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A New Adventure

Posted on Tue Jan 4th, 2022 @ 5:27pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Commander Leksander Draven

452 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 112 - A Trip to Remember
Location: Starbase 400, Ops
Timeline: MD1, 0930hrs


Mike stepped into Ops from his Office with a PADD in his hand. He didn't look too happy about it either. Mike walked over to the holo-display in the middle of the room. He tapped in a few commands and the display shifted from SB400 in the middle and ships in the area to a location in Romulan territory, outside of the Area Operational Area.

Draven looked over from the Intel position, then walked over. "Something wrong?"

"No, just something we're being saddled with that outside of our area, again." Mike replied. "As part of the peace treaty, the Federation has been given access to what the Romulans call, The Artifact."

"The Artifact?" Draven asked.

Mike tapped the display again, centering it on The Artifact.

"A Borg Cube?!" Draven replied.

"A damaged one the Romulans neutralized close to the border with the where the Fenris Rangers now patrol. Starfleet doesn't know how long the Romulans have had it, what they've been able to research, or anything else." Mike added.

"What do they want us to do?" Draven asked.

"Per the Treaty, only civilian scientists will be grated permission to work and study aboard the Cube, however Starfleet did get the Romulans to approve a one time Starfleet inspection. That's where we come in. Two ship from Starbase 400 can go, scan, and send personnel aboard to inspect and meet the former drones." Mike explained.

Draven raised an eyebrow, "Former drones? Are they apart of the Liberated like General Korok?"

"No, however apparently the liberated Borg known as Hugh is there, so maybe he and facilitate an successful mission." Mike replied.

Draven nodded. "Okay, who's going?"

Mike paused a moment before answering. "Apparently, I am."

"Starfleet is making you go? With you're history with the Borg?" Draven asked.

Mike nodded.

After a moment, Mike added, "I'll have Commander Coleman with the Endeavour lead the Science team with Ensign McWire leading the Engineering team with both Solomon and AmHain on leave. Commander Croesus will go too and lead another Engineering/Operation team. I also want Drs. Blake and Meaho'ōla with a Medical team to check the health of those drones. Lieutenants Xalanth and Etaalu with a Security team each. And yourself."

Draven nodded. "What about Seven of Nine, she would be perfect for a mission like this.

"Seven left Starfleet over ten years ago. Last I heard she was a member of the Fenris Rangers, but she hasn't responded to any Starfleet communications since leaving." Mike replied.

Draven nodded again. "Alright, when do we leave?"

"Tonight, by 2000hrs." Mike replied. He tapped in a few commands and sent a message to the officers he mentioned before to meet him in Tactical Operations.



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