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Rading the slavers

Posted on Thu Nov 4th, 2021 @ 4:52pm by Lieutenant Xalanth & Lieutenant Commander Croesus & Lieutenant JG Miaxi Etaalu & Lieutenant Percy McWire

946 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 110 - An Endeavor in Discovery

Xalanth winched slightly from his place in the captain's chair of the USS Avenger as she sped towards the slaver's base. He did wish he had more time to recover from his injuries from the Romulan incident, but this took priority.

" Open a channel to commander Croesus." he said to the coms officer. Hopefully, he would be in position.

[ Croesus here. We are in position Avenger.]

" Okay move in and let's see what we can rustle out of this hive. " the lizard said as the two ships jumped out of warp. A smile formed on his face as the ship's sensors located the freighter on the surface of the small planet. The ship immediately began to take off and head for the vast of space.

" Target her engines she is not getting away." the lizard barked.

"Targeting engines, aye sir." Miaxi was in full on professional mode. She had been worried about Xalanth since he boarded the ship - worried that he was pushing it. Not that she was going to say anything out here on the bridge about it.

The phaser bank sent a directed beam straight at the freighter, knocking out the engines. Miaxi had never been at the tactical station of an Intrepid Class ship before, but she had taken the time they had spent getting out here to familiarize herself with it, and in reality it wasn't much different than the tactical station of the Independence: there were simply less phaser banks available. Then again, it was a much smaller ship. As soon as the confirmation flashed up, she gave a small smile. "Freigher engine disabled, sir."

" Very good." The lizard said with a grin. " Dispatch a boarding team and let's take out the moons defensives." He said as the phaser turrets began their light show.

"Scanning defenses." Miaxi said. "The boarding team has been alerted." she looked up. "Ops, can you make sure Lt. Xalanth gets all comms traffic from the boarding team to his seat?" She knew how important catching Admiral Wood was to Xalanth - her as well, but she felt it meant more to him.

"Can do, Lt. Etaalu." Came the response. "The team is away."

"Xalanth, we have phaser locks on the main weapons systems on that moon." Miaxi reported a moment later. "Permission to fire?"

" Fire at will Miaxi." Xalanth replied as he watched the duel between the ship's phasers and the planet's batteries.

In a matter of moments, the ship's phasers began a devastating set of attacks on the moon's weapons, attacking battery after battery as they moved around the small celestial body. While it took some time to make sure the ship had taken them all out, Miaxi finally gave Xalanth a nod. "The moon's defenses are gone. We should be able to move onto the planet. Unless..." she pulled up the tactical specs again, just to make sure. "No, there aren't any more ships down there, certainly not that have any weapons systems aboard."

" Bring us into orbit and prepare the assault teams." Xalanth said as he began to stand up before stopping. " Scan for any incoming or outgoing signals."

"We're moving into orbit." The ensign at the helm station said.

Miaxi had glanced over at Ops, where an officer was initiating a scan for signals. She began her own, widening the original search to make sure there weren't any ships unaccounted for. The last thing they needed was someone sneaking up on them. She also opened her empathic sense, although with a whole planet of people nearby, and three ships, she would be hard pressed to distinguish who was where, let alone if there was another ship in hiding.

The cruiser Roane also joined them and Lt Commander Croesus awaited for directions from Xalanth..

While she was waiting for the scan to finish, Miaxi checked the status of the assult teams. "Xalanth, did you want me to join the assault teams or assist from here? Also, it looks like Team 3 will be going down near what could be a major power center for this part of the planet. It could be useful to have an engineer with them."

" Go with the second assault team. I'll lead the first and Ensign Percy's group is going after the power center. Commander Croesus's groups should be beaming down as well." the lizard explained.

Miaxi took a deep breath. She had hoped to pull him aside, but everything was progressing too quickly. "Aye sir." she replied. He wasn't stupid. Surely he wouldn't put himself in harm's way? She couldn't worry about him now. She looked down at her console. "Assault teams are assembling in the transporter rooms." She tapped her commbadge. =^= Ensign McWire, you're with Assault Team 3 in Transporter room 2, you'll be the second group to go. =^= she told him.

McWire taped his com badge =^= “Acknowledged, I am on my to transporter room two. Ma’am =^= Then checked his padd on his mission assignment of disabling or shutting down the power center.

Moments later he arrived at transporter room two. Stepping onto the platform waiting to be beamed down.

"That just leaves us." she said lightly. "Assault Team One is leaving from Transporter room 1. Be careful sir." It was the only warning she would ever give a senior officer outside of combat.

" I will." Xalanth said reassuringly as he opened a channel to all the assault teams. " Be careful everyone. Stick together and let's bring our people home and remember what we do in life echoes for eternity." The lizard said calmly as the transporter beam activated.

Miaxi prepared herself mentally as she felt herself transported. An instant later, her team reappeared on the planet.



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