a Cristobal Rios are you not? Do you happen to know where he and his ship, ‘La Sirena’ are at this time?”

Tom and Vito shared another glance. “After recent events at Ghulion IV or Coppelius or whatever it’s called now, I think he said he was going to Earth for repairs and to talk to Starfleet Command. I think he’s getting back into the service.”

Roebuck nodded as he thought. “Thank you.”

Roebuck turned and headed for the USS Cutlass.



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