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Rising suspicion

Posted on Thu Jun 17th, 2021 @ 6:37pm by Lieutenant Kah'lyn Chiara-Rivers & Lieutenant Xalanth
Edited on on Mon Jun 28th, 2021 @ 5:39am

1,676 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 110 - An Endeavor in Discovery
Location: Security center
Timeline: MD1 0700 hrs


Her time with Croesus enjoyed Kah’lyn had been to Ops to pick up her work schedule, and was now enroute to security to fix a reported problem with the computer system. Arriving at the security offices she walked inside and looked around smiling as she saw Xalanth. “Good Morning Xalanth, I’m here to take a look at, and fix the problem with the computer system.”

" Hello, my friend." The lizard said with a warm smile on his face as he sipped his coffee. " How are you this fine morning."

“Finally past morning sickness I’m glad to say!” Kah’lyn smiled warmly as she lay her tool kit out on some spare desk space. “I hope you’re fine?”

" As well as I can be," Xalanth said sipping his coffee. " Dealing with the deepest most deprived elements of this galaxy really does get to you. How about you. Any more missing time?"

“Nothing since I got back from my visit to my father's ship” Kah’lyn smiled. “I mentioned it to him while I was there, and he had their doctor look me over. They are the experts in Romulan medical care after all, he couldn’t find anything wrong but he did suggest maybe it’s hormone related? A massive case of baby brain!” She shrugged her shoulders. “Who knows!”

" I guess. Is your father with the Romulan republic military? " The lizard inquired as he lead the way to the main computer. The thing hadn't been working properly since they re took the station."

“To be honest, I have no idea!” Kah’lyn offered a smile. “I haven’t enquired too much in case it appears I’m trying to gain knowledge I shouldn’t have.”

" Makes sense." the lizard said thinking it rather odd she didn't know. He'd have asked that rather quickly, but he was from a military race. " Just asking because were still waiting on the ship to move many of the Romulan republic refugees back. Many of them have been through a lot." he said shuddering at the memory of the thorlian experiments.

“Have they not returned yet?” Kah’lyn looked surprised. “My father told me he’d arrange that, In-fact he promised me!” She sighed. “ Croesus told me that the two of you were attacked by Romulans from my father’s ship?”

The lizard began to open his mouth but he paused as his gut spoke up. The feeling that always told him something was very wrong. The feeling that had made him duck so that the shattered organid bone on smashed into the top of his skull instead of taking it off. The men they had in the secure brig were no Romulans most likely they were one of the slave species they used for their dirty work.

" Investigations are still ongoing so I'm afraid I can't say anything about the suspects. " He said giving a weak smile. " I ask about the transport because the Romulan republic still not sent one. We still have around twenty of them that need a medical transporter."

Kah’lyn nodded. “Leave it with me I’ll arrange it for you. I’m sure they’d all like to get home again.” She changed the subject. “So what exactly is it that’s going on with the computer?”

" Main security database is still bugged. Keeps corrupting files and randomly restarting among another few dozen problems. " The lizard said pulling out a padd and handing it to her. " We've been recording everything onto padds."

“Oh wonderful, that’s a good idea. It sounds like you’ve got one or more corrupt isolinier chips. That’s if it’s that simple. If it isn’t we’re gonna end up having to rip the guts out of the computer and giving it a full revamp!” She sighed. “We’ll start with the easier fix and see how it goes.”

" I'll give you a hand. " Xalanth said leading her into the security centers computer core. " This is why i preferred my own people's tech. Errors with it mostly involve scratching it's belly or feeding it to fix them."

Kah'lyn grinned. "Well we more or less have to pamper the computer to get it up and running again. I can't promise how long it'll take though. We have to manually check the isolinear chips, but first off it's a visual check of the systems."

" Well let's get started. " The lizard said as he opened the door to the main computer room. " Here we are. Shall i start getting the pannels off?" He asked

"Please" Kah'lyn nodded as she grabbed what she needed from her kit. "I guess there's one blessing of being pregnant, when I start looking like a bowling ball I won't have to sit around on the floor, or crawl through Jeffries tubes to do repairs." She grinned.

