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Security Precautions

Posted on Mon Jun 14th, 2021 @ 7:21pm by Lieutenant Commander Nicholas Coleman & Lieutenant Xalanth

1,504 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 110 - An Endeavor in Discovery
Location: Security Offices
Timeline: MD01, 0730 hours


Nick was sitting on the promenade, getting a bite to eat when he got an incoming message from Mars. He had received a message from his brother, Jonathan, about the newest USS Endeavor. It was due to arrive at the station any day now and that made Nick excited. He'd finally have his new ship. But, he wanted to make sure the security precautions were up-to-date before his new ship came into port to make sure it didn't go down like its predecessor.

Thinking about it, Nick knew that the best person to probably talk to would be the Security Chief, Xalanth. He wasn't sure where he'd be at the moment, but decided to go start at the brigs and security complex for the station.

Heading over to the nearest Turbolift, he caught one rather quickly and called up the level for the security complex. It went by rather quickly, as it wasn't too far from the Promenade.

Stepping off of the Turbolift, Nick walked over to the security complex and walked inside. It looked like it must've been a busy day, but didn't want to wait. Nick walked over to one of the security officers and asked, "Is Lieutenant Xalanth nearby?"

As if the universe had heard him around a corner stepped Xalanth with a very large drink in hand. " Ah, commander Nicholas. Apologies for the state of things we've had five mega freighters dock and many of the crew were a little too fast to blow off steam."

"Don't worry about it. You should see BioPhysics Lab 4. That is a mess! But, if you have a second, I was thinking I could pick your brain about something," he said, smiling as he saw everything going on in the security section of the station.

" Sure we've got these freight boys locked up. What do you need me to look at?" the lizard enquired.

"Well, you know the new USS Endeavor-A should be arriving at Starbase 400 sometime soon and I was wondering if we could go over some of the security procedures? The last ship to bear the name out in a blaze of glory and I wanted to make sure that didn't happen again, so I was wondering if you had any ideas for some security upgrades to the new ship?" Coleman asked, curious as to whether or not something could have changed to make it better and survive a bit longer next time.

"Sure shall we step into my office to discuss them?" The lizard enquired.

Nick offered the Chief of Security to lead the way. As they walked over to the Security Offices, Coleman enquired, "Sir, if you don't mind me asking. What species do you hail from? I don't know if I've met many, if any, of them?"

" Dragonian my friend. To be more precise clan dragon of the northern desert. " Xalanth replied happily. He did always like talking about his people. " I'd be surprised if you had seen any of us we're very isolationist. Can't blame the majority of us. Our first contact was with a bunch of alien robots that tried to wipe us all out."

"Oh, you didn't have a run-in with V'Ger or the Borg, did you guys? Cause, being part El-Aurian, I can understand the pain of having your people wiped away by the Borg just cause," Coleman replied, as he took a seat across from the Security Chief.

" No, they were a nasty bunch that only called themselves the Yor. Even the orgnaid we liberated from them have no idea where they come from or why they wanted to kill all life." the lizard said sitting down at his desk. " Have met the borg once. One of the scariest days of my life."

"Yeah, they are pretty scary and mean. But, anyways. I've come to ask about the USS Endeavor. I was wondering if there was anything you might recommend for us once she arrives to make sure we don't lose her again," Coleman asked, pulling a PADD from a pocket from the jacket he was wearing. He handed it over to review the specs of the newest ship of the line.

"Of course i always have some ideas for security. " The lizard said as he brought up the blueprints of the new ship. " Do you have the report on what damage the last one took?" He inquired.

"Yeah, just one second. Computer, access classified file Endeavor-Alpha-2-2-Beta. Authorization Code Coleman-Alpha-1," Coleman said, bringing up the information about how the battle went and what kind of damage the previous vessel named Endeavor took.

" Thank you. " Xalanth said as he began looking over the damage report. " Well first priority should be to add extra armour to the area's that were penetrated by the enemy disrupters," Xalanth said as he brought up a hologram of the ship and highlighted the areas.

"The good thing is that I think the new Athena-Class Starships have a bit more upgraded armor and shielding. Those were some struggles aboard the Nova-Class Starships and which I'm glad that they've upgraded. Here's some of the specs on the upgrades and the side-by-side comparisons for you, sir," Coleman said, pulling up the new Athena-Class USS Endeavor and the Nova-Class Endeavor specs.

" Looking good, but we could do with reinforcing the hull here and here. " He said highlighting a few of the areas near the saucer section. " Interior armor would be best as the out plating is weaker around the slope. "

"I think my brother has said something about a new type of interior armor that the Starfleet Corps of Engineers has been working on. I'll see if I can get ahold of the specs for that as well and send it over for your inspection. Otherwise, any suggestions on how much armor we should include there?" Coleman asked, looking over the sections that were in need of armor.

" Two-thirty point three plates with the interior filled in with something spongey to absorb shockwaves." the lizard replied quickly whipping up an example.

Nodding gently, Coleman took in all the information. "How long would something like this take? If we did it here at the station?"

" Couple of days depends on the engineers." the lizard replied. " Now i have an idea for the interior of the ship."

Coleman motioned for the fellow officer to go ahead. "Yeah, I'd love to hear it. The biggest thing I found during the battle where the Endeavor was lost, we had some issues with bulkheads not withstanding the pressures of battle. So, I would love to hear your ideas."

" Well, this could be used to help with that." Xalanth said as he waved his hand to make sure the lieutenant commander was clear off the grey carpeted area of his office. " Computer barrier." He said calmly.

With a replication flash, a waist-high barrier materialized into life along the grey carpeted line. " You like it?" I designed it for use in the event of us being boarded. We could easily alter them to help them reinforce the bulkheads."

"I like it. Is it almost like ablative armor, but for inside the ship?" Coleman asked the reptilian.

" Thanks. I based it off my own people's organic ship's augmented plating. The only downside is it does draw a large amount of power." he explained.

"Well, the new Athena-Class Starships have the newer Warp Cores that are augmented by their slipstream drives. So, the power consumption wouldn't be a problem. How much more power would something like this take?" Coleman asked, bringing up some more information that his brother, Jonathan, had sent him earlier.

" Depends how much pressure or damage they're taking. " The lizard explained. " I'd not like to leave them on forever, but they'll certainly come in handy if we're boarded or are taking hull damage. "

"Okay, that's definitely something I want to look into. As soon as the new Endeavor gets in, I'd like your help on getting those upgrades implemented, once you've got time," Coleman said, smiling at the lizard.

" Thank you, sir and I'll gladly help out getting them installed." the lizard replied with a happy grin.

"Bridge to Lieutenant Commander Coleman. We've got an incoming subspace message coming in from Commander Jonathan Coleman, marked urgent," the voice from Operations said.

Coleman looked at his companion and said, "Well, it looks like I've got a phone call. How long do you think it'll take for you to get everything together?"

" A couple of days and i should have all the stuff ready." the chief replied.

"Okay, let me know and we'll get together again to make sure my new ship gets all the upgrades it gets. Thank you again for taking the time to meet with me!" Coleman replied as he gave a traditional Dragonian bow to the security chief before exiting the security complex.

" No trouble sir. Have a nice day. " the lizard said returning the bow.


Lieutenant Commander Nicholas Coleman
Chief Science Officer/Commanding Officer
Starbase 400/USS Endeavor-A


Lieutenant Xalanth
Chief Security Officer
Starbase 400


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