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Shake, Rattle and Roll. PT1

Posted on Fri Feb 10th, 2023 @ 12:51pm by Commander Namia Grian & Lieutenant JG Deezell Vox
Edited on on Fri Feb 10th, 2023 @ 12:52pm

671 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 115 - Planting for the Future
Location: USS Cushing - Docking Port 26
Timeline: MD1 0730hrs

At Docking Port 26, there was a considerable amount of activity. Since taking over the command of the USS Cushing, some 5 months ago, Commander Grian had the task of getting this little ship up to spec and ready for her up coming assignment.

At the time of Grian taking command, the Cushing had been sat at Docking Port 26 for just over 18 months, in a sort of dormant state. Luckily for Grian, Starbase 400 had a plethora of engineers who could get the Cushing up to speed and in charge of this team was the station's Assistant Chief Engineer, Lieutenant JG Deezell Vox who had proven herself, since taking on the position, not one to be phased by a large task at hand.

Grian, who got up only and hour or so earlier, arrived at the Docking port to inspect the progress. Vox, who was aboard the Cushing as the Commander arrived, was their to greet her, all the while juggling several status padds and dealing with engineer queries left, right and centre.

"Yes Ensign. you have been assigned to the Impulse refit team. Get up to deck 2 aft, they are waiting for you. " Dee advised the young man who nodded and headed for the nearest turbolift.

Dee spotted Grian.

"Good Morning Captain. It looks like a madhouse, because it is. But things are going rather well with the updates, refits and general dust and cobweb removals. " Dee advised.

"It certainly is chaos here isn't it." Grian commented. "But, philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche said 'Out of chaos comes order.'."

"He did say that. I hope that is the case. We should be ready to take her out and give her a good shake-down in approximately five days. " she looked around herself at the mess. "The Cushing will be tidier by the time we leave, I promise. " Dee added

"Oh I am sure she will be. Can I be of any help at all? " Grian asked.

"Actually yes, Captain. If you wouldn't mind going up to the bridge, your Executive Officer, Lieutenant Commander Richard Lincoln is up there now and will be starting some tests on some of the bridge systems. " Dee advised.

"Right, I will go pay him a visit. You and your team are doing an amazing job by the way. I hear you have other teams running themselves ragged in preparing USS Visionary, USS Endeavour, and USS Ark Royal." Grian commented.

"Tell me about it. Its a fine balancing act keeping each team in check and ensuring they all know what they are doing, when they have to get things done by and, most importantly, to not bother me with things they are more than capable of dealing with themselves. So, if you will excuse me Captain. I have to head down to engineering to check on the progress of the warp core system updates. "

"Of course, but before you go, Rear Admiral Bremer has authorised you to act as the Chief Engineer for the Cushing when she goes out on this assignment." Grian advised.

"Understood Captain. I would prefer to remain aboard to see things through. There has been so many updates, one on top of another, I rather be here to handle things, rather than someone who hasn't been involved in the chaos."

"I could not agree more. I will catch you later...Chief. " Grian replied as she left for the bridge.

On arrival, Lieutenant Commander Richard Lincoln was there to greet her. "Captain on the bridge." he announced.

"As you all were." Grian replied. She approached Lincoln. "So, what's the plot? Lieutenant?" Grian asked.

"Well Captain, we are about to run some basic tests on communications, sensors and other systems. We won't be able to test tactical and defensive systems until outside of the station. So we will be arranging time for that over the next few days. " Lincoln replied.

"Very good" Grian replied, taking her seat on the bridge. The show is yours Lieutenant. " She added.

"Yes Captain." Lincoln replied as he began to co-ordinate the tests.



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