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A Case of Overwork

Posted on Sun Jun 20th, 2021 @ 4:44pm by Lieutenant JG Miaxi Etaalu

174 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Episode 110 - An Endeavor in Discovery
Location: Main Security Office
Timeline: MD01


Miaxi was exhausted. Tasked with trying to track down the missing personnel that they actually had names and locations for, she had begun with adrenaline pumping through her. Unfortunately, adrenaline never lasts for long. She had managed to speak to a few people, who had directed her to other people, and left many more messages. For some, it was a question mark if they would return her message or not. Not everyone was on the up and up - but at least she had names.

She gave another jaw cracking yawn and decided she needed sleep. She wasn't going to do herself or anyone else any favors working when she was over tired. Even Xalanth was in and out, no doubt doing other things besides concentrating on this one case.

She put aside her PaDDs, locking them down carefully and making sure her desk area was tidy. It was time for a light meal in her quarters and a long sleep.

Lt. JG Miaxi Etaalu
Assistant Chief of Security
Starbase 400


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