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Changes and Plans

Posted on Fri Feb 10th, 2023 @ 10:28am by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer

1,209 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 115 - Planting for the Future
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: MD1 0730hrs
Tags: .


Mike was laying on the sofa in his office. He had a PADD in his right hand, a PADD in his left, and the holo-emitter on his commbadge was showing data off a third PADD.

In the five months or so since the temporal anomaly near SB400, Starfleet Command had reorganized several fleets. The 1st Fleet was assigned to the heart of the Federation, Sol, Vulcan, Andor, and Tellar. The 2nd Fleet was assigned to the Beta Quadrant and based out of Starbase 718. The 3rd Fleet was assigned to the Alpha Quadrant and based out of 315. The 4th Fleet is assigned to Beta Quadrant based out of Starbase 400 and thus under Fleet Admiral Bremer's command again. The 5th Fleet was assigned to the Alpha Quadrant and based out of Starbase 375. The 6th Fleet was placed in reserve and based out of Starbase 67. The 7th Fleet was assigned to the Alpha Quadrant and based out of the Beta Antares Fleet Yards, the 8th Fleet was placed in reserve and based out of Deep Space 13. The 9th Fleet was assigned to the Beta Quadrant and based out of the Starbase 99. And finally, the 10th Fleet was assigned to Alpha Quadrant and based out of Xavier Fleet Yards.

Starfleet had issued an upgraded personal phaser to all personnel. The new Type-2g harkens back to 23rd and early 24th century designs, with a shape closer to ‘guns’ of history had more recent phaser designs. The Type-2f will be issued to reserve units and additional cases placed into storage, while more were planned to be sold as surplus.
Starfleet launched a new class of ship, which was integrated with technology learned from 'The Artifact', the Sagan class. The first three ships of the class, USS Sagan, USS Stargazer, and USS Visionary are started and rushed through production. The USS Visionary was scheduled to arrive at Starbase 400…today.

Then, there was the recent events with Admiral Picard, The Artifact, the Romulans, the discovery that Commodore Oh was a Romulan spy…at the heart of Starfleet and acting as the Director of Starfleet Security. Needless to say, the whole thing has caused quite the shake up within Starfleet Command and the fallout was still coming down. Starbase 400 wasn’t out of the line of sight either. During the course of events, Will Riker had reached out to Fleet Admiral Bremer and explained that Picard had sought shelter at his home on Nepenthe and he needed help. Riker, still a Captain in the Starfleet Reserves, asked for help, so Bremer re-actived Riker's commission and sent the new Inquiry Class USS Zheng He to pick up Riker while a fleet was assembled. Bremer also ordered a task force of ships from Starbase 400 including the Pegasus-C, Essex, Lexington-D, Yorktown-F, and others to stand by incase Riker needs additional assistance. However, while in route, Picard and Riker were able to not only force Oh’s Romulan fleet to withdraw but also forced the Federation to not only issue protonate status to Coppelius, also called Ghulion IV but also drop ban on synths.
Needless to say, the last few months had been eventful.

But now, Starbase 400 had new orders. The USS Tikhov, the Federation 'seed ship', NCC-1067-D, was destroyed during the war. Now, with peace and the Federation recovering, the Federation Council and Starfleet Command wants a new ship readied. Starbase 400 has tasked with preparing a decommissioned Miranda class vessel, renaming it USS Tikhov NCC-1067-E, loading seeds from all known worlds including the Federation, Klingon Empire, Cardassian Union, Ferengi Alliance, Romulan Empire, and others. This would be a job for Science, Engineering, Security, Medical, and Counseling. A crew, a family, was already selected to serve on the ship and ensure its safe operation for the next eighteen months and they were scheduled to arrive, today, with the USS Tikhov NCC-1067-E.

Mike sent orders to Commander Coleman, Lieutenant Xalanth, Ensign Vasha, Lieutenant O’Riley, Lieutenant McWire, Lieutenant JG Vox, Lieutenant JG Vashir, Lieutenant JG K’lar, Lieutenant Commander Woodhouse, Lieutenant Commander Monroe, Commander Grian to ready the new USS Visionary, USS Endeavour, USS Cushing, and USS Ark Royal to escort the USS Tikhov to its secure holding position in the Alpha Quadrant, load all necessary supplies for the crew, make sure the crew was psychologically ready for their mission, and of course load the seed and other cargo. Coleman, as the senior officer, would be in command of the mission.

