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Informing Intel

Posted on Wed May 12th, 2021 @ 2:17pm by Lieutenant JG Miaxi Etaalu & Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Commander Leksander Draven

719 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 109 - The Dust Settles
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: MD3


Miaxi had taken a little time to write up a proper report concerning the interviews she had done with the two potential slaves. She wanted to get everything down in her mind before talking to anyone outside her department.

Once written, she took it, gave it a quick double check to make sure it was accurate, and picked it up. She would send it to the CO once she had talked with Commander Draven.

She had to check where his office was, and make sure he was in it, and how to get there, but once that was done, it was a short trip until she was staring at his door. She gave herself a quick nod and rang the chime.

Draven heard the door chime and tapped a button to pause his music.

"Enter" he called out.

Miaxi walked into the office, gripping the PaDD a little more tightly than she usually would. However, when she spoke, her voice was confident. "Commander Draven? I'm Lt. Etaalu, the new assistant chief of security. Lt. Xalanth and I conducted a search of a freighter, and we found something troubling." she stepped up to his desk and put the PaDD on it. "Two hidden stasis chambers containing sentient lifeforms, destined for slave markets. One of them is a Starfleet officer who had been missing in action from the war. Lt. Xalanth advised me to tell you."

Draven was concerned and stood as he took the PAdd.

"What's the officer's name?" As he read the other information on the PAdd.

"Curan Mides. He was an Ensign at the time he went MIA." Miaxi reported, tucking her hands behind her back. "I questioned both of them, but the woman, who only gave a name, had nothing, and Ensign Mides had little more except the fact that there were others being held with him." It was impossible to keep the concern out of her voice and off her face.

Draven nodded. He set the PADD down then tapped in the Ensign's name. "Curan Mides, Ensign, Operations Officer assigned to the USS D'kyr, reported missing last year at the battle of Cha'Di Station and the Planet Bosva." He paused a moment, "There were a lot of people reported missing during that disaster of a battle."

Draven tapped another button and logged out of his display. "The ship is locked down and the crew being held?"

"Yes sir." she confirmed.

"Let's go inform the 'old man'." Draven said as he started toward the door.

"Right behind you, Commander." Miaxi replied, and stepped aside so that he could exit first.

A few minutes later the turbolift doors opened into Ops. Draven looked around and saw Bremer talking with an Engineer over beside the transporter padds.

"...and how long before the internal transporter system is back online?" Mike asked.

"With all the other repairs to the Station and ships we're still working on, maybe a month?" She replied.

Mike nodded, "Do the best you can."

Mike looked over to see Draven walking toward him. "Lek, you looking for me?"

Draven nodded, "This is Lieutenant Etaalu, she's found something I think you need to know about." His voice was calm, but had some concern in it.

Mike looked at the Security Officer, "Lieutenant?"

"Sir, during a routine search of a freighter captained by a Ferengi, we found two prisoners, hidden in stasis pods. Lt. Xalanth believes they were destined to be slaves, due to the nature of the pods. One of the prisoners was a Starfleet Ensign who at the time was missing in action from the recent war."

"The ship is impounded and the crew is being held." Draven added.

Mike was angry. Angry that an officer and a civilian were being held against their will, angry the ship had the gall to stop at a Federation starbase, and he was angry there was still slavery in the late twenty-forth century.

"I want to know where that's ship has been, where it was going, where they acquired their prisoners, and where they were taking them." Bremer said with authority.

Draven turned to Etaalu, "How are your interrogation skills?"

"They're good, sir." Miaxi replied.

Mike glanced at Draven, then looked back to the young Lieutenant. "Get me those answers."

"I will, Admiral." Miaxi said seriously.



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