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The cost of love

Posted on Thu Jun 10th, 2021 @ 3:44pm by Lieutenant Kah'lyn Chiara-Rivers & Lieutenant Commander Croesus
Edited on on Mon Jun 28th, 2021 @ 5:38am

1,102 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 110 - An Endeavor in Discovery
Location: Croesus’ Quarters
Timeline: Evening prior to MD1 2300


Kah’lyn had arrived back at Croesus’ Quarters pretty late in the evening, she’d been spending a lot of time getting to know her father as a result she’d been off station on his ship more often than not. Not that it was a good thing, as it had given her father’s Reman colleagues a chance to mess with her head more often. Not that she remembered any of it, instead her loyalties were slowly being driven more toward her Romulan heritage than towards Starfleet.

Emerging from the bathroom wrapped in a towel she kissed Croesus before lowering the towel and standing in front of the mirror to admire the small bump that was starting to show even though she was only a couple of months. “Do you think I’ll still look attractive when I’ve got a bigger bump?”

" A blind Medusan would get aroused at your presence . Damn I've missed you. " Croesus replied as he slid up behind her to stand in close. Tapping her little bump.

“I’ve missed you too” Kah’lyn smiled as she turned around to face Croesus, looking up into his eyes. “It seems like forever since we last spent some time together. I’m sorry, it’s my fault I’ve been spending a lot of time with my father lately.”

" I'm curious how that went. You father has been very busy Kah'lyn. In fact Lt Xalanth and I found something." Croesus replied

“To be honest he’s been pretty open with me, they’ve obviously kept me away from sensitive areas of the Romulan ship but apart from that I was allowed to walk around freely. To be honest, he’s been teaching me more about my Romulan heritage, I get the feeling if I wasn’t part of Starfleet he’d have me married off to that XO of his. The guy hovers around all the time, I hate it!” She grinned as she ran her fingers over Croesus’ chest. “I’d much rather have you. so what did you and Xalanth find?”

Croesus enjoyed the moment but could feel the influence building up inside her.

" What are your plans now?" Croesus asked her.

“Now?” Kah’lyn looked up as she ran her fingers over Croesus’ chest. “I was hoping to make up for some lost time with you.” She smiled warmly. “I’ve missed you.”

Croesus grabbed Kah'lyn and kissed her and then scooped her up carrying her to their bed.

Kah’lyn smiled as she held onto Croesus, she loved him with all her heart and no amount of programming was going to change that. As Croesus lay her down on the bed she looked up into his eyes. “I love you Croesus, with all my heart and soul.”

" Yes, yes you do. Now give me that back," Croesus flirted.

“Ohhh I will” Kah’lyn grinned as she gently pulled Croesus down onto the bed with her, kissing him passionately as her fingers worked on removing his clothing.

Like wise Croesus reciprocating as he had missed Kah'lyn so much. His pent up anger for her Father made this love time all the more intense. Adding to that the recent news he and Xalanth found in the station made trusting Kah'lyn harder and harder.

Kah’lyn allowed her passion to mirror that of Croesus, she would allow fiery passion, along with rough and tumble but only to a point that would be safe for their baby. Clothes were strewn across the floor from where they undressed each other.

Croesus growled and but her on numerous limbs as his inner Klingon made love to her.

Kah’lyn encouraged every moment, her hands running over Croesus’ body. She wanted to make their lovemaking extra special for Croesus, especially as she hadn’t been around as much as she’d have liked of late.

Croesus love for her was evident but his fear of her father was just as real. Inwardly biased against all things Romulan, and for good cause, he used that anger to fuel his lust.

When their lovemaking was over, and they lay cuddled in each other’s arms Kah’lyn raised her head from Croesus’ chest and looked at him. “Are you angry with me? I felt anger from you when we were making love. Have I done something wrong?”

" We found some sabotage on the station, Romulan sabotage with all the ear marking of Terrh. They tried to kill Xanthra and myself." Croesus replied.

“They what!?” Kah’lyn sat up and looked at Croesus in dismay. “Why would they do that!? Does my father know about this?” She paused. “Are you angry at me because of that? I had nothing to do with it. I would never let anyone harm you!”

" Kah'lyn I know that. At least not willingly. I can't say any more about this issue." Croesus replied.

Kah’lyn nodded, but she couldn’t help but feel that Croesus didn’t trust her anymore. A combination of her own doubts, and her father’s programming. “I should go.” She moved to get out of bed to pick up her clothes.

" Why? Where are you going at this hour?" Croesus replied.

Kah’lyn paused. “I don’t know! I just... feel as though you don’t need me right now.” She turned to look at Croesus. “Do you need me? Do you even trust me anymore?”

" I will always need you. But you are being played and don't see it. Terrh is playing you." Croesus replied.

“Terrh is my father!” Kah’lyn paused suddenly realising that she was raising her voice at the man she loved, in defence of a man she barely knew. “I... I’m sorry.” She stepped forward laying her head on her head on Croesus chest and wrapping her arms around him. “I love you, I don’t want to argue with you.”

" Then don't let me just hold you a little longer. Computer Play Tibetan Bowl music song 4." Croesus replied. " Lay here and meditate with me. " he said as the bowls chimed in harmony.

Kah’lyn nodded and offered a smile, cuddling back up with Croesus she lay relaxing in his arms. The music was very relaxing.

Croesus held his love with great fear he was losing her more and more as his skin crawled with extreme doubt.

Laying against Croesus’ chest a wicked grin appeared on Kah’lyn’s face as the programmed personality below the surface momentarily came to light before she closed her eyes and went back to enjoying her romantic cuddle with Croesus,



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