While they were away, Mike would have his hands full. With the reorganization of Starfleet’s assets, new ships were being assigned to Starbase 400. The USS Warspite, a old Centaur class ship had been decommissioned and an all new Ross Class USS Warspite was being assigned to Starbase 400. In addition, seven other ships were also being assigned to Starbase 400. Mike had spent time reorganizing SB400’s task forces.

New SB400 TFs
TF1; -Assault
USS Pegasus (Odyssey Class - NCC-1702-C)
USS Yorktown (Defiant Class - NCC-1717-F)
USS Tye (Ronin Class - NCC-84080)
USS Lexington (Sovereign Class - NCC-1709-D)
USS Repulse (Prometheus Class - NCC-84104)
USS Falcon (Interceptor Class - NCC-77206)
USS Laffey (Defiant Class - NCC-80724-A)
USS George Washington (Galaxy Class Refit - NCC-73073)
USS Avenger (Intrepid Class - NCC-74206-A)
USS Europa (Luna Class – NCC-80104)

TF2; -Assault/Marine
USS Essex (Inquiry Class - NCC-173-C)
USS Luna (Luna Class - NCC-80101)
USS Kearsarge (Galaxy Class - NCC-74800-A)
USS Saratoga (Akira Class - NCC-70074)
USS Steadfast (Diligent Class - NCC-87655)
USS Buccaneer (Interceptor Class - NCC-77203)
USS MacArthur (Interceptor Class - NCC-77215)
USS Venture (Sovereign Class NCC-75306)
USS Warspite (Ross Class - NCC-91563)
USS Swiftsure (Reliant Class - NCC-90212)

TF3; -Support (Science, Engineering, Medical, Training)
USS Visionary (Sagan Class - NCC-82895)
USS Ark Royal (Vesta Class - NCC-24891-A)
USS Endeavour (Athena Class - NCC-72802-A)
USS Cushing (Nova Class - NCC-72382)
USS Majestic (Nebula Class - NCC-73095)
USS Thresher (Ambassador Class - NCC-82314)
USS Mercy (Olympic Class - NCC-60974)
USS Cygnus (California Class - NCC-75571)
USS Sutherland (Sutherland Class - NCC-91800)
USS Thunderchild (Akira Class – NCC-63549)

TF4; -Support/Patrol
USS Constantinople (Steamrunner Class - NCC-61116)
USS Cutlass (Saber Class - NCC-62958)
USS Conqueror (Akira Class - NCC-63303)
USS Langley (New Orleans Class - NCC-69209)
USS Yamato (Century Class - NCC-78505)
USS Oslo (Norway Class - NCC-65002)
USS Pathfinder (Constitution III Class - NCC-80008)
USS Akagi (Excelsior II Class - NCC-91944)
USS Ladny (Gagarin Class - NCC-91067)
USS Alpino (Reliant Class - NCC-90213)

TF5; Reserves (Training, Parameter Defense)
USS Princeton (Constitution Class - NCC-1777)
USS Matsumoto (Oberth Class - NCC-4422)
USS Tirpitz (Excelsior Class - NCC-41944)
USS Dorsetshire (Miranda Class Refit - NCC-2100)
USS Hermes (Centaur Class - NCC-25017)
USS Crockett (Excelsior Refit Class - NCC-38995)
USS Ranger (Constellation Class - NCC-2798)
USS Kashin (Akula Refit Class - NCC-3412)
USS Tempest (Excelsior Class – NCC-40195)
USS Clamagore (Miranda Class Refit – NCC-22601)

After sending the message and posting the new task force assignments, he deactivated his commbadge’s holo-emitter and closed out of the PADDs. He sat up, put the PADDs on his desk, then walked over to the food slot and ordered a raktijno. A few sips later, he walked into Ops, cup in hand to see what the current situation was.



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