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Transfer to Jupiter Station

Posted on Sun Jan 9th, 2022 @ 7:46pm by Lieutenant Commander Nicholas Coleman

1,616 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 112 - A Trip to Remember
Location: Chief Science Officer - Deck 1680
Timeline: Now


Lieutenant JG Matthew Plumeri took one more look out the large bay windows of his quarters. He felt like he had hardly gotten to know the place, his quarters, he spent so little time here. The walls were bare now, the room empty. Everything he had as far as “personal belongings” had been packed up and shipped ahead of him. He inhaled a moment and closed his eyes. Listening to the quiet of the room with only the hum of the environmental system to fill the silence. After a moment, he opened his eyes and saw out of the window of transparent aluminum a ship enter warp. The familiar coalescing of light as a ship entered the warp field. And then it was gone. A momentary flash. In a little under an hour the Intrepid class ship, USS Albatenius would be here to transport the science officer and historian to Jupiter Station.

He picked up his duffle bag and his trumpet case and left the room. He took the long way to the Science labs. He passed by some of his favorite shops, friends at the gym, and a few other areas that he frequented. He would save the bar for last – that would be for meeting his department head, Nicholas Coleman, a little bit later.

He walked by a holo-image of a live news feed. A group of people had gathered around it and were clearly angry about something. He overheard the woman on the holo-image say, “I understand your concerns. You’ll have to talk with Bremer. I could not bring myself to do what you asked. If we do this - it will be nothing short of a blank check to the Federation President. We will be handing him authority to use Starfleet to attack anyone involved in the events on Chekka V —anywhere, at any time, on any world, without regard to Starfleet’s long-term foreign policy, support for refugees and member worlds security interests, and without a time limit or exit strategy. In granting these overly broad powers, the Federation Council failed its responsibility to understand the dimensions of its declaration. I could not support such a grant of war-making authority to the president; I believe it would put more innocent lives at risk.”

Matthew’s eyebrows lifted and he was glad to be able to simply pass by unnoticed. He didn’t like the political realm. The world was much more interesting when trying to examine something like History or Science. Those disciplines, for the most past, had answers and solutions. Matthew pressed the turbolift call button and waited for the lift. The doors opened and he stepped inside, “Chief Science Officer, deck 1680” and the lift started its journey. Again, not in too much of a hurry, Matthew eventually stood outside his department head’s office. He pressed the chime.

Coleman had been working on several reports for Starfleet Academy and the Science Academy on Vulcan when he heard the door chime to his office ring. Looking up from one of the PADDs that had gathered on his desk, he said, "Come."


The doors parted and Matt stepped into the room and crossed the distance to the desk. Despite being so busy, the office was tidy and not besieged with piles of PADD's or other crap-ola. Matthew smiled, "Commander, I hope I'm not interrupting - too much I mean?" his cheeky grin betrayed his words.

Coleman got up from where he was sitting and could tell that the younger man was about to head out somewhere. Coleman had to approve the much younger man's request for transfer out to Jupiter Station. He was going to be heading a new wing of Holo-History with Dr. Lewis Zimmerman and Reginald Barclay. Coleman was slightly jealous, but excited as well for Plumeri. Coleman knew that Plumeri was the kind of person that could bring fresh ideas to that type of work, and it was much needed.

"So, are you excited for the transfer out to Jupiter Station?" Coleman said as he leaned against his table. He wasn't sure what to say and was at a true loss of words for the first time in a rather long time.

Setting his trumpet case and duffle on the chair in front of him, "Yeah. Kinda. I mean, its a great opportunity to be asked to help update the 'Ancient and Alien' ", he used finger air quotes around those words, "holographic history archive. I mean, long after I shuffle off this mortal coil the work will live on. So sure..." he grinned, "the chance to be immortal for a while is not too shabby." He looked around the room, "But...I don't like leaving jobs half-done. And I think you have a lot of compelling work here on SB400."

