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Time to go Home

Posted on Tue Dec 28th, 2021 @ 6:02pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer

314 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 111 - Merry Christmas from Starbase 400
Location: Various
Timeline: Current


Christmas had passed and it was nearly new year's day. 2398 would be here soon. It was snowing outside as Mike walking in New York City. He'd watched 'The Nutcracker' and thought a walk in the cold would wake him back up fully before he beamed home. He passed through Times Square and looked up as a holo-projection, an advertisement for 'Reclaiming the Castle' a new musical coming to Broadway. The ad said it was 'A tale from the war, a story of tragedies, fortunes and heroism' while behind played scenes of the Pegasus-B and other ships fighting to retake Starbase 400.

"Oh good lord." Make said as he watched the ad play. The video then showed the cast of actors singing and dancing and all Mike could do was shake his head.

He continued on his walk and was soon at Rockefeller Center gazing upon the big Christmas tree. It's eased his soul.

Several minutes later Mike was back home in South Carolina.

"Sir, all of your personal items have been beamed up to the Pegasus."

"Thank you Ensign." Mike replied to the Bolian.

"All personnel have already reported aboard as well, except for Mister Conway, he's asked to return to Starbase 400 aboard the Yorktown."

Mike nodded, "Very well. I'll be up shortly and we can depart."

Mike walked around the house for a few minutes, he made sure everything was secured and everything he wanted to take back to the Station with him was already beamed up.

Walking back to his office, he tapped a data-panel. "Compute, secure the residence. Raise shields two seconds after I beam out. Set remote access code to Tango-Two-Two-Alpha-Bravo-Four."

The computer beeped the Mike tapped his comm-badge. "Bremer to Pegasus, one to beam up."

Minutes later Mike stood on the bridge of the Pegasus and watched Earth get smaller on the viewer as the ship moved away.



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