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Science and Engineering Collaboration

Posted on Sat Feb 4th, 2023 @ 9:17pm by Lieutenant Commander Nicholas Coleman & Lieutenant Percy McWire & Lieutenant JG Deezell Vox & Lieutenant JG Vashir

2,338 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Episode 114 - A Time and Place for Everything

Lt. JG Vashir was told by her commanding officer, Chief Science Officer Coleman, to collaborate with engineering about getting all of those ships back in time, and doing so without polluting the timeline. She took a deep breath, she hadn't met most of the engineering crew yet, and that included the Chief, and Assistant Chief.

Vashir tapped her communicator. "Lt. Vashir to Lt. Percy McWire and Lt. Deezell Vox. This is Assistant Chief Science Officer Vashir. Are you free for a meeting? It's about the ships out there and the timeline breach."

Percy tapped his com "I am free Lt. Vashir where shall we have our meeting.“
Percy wondered who Lt Vashir is. He only saw the name on the crew manifest. He was looking forward in meeting the Lieutenant.

Vox, who at this moment was on her back underneath a console in one of the shuttlebays, taps her combadge. =^=Vox here. I am currently fixing a console but I can be free, in say, 10 minutes. Is that OK?=^= she asked.

"I can come to engineering if that works for you both. Lt. Vox can join us when she's able." Vashir responded. She looked up at the ceiling while she waited for a response.

"I will be there as soon as I can but this job is taking a while. Don't wait for me. I can get up to speed once I get there. Vox out."

"That sounds good to me. We can meet together in the chief office it has a conference room.“ Percy responded over the com.

"On my way now," Vashir responded.

Percy then waited of the arrival of the two Lieutenants.

Vashir made her way to the Chief's office, and found Lt. McWire waiting for her. "Hello, Lt., Vashir the new Assistant Chief Science Officer. I'm still getting to know everyone. Thanks for meeting with me on short notice."

" No problem Lt., nice to finally meeting you in Person." Percy answered. " Take a seat Lieutenant and lets go add it" Percy said.

"Sorry I am late." Dee exclaimed as she arrived. "That engineering issue took way longer than expected. Have I missed much."

"We haven't started yet, I was just introducing myself. Lt. Vashir, the new Assistant Chief Science Officer. I believe most of the station was out on a mission when I arrived." Vashir extended a green hand in greeting.

"Welcome to Starbase 400. I'm Lieutenant JG Deezell Vox, Assistant Chief Engineer." She replied taking and shaking her hand.

"So, I'll admit, engineering is most definitely not my specialty. I only know a little bit because of my studies in temporal mechanics, but here's our problem, and Commander Coleman and I are hoping that your department can help us out," Vashir explained.

"If they aren't doing so already, we need the ships out there to be harnessing chroniton particles before they dissipate past the point of usefulness. In recent history, changing the polarity of deflector arrays has been an effective way of doing so. We're hoping to help trigger an event that will send the ships back to their correct point in history." Vashir paused and studied the two officers, and realized they were following along, so she continued. "But, I'm worried about the vessels out there from the past. If they aren't equipped with that kind of technology, how can we help them harness and preserve the chronitons without polluting the timeline too much."

Vashir smiled, and held out her hands. "That's where you come in. Do you have a good list of the ships out there that may need our help, and any other ideas ideas about harnessing chroniton particles?"

"Let me start by stating the obvious on this. On an engineering standpoint, whatever we decide to do, we can not give ships from the past any technology from either our present or from the future from vessels from times ahead of us. So it has to be something all ships, past, present and future share. Kind of makes me think about Earth history and Apollo 13 where they had to use what they had to make something that would solve the issue of accumulating CO2. I think we first need to do a full scan on all the ships and see if there any patterns regarding temporal signatures and chroniton particles. " Dee said taking a breath.

"Lieutenant Vox is right.“ Percy noted.“ What if we could use the deflector of one of our own ships to repel them back to their own time line? Just brainstorming here“ throwing a question into the group.

"We may need several of our ships, but that could work. We agree, that we can't pollute the timeline, but we can't leave them here either. Chroniton particles dissipate though, so time is of the essence. Sorry, I didn't mean to... anyway. We'll need a way for our ships to take the chroniton particles away from the older ships without a deflector array, but then also a way to send the particles back to the ship we took them from," Vashir said, rolling the idea around in her head.

"I don't know, but the safest route for the ships that are from the 2250's or newer would be to have them harness their own. They should have the appropriate equipment." Vashir hestiated. "That's probably a decision for command to make. We can lay out all the possibilities for them. What do you guys think?" Vashir asked expectantly.

"I agree with you Lieutenant Vashir we can lay out the ideas that we came up with to Command.“Percy said then added „I would like to be present in case they have any further question.“

"I agree as well. So long as we give all the facts and ideas to Command, we can be assured that they can make the appropriate decisions. " Dee turned to Percy. "Do you want me to be present also?" She asked.

"I would like it, if you can join Lt. Vox." Percy said keeping it quit open for to decide.

"No problem. I am sure together we can answer any questions that Command might have. Well I hope so. " Dee replied.

“Thanks you Lieutenant” Percy said smiling in appreciation to Vox.

Vox nodded and smiled.

"Great, so maybe you guys can work on what the Station can do to harness the chroniton particles and quickly. I'll update Commander Coleman, and maybe he and Lt. McWire can set up a time to approach command with what we've put together. Sound like a plan?" Vashir asked.

Dee thought for a moment."I wonder if there is a way we could scan the temporal signatures of each ship and somehow use that, along with the power of the station to somehow generate as temporal rift and send them home that way. " Dee said thinking aloud.