As Coleman looked over the young man, he couldn't help but feel a lot of himself in him...of course, when he was younger. Coleman had seen several worlds and a galaxy in more turmoil than he could even begin to describe. Conflicts with the Klingons, Romulans, Dominion, Borg, and so many other races that made him appreciate the small things in life.

Walking over to where Plumeri was standing, he smiled and asked, "Would you ever consider coming back some day?"

"Yes sir, I'm planning to. My transfer orders are for '...the duration of time needed for the project to be completed.' Probably nine-months to a year maybe? I know a lot can happen in that amount of time. There may not be a place for me here when I'm done on Jupiter Station. But I hope that there will be." There was a moment of silence, but not an awkward moment. Matthew then said, "You know, in the research I am doing on the progenitors of the Tholians. The people who encoded, who kept alive their culture using the gemstones and the 'Librarian'. I came across a bit of knowledge from them that seems appropriate now. The progenitors say, 'Life is all arrivals and departures.' And I rather like that. There is truth in that short saying. Assuming I got the translation correct." Here, he grinned and chuckled.

Walking over to Plumeri, Coleman put his hands on Plumeri's shoulders and said, "Just don't forget about us when you become big and famous, okay? Some of us will be out here saving the galaxy, m'kay? Thank you for all you've done on this Starbase and to Starfleet. You've definitely done your people proud."

Touched by the kindness of his words, Matthew made a gentle bow of his head, "One is glad to be of service Commander. You and your team will be on the front lines. And, I shall be with you in my spirit, at your side, day by day I will think of this place. And I shall...I shall miss you. I will miss supporting the work you do and have done Commander." Matt thought a moment, holding Coleman's gaze a moment and offering him a handshake saying, 'Versa Est in Luctum' that is to say, 'My harp is tuned to sorrow' so says my heart. Sir."

Smiling, Coleman didn't know what to say and didn't want for them the moment to part. So, he thought about a way to keep going.

"How about I walk you down to the airlock to the ship? It's on the way to Cetatian Operations and I need to drop off a few reports for Lieutenant LaLa Ri and Ensign Vortex. I didn't think Marine Mammals could be so picky about reports, and I've worked with Vulcans for a few decades," Coleman said with a small chuckle, offering to pick up the duffle bag and slinging it over his shoulder.

"Oh yes, I would like that very much. Very much indeed" and here he picked up his trumpet case and accepted the offer of having his duffle bag carried.

Coleman walked down to the transporter room with Plumeri and both men joked and carried on as they walked down to the transporter room. As they walked into the room, Coleman laid the duffle bag on the transporter pad and helped put the trumpet on it as well. Coleman smiled as he stepped off and asked Plumeri, "So, are you ready to disembark?"

Taking one last look, Matt said, "Thank you for all you have done for me Commander. I hope to see you again soon. Ready to leave Commander Coleman."

With a smile on his face, Coleman stood back and gave a Vulcan salute. "As the Vulcans would say, Live Long and Prosper, Mr. Plumeri. May all your journeys be bright and may the sun always be at your back."

With that, Plumeri got onto the transporter pad and Coleman leaned back and said, "Energize." With a shimmer of light, Plumeri and his belongings were transported over, so that he could begin his new journey.

The Transporter Chief said, "Transport complete. Mr. Plumeri is onboard the Albatenius. They said they're ready to disenbark."

Coleman looked back at the Chief and said, "Permission granted. Tell them...tell Plumeri, God Speed." With that, Coleman smiled and walked out of the transporter room and headed back to his office. He knew that Plumeri would make a good addition to the holographic history project on Jupiter Station. But, Coleman knew he was loosing one hell of an officer and hope that he would return one day.

As for today, there was still much to be done.


Lieutenant Commander Nicholas Coleman
Chief Science Officer/CO
Starbase 400/USS Endeavour


Lieutenant (J.G.) Matthew Plumeri
Jupiter Station


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