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A Wee Crate of Pirate Thievery

Posted on Sat Mar 13th, 2021 @ 1:04pm by Lieutenant Olivia O’Riley & Lieutenant JG Matthew Plumeri

1,180 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 109 - The Dust Settles
Timeline: MD3 - Morning


LTJG. Matthew Plumeri walked along the ever so slightly curving deck of level 705. In his arms he carried an awkwardly sized crate - at least it had handles! He was searching for LTCDR. Arianna Monroe's office here on Habitat 1 area. He stopped to ask someone and they indicated that it was still a ways to go, " the end of the deck." Wanting to point out that "the end of the deck" made no sense on a ringed, circular decklayout, but choosing the better part of valor and simply saying, "Thanks!", Matt continued on his quest. Eventually reaching the said offices of one, "Chief Counselor" as the door plate read. Setting the crate down, taking a breath, he pressed the chime button.

For a few moments there was no answer until a friendly face appeared at the door, albeit not Ariana’s. “Hello, I’m sorry but Commander Monroe is off Station at the moment. I’m Olivia O’Riley, can I be of assistance?”

Matt was surprised to see someone other than Monroe and he was sure it shown on his face, "Hi....uuhhhh. Well. Sure." She had pretty brown hair and eyes and she had a nice voice and then he noticed the Lieutenant pips on her collar. "Excuse me Lieutenant O'Riley, I wasn't expecting anyone else. I guess that's what I get for not consulting the computer ay?"

“It’s not a problem at all” Olivia grinned.

He indicated with a wave of his open right hand to the awkwardly large crate and said, "The Gorn...I hate to use the term 'ambassador' but, the Gorn representative delivered this crate to the Sciences department. After we looked over the contents, I remembered that Commander Monroe likes books and I thought she might like to have a gander through the contents?"

“In that case please do come in” Olivia motioned for Matt to enter. “Do you need a hand with the crate?”

He got the crate, "Nope. Thanks." and stepped through the threshold and into the office. He added, "The Gorn was a little light on the details about how they actually got this. So, we're thinking that it must have been stashed here on SB400 during the...the occupation?" He looked for a spot to set it down and noticed a reception table. "How about there? Care to take a look inside?"

“Sure why not” Olivia grinned. “If there’s one thing I find interesting it’s mysterious boxes of items. Though I won’t take anything, I’ll leave that for Ariana when she comes back.”

He smiled and put the crate down on the table. His hands on his hips he smiled, "Oh? Yeah? Are you the type that would take what's in the 'mystery box' instead of the washer/dryer set?" He joked and opened the crate lid.

“Oh that is so much me!” Olivia nodded and grinned. “You never know what surprises might be in the mystery box.”

The lid came off easily and they could peer inside. Matthew had already seen the contents and he let her have a go at the discovery. "See anything you like in there? It's yours. Here's an interesting book, '1000 years of bar-tending: The Who, What, Where, Why and Huh?' He took the book out and thumbed through the pages. "Made with real paper too!"

Olivia grinned. “This one looks more interesting” She picked up a small box. “What do you think is in this?”

He set the book back in the crate and looked at the small box. He crossed his arms and gave it a thoughtful look. Stroking his chin he said, "Hmmmm...a ring? Maybe a man's ring? The box is plain, simple...not too ornate." he ventured a guess. "What do you think is inside?"

Olivia shrugged her shoulders. “I have absolutely no idea! You maybe right about it being a man’s ring, although it could be something completely different.”

Matthew took the small box in his hand, "Not too heavy. Let's open it shall we?"

He opened the box and inside was a locket with a delicate golden chain. The locket was diamond shaped. Elegant and delicate, a same color of gold as the chain. Engraved on the front was the Starfleet badge symbol. And underneath it was engraved USS PEAGSUS. Matt turned it over to reveal the other side of the locket and the Starfleet Marine Corps logo was there. Under it was engraved 212th Special Forces. Matthew looked at Olivia and then opened the locket. Inside were two portraits. One of a young girl, Science or Medical by the teal of her uniform. And the other was of a Marine Rifleman. "They must have been lovers? Maybe even engaged. No names though. Have a look?" he handed it to Olivia.

Olivia took a curious look. “How unusual, perhaps we could try finding out who they are. They could be in the Federation database though without a year of reference it could be a very difficult search.”

"Pegasus was a ship here right? I mean...Bremer came from there? Commanded her for a while I thought? Then there's all of this stuff too?" He took out a handful of hard back books. A couple of pouches that were filled with latinum and some other coins. A clear box filled with a dozen or more holodeck programs. A rusty old knife and a few written diaries. He opened one of the diaries up and started reading. "I wonder if the person who wrote this is the owner of the locket?" He looked at Olivia, "It feels wrong to read this person's diary you know?"

Olivia nodded. “I know. Perhaps Admiral Bremer could shed some light onto who might own this locket. As you said the Pegasus is, or was his ship.”

He nodded, "Could be. Sure. You want to take it to him? Anything else you see you can have for sure. I've got to get back to my shift. Sorry to dumptruck all this onto you. I hope it turns out well though you know? I hope the owner of the locket know...atill alive to get it back?"

“Me too” Olivia nodded. “The Admiral is a busy man right now but I’ll make sure this gets to him.”

"Thanks" he said. "And the rest for the Counselor yeah?" he stopped and turned just before leaving. "Nice to meet you Lieutenant. Thanks for the help."

“My pleasure” Olivia smiled warmly. “I’ll make sure that Ariana’s things get out away safely for her.”

"Thank you kindly" he answered and left. The doors closed behind him and he entered to not too busy corridor. He looked at the faces of the people he walked by on his way to the turbolift. There were so many of them that he didn't know. He pushed the thought away before he got into an existential crisis.


LTJG. Matthew Plumeri


Lt Olivia O’Riley
Marine Medic/Counsellors aide

tag & wrap :)


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