Percy listens "Hmm... this sounds plausible and might work too." acknowledged Vox's thought process. " This is good stuff Lt. Vox," he said.
At Vashirs remarks, he nodded and agreed with her.

Vashir stepped away and tapped her communicator, "Vashir to Commander Coleman, I'm in a conference room by Chief McWire's office. Engineering has some interesting ideas if you are free to join us, or I can debrief you later, sir, if you prefer."

Tapping his combadge, Coleman smiled and said, "Give me about five minutes and I'll be right up."

Walking to the turbolift outside of Science Lab 7, Coleman grabbed a few PADDs before he headed out. The turbolift Coleman entered let him outside of the Main Engineering Complex and he headed towards McWire's office. As he got close to the door, Coleman pressed the door pad that would chime, letting McWire know that someone was waiting.

Percy heard the door bell sound then responded „ Come in“.

The doors slid open slowly, allowing for Coleman to walk into the office. He smiled as he walked in and said, "Hello, ladies and gentleman."

„Hello Cmd. Coleman. Please take a seat.“

Coleman took the seat in the empty chair that was among the various officers. He was excited to see what had been discussed in their meeting of the minds.

„I am glade you are joining us Cmd. Vox, Vashir and I were consulting together and came up with some theories/solution of our current situation on how to send those ships back to their current time line.“ he said continuing „We have recorded it while during our conversation.“ sliding over a padd to were the Cmd. Sat down.

Coleman slowly took the PADD and began to read over the information that was stated on it. Everything was intriguing, especially from a scientific standpoint. Looking over the information, Coleman tapped his thumb against his chin and said, "I like it. There's a lot to go off of here and I think it can be done. I do agree with the thought about not getting or giving technology to older or from newer ships. We don't want to break the temporal prime directive. I see something about getting a few of our ships from the base to do something with their deflector dishes. How long would changes to their dishes take?"

"There are a few occasion recorded in our database that could help us to give some insights and help speed it up. I think it won't take to long, I recon 1 - 2 Hours. Maybe even less with the insight out of the database. " Percy replied to Cmd. Colman's question.

Looking over everything that the group had collected, Coleman smiled and said, "Sounds like you guys have everything under wraps. I'd say....make it so! Just let me know when we are ready to get underway, so that I can let Admiral Bremer and T'Lar know. I don't want anyone to be left behind on the Starbase in a wrong time period!"

"We definitely don't." Dee said chipping in. "From what I have heard, there are three different versions of Dax around at the moment and from past experience with various hosts, one is quite enough. " She continued. She leaned towards Percy "Ezri told me there was her, Jadzia and Curzon around. When their memories are all in one host like Ezri its manageable, but having all three hosts is another matter entirely. " she said in a soft quiet tone.

"God, lets get everyone back to their own timeline! Lord only knows what Curzon will be doing on the station if given the chance!" Coleman replied, rubbing the temples of his nose before looking back at Vox.

"From what Ezri, I mean Captain Dax told me, anything and everything he can get away with. Reminds me of my first host Torbin, what a character he was. He once absolutely plastered with, a then Lieutenant James T Kirk, who went on to become Captain of the Enterprise. No A,B,C,D,E etcetera." she added.

Coleman smiled as he heard Kirk's name, who was the Commanding Officer of the Enterprise and Enterprise-A. Not to mention, he broke several Temporal Regulations along his time within that position. Coleman just continued to smile as he said, "Well, I'll give you guys full command of this project. I know the admiralty is ready to get everyone back to where they belong and it sounds like you all have a plan. How quickly can we get this done?"

----Sometime Later----

Coleman walked into Operations after the meeting of the minds. As he walked into Operations, he input a couple of commands to allow the Science and Engineering teams to do what they needed to do to send all the ships back.

Tapping his comabdge, Coleman said, "Computer, make an announcement across all decks. Have all personnel from the displaced ships report back to their own ships immediately for immediate departure. Let me know when all the crews are back onboard their own ships."

The computer chirped to life and came across every combadge, communicator, and overhead aboard the station. The computer said, "Attention all crew and personnel. Any members of the displays crews, please report to the nearest transporter room and transport back to your ships for immediate departure. Again, all visiting members of the displaced crews, please report to the nearest transporter to be transported back at once for immediate departure."

A couple minutes go by and the computer chirped to life to say, "All members of the displaced crews are safely accounted for on their own ships."

Coleman said, "Coleman to all members of the Engineering and Science Teams, lets do this and send those people home."

=^= Vox here. I have everthing set in engineering and I believe we can send everyone home but we must do it in reverse order in which they came and with the same intervals between each. Ready to go at your signal. =^=

"Make it so down there with Mr. McWire!" Coleman said, as he waited to see everything happen. The ships began in reverse order, according to the way that they came out. As the ships went in, Coleman watched and made sure that all was good according to the projections that the Engineering and Science teams had done.

One by one, all the ships went back into the vortex and within several minutes, all the ships went back into the vortex and back to where they needed to go to. Once the last ship went in, Coleman checked the Temporal Database back on Earth and all was as it was. Nothing was changed in any crazy or unusual way.

After checking, Coleman tapped his combadge and said, "Coleman to Vashir, McWire, and Vox. All is good in the realm of temporal mechanics. All the ships are back where they need to go. Thanks for all your help."

After closing the channel, Coleman smiled and made his report to the Admiralty and put in the comments that everything was good.


Lieutenant Commander Nicholas Coleman
Chief Science Officer
Starbase 400


Lieutenant (JG) Vashir
Assistant Chief Science Officer
Starbase 400


Lieutenant Percy McWire
Chief Engineering Officer
Starbase 400


Lieutenant (JG) Deezell Vox
Assistant Chief Engineering Officer
Starbase 400


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