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Family Time Plus 1

Posted on Wed Dec 29th, 2021 @ 3:25am by Admiral Deela T'Lar & Lieutenant JG Janelle Sykes & Brandon McNamara & Raivyn T'Lar

818 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 111 - Merry Christmas from Starbase 400
Location: T'Lar's Quarters
Timeline: Current

Bremer had gone off to Earth for Christmas so Deela stayed on the station. There was no use going anywhere since Jack was off on his mission away from the base. It was pretty quiet with a lot of the crew off for the holidays. This made it possible to spend some time with the kids.

Deela walked into her place and it took no time for Raivyn to run up to her and hug her, "Mommy!" Brandon came out of Raivyn's room, "We were just going to play some cards."

Deela smiled, "Can I get in on this card game?" She always had time for her kids no matter how tired she was.

"Oh Mommy, don't be silly. Of course you can play cards with us." Raivyn was excited because her mother wanted to join in.

Brandon walked into the kitchen, then proudly made an announcement, "I, made dinner for us."

Raivyn butted in, "He means that he replicated the food."

"It is fine. Food is food." There was a lesson here, "Besides, it's the thought that counts. So let's enjoy it and be thankful that we have food to eat."

They all sat at the table and ate. They talked about the day, what they did and how Brandon wouldn't let her play his game on the computer. Of course, Brandon had a very different story. Deela had an idea, "How about we see if Janelle would like to join us for cards. What do you guys think?"

"I'd like that." Raivyn liked her a lot. Brandon agreed that it was a great idea.

Deela, after finishing eating, she got up and asked Janelle if she was free. Janelle was so happy to do something fun instead of being alone. Her family couldn't make it so she spent most of her days working or doing something on the holodeck.

"Okay, Janelle said yes. Brandon, you clear the table and Raivyn, you get the cards and shuffle them. I am going to take a quick shower and then when Janelle gets here, we can play a game or two." She disappeared into her bedroom. the kids did as they were told.

Janelle rang the chime and Brandon let her inside, "Hey Brandon, Raivyn. Thank you for inviting me."

"Sorry, I can't take the credit. It was my mom's idea." Brandon had a crush on her so he was happy to see her again. But he didn't let on, knowing that she was much older than him.

Raivyn ran over and hugged Janelle, "I'm so glad you came. I hope you like Hand and Foot."

"I love the game." Janelle didn't care what they were playing, as long as she wasn't just sitting around, doing nothing.

Deela walked out in her comfy clothes and greeted Janelle, "Oh good. You're here. would you like a drink?"

"Yes please, anything with bubbles is fine."

Brandon got her a drink and brought some popcorn over to the table as well. Raivyn joined them as well as Deela. raivyn sat across from Deela and Brandon was Janelle's partner. They prepared their cards and began to play.

Deela reminded them what the starting points were, "So, you need 60 points to lay down." They continued to play all four rounds. They tied, two and two and so they played a tie breaker.

Brandon was all smiles, "You want to go out?"

Janelle smiled, "All right Brandon! You rock!"

Brandon proudly emptied his hand of cards. He was proud of the way he played. He couldn't stop smiling. He wasn't fooling his mom. She could sense what he was feeling. She thought it was really sweet, his first crush.

They decided to play a different game, poker. Brandon had been teaching Raivyn how to play, with Deela's permission of course. after popcorn, drinks, and card games, Raivyn got tired and retreated to her room. Brandon just kept staring at Janelle. Janelle knew he had a crush on her but she didn't mind. He'd grow out of it eventually. They all talked for a while but it was getting late and Janelle had to turn in early.

"Well, thank you again for inviting me. It was fun. It's not everyday that you get to play cards with the XO and beat her." They all laughed.

"Glad you could come." Deela walked her to the door, with Brandon right behind her and Raivyn behind Brandon. Raivyn pushed through, "Goodbye Janelle!" Brandon smile was plastered on his face, "We should do this more often."

Janelle smiled at him one more time, "Sure. Goodnight all."

Deela watched her leave. Brandon went back to his computer and Raivyn joined Deela on the couch. Deela thought about jack and was missing him terribly, hoping that he was okay. She hadn't heard from him for a few days. She would contact him in the morning. The rest of the evening was uneventful.


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