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A lizards thoughts.

Posted on Sun Jun 13th, 2021 @ 12:42pm by Lieutenant Fulvia & Lieutenant Xalanth

515 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 110 - An Endeavor in Discovery
Location: Chief of security quarters.

Xalanth couldn't sleep. His bright yellow eyes were tired from this long day yet all he could do was look up at the grey of his bedroom celling and wonder. The current cases and issues were getting to him

The door to his quarters slid open again as the sound of Fulvia echoed into his ears. Looking over he smiled as his magna roman mate appeared in the doorway to their bedroom. Like his people back home there were no doors in his quarters (though in this case he just kept them open.”

She was wearing the new uniform template which had been called the rero given it’s similarities to the old outfit of kirks era. The one-piece uniform that continued down into a miniskirt only with the upper section of the modern uniform with patches on either shoulder for rank badges.

A smile was spread over her face as he hands undid her uniform belt and zipper and let it fall from her form as skillful as if she was stripping off one of her gladitoral outfits back in the arena.

A “ Beloved you look tired.” Escaped her lips as now down to her boyshorts and bra crawled up next to him in the bed.

“ I am. Just thinking about the cases.” His arms wrapped around her with the strong yet gentle grip he’d learned to use with all of mates. Already her body was showing the signs of pregnancy powerful among all of them was the overpowering pheromones she was releasing.

Her body screamed love me, protect me, protect us as the smell filled his nostrils as he gripped her tighter to him breathing her in.

“ Worrying about us and the girls.” Came Fulvia’s reply as she relaxed into his scaly body. She knew he’d never hurt her. Well not unless she wanted him to.

Xalanth nodded as he looked deep into her eyes. “ All this stuff is getting to me. Slavery, possible brainwashing and the possibility that all this could lead to the war kicking off again. Then with you and the new girl on the way….”

“ Hey do not worry my lord and husband. I promised Veneris Bellicus i would bear you ten daughters. I somehow doubt she’ll let me fail with the second. “ his mate replied with a smile as she settled into his arms.

She had no idea how much the familiar words meant to him. She’d told him many a times about her supposed trip into the after life when he’d pulled her out of the syndicate trap. Of how she’d been allowed back if she’d bare him a small army of children.

Why a goddess from an alien pantheon would bless him so much was still a mystery. Though maybe it was her blessing. Finding love in the arms of an alien far from the trauma of her home.

Rubbing his head against her he remained awake until he could hear the soft sounds of her breathing before he himself drifted off into a long and peaceful sleep.


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