" Please none of my mates were content to sit around whilst they were pregnant. Trying to get them to take it easy was hard enough. " Xalanath said smiling at the happy memories.

"Ohh I won't be sitting around, I plan to work for as long as I can." Kah'lyn smiled. "How is your mate?"

" Fulvia is happy and doing well. She's wanting to have a natural birth with this one. It's another girl by the way." The lizard replied warmly.

“Congratulations!” Kah’lyn smiled. “I hope all continues to go well for you both.” She moved to sit on the floor below the computer so she could start the component check. Pulling each chip in turn would take time.

" I'm sure it will. We've been thinking off a few names. Fulvia's suggested naming her after one of her half-sisters to annoy them back on magna roma. They'll be unhappy there slipping even further down the line of succession to her dad's fortune. " Xalanth replied with a grin.

“Family politics can be a pain in the neck!” Kah’lyn grinned. “According to my father if I had been raised on Romulus I’d have been betrothed to his First Officer by now. A family strengthening exercise, to have children that would strengthen the bond between their houses.” She shrugged her shoulders. “I much prefer being free to choose who I love, Croesus is all the man I need.”

" I can agree with that. My second Leilani had an arranged marriage set up by her mother. Managed to get her out of it rather easy though." He replied with a grin on his face at the happy memory.

Kah’lyn frowned. “There are times I catch them looking at me in strange ways, and the way the SubCommander hangs around me is more than a little disconcerting. There are times I really don’t feel comfortable being there.”

" Have you told your, father? " The lizard inquired. " Maybe you should ask him if you can meet him on the station next time."

Kah’lyn nodded. “That’s a good idea. I feel awful he’s my father it feels wrong to be suspicious of him! Also...” she paused. “There are times I like the attention I get, which worries me. I love Croesus, why would I like the attention another man gives me?”

" I'm not the best person to ask about that." Xlanth replied honestly. " My species is polygamous remember. I don't think there any harm in enjoying the attention as long as you don't act on it. "

“I would never act on it, my heart and soul belong to Croesus.” She stopped talking and froze as a sudden image of her in bed with the SubCommander flashed through her mind.

Xalanth was about to go into another of his stories when he heard his friend stop. Turning to look at her he noticed the look on her face. " Kah'lyn what's wrong? " he said kneeling down next to her.

Kah’lyn gave Xalanth a watery eyed look. “I saw...” she paused. “Me, in bed with the... the SubCommander!” She looked confused. “I haven’t! I wouldn’t!!”

" Hey hey hey. I know that as does your husabnd. " Xalanth said as he drew a tissue from a back pouch and handed it to her. " Kah'lyn this sub commander do you know his name?" Xalanth asked noting she hadn't given his name. " Did he give you something to drink or did he have you remain with him?" the security chief asked.

Kah'lyn took the tissue and wiped her eyes. "His name? It's err... Miru." She frowned. "I'm always offered food and drink while I'm aboard the ship, my father insists I'm treated with respect. Miru has always been polite to me, but I didn't think he appreciated having me around very much. That's the kind of impression he and the other crew give me. Unless it's just the fact that I wear a Starfleet Uniform, promise me you won't say anything to Croesus? He already has enough doubts about me."

" I won't. As long as you go straight to medical and get fully checked out including a mental scan. I'll go and get your father's ship to dock and have a go through it. If someones doing something to your mind we'll find it." the lizard said reassuringly.

Kah’lyn nodded. “Thank you Xalanth, I appreciate your trust.” Little did he know that the reprogrammed part of Kah’lyn was already planning to inform her father of Xalanth’s suspicions. “First things first I need to finish repairing this computer.”

" Indeed. Let's get this fixed and i'll walk you down to medical myself." The red lizard said calmly as he reached for some of the chips.

Kah’lyn smiled. “Agreed.” With that she got on with the job at hand.

Xalanth smiled reassuringly as he helped his friend with the task at hand. He flet for her and did his best to keep her mind of the current mess with stories of his daughters.

When they finished he helped her tidy up and started heading for the medical center. He just wished his gut would stop warning him of danger.


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