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Window Shopping

Posted on Fri Feb 19th, 2021 @ 1:26pm by Commander Namia Grian & Lieutenant JG Matthew Plumeri

680 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 109 - The Dust Settles
Location: SB400 - SECTION D1 - DOCKING PORT 29
Timeline: MD3



Matthew reclined against the frame of the large bay windows here outside docking port twenty-nine. He was taking a break from work. An extended lunch one might say. Armed with a sketchpad of clean, cream colored art paper and and old, real wooden pencil in his right hand, he drew the fine lines and contours of the starship that was now docked, NCC-77203 USS Buccaneer. He stretched his legs out onto the bay window sill. There was plety of room here, the window was so large and wide. Probably not the best decorum to do so; but that never stopped Matt before. With his right leg pulled up closer to his body to form a kind of "easel" and the paper in a sketch book, he carefully drew the graceful lines that formed the hull of the forward section. The Interceptor-class of ships looked like and indeed had been nick-named, 'baby Intrepids'. Their forms were similar but also different. Drawing helped Matt relax and his drawing were pretty good. People were coming and going, mostly departing though, from the ship. Every once and again, he would glance up from the sketch pad to people watch. He didn't recognize any of the faces of the crew departing and returned to his drawing. He started to shade in the drawing as the light from the docking bay illuminated the skin of the ship. Matt looked up from his sketch book and saw a pretty looking officer with brown-hair alight off from the docking port gangway. With the rank of Commander by the pips on her collar.

Grian noticed the young man with his sketchbook. She walled over to him. She watched him drawing and looked through the windows at her ship. "The Interceptor class are a good looking ship aren't they." She said.

When he looked up from the sketchbook again, there she was. The same Commander that he had noticed before. Her eyes were steady, almost with a cheery bounce to them. Her voice, clear and direct with a pleasant timbre on the ears. "Yes Commander" Matthew replied as he swung his legs off the window sill and got to his feet. Facing her proper now he said, "Sorry Commander. It's how I relax a bit. Get my mind doodles out and think about something else. Lieutenant JG Matthew Plumeri. Welcome to Starbase 400."

"Thank you very much, Lieutenant. Much appreciated. I am Commander Namia Grian, Commanding Officer, USS Buccaneer. I wouldn't mind seeing your drawing of my ship when it's finished if that is ok with you of course. " Grian smiled.

Her smile was infectious and he returned it, he couldn't help it. Shyly, he said, "Aww, sure. It's nothing but sure. I'll send it to you when done." He felt his face get hot for some reason. "The Buccaneer, I like that name. And we could use another tough ship out here. On the high seas as it were Commander." He thought that she was so young to be a Commander. And that she must be really good to be master of a vessel such as this ship already. "I wonder, if I'm not being too bold sir, if I might have a look at your science suite sometime?"

"That should not be a problem at all Lieutenant. We are having some updates done next week so you have an opportunity to have a look while all is quiet before the engineers descend and start their work. " Grian replied.

"Thanks!", he grinned broadly. "Well, I-I-I..should probably get back to work Commander. I'll send you the drawing, in a day or so. I'll make it look all nice like. We have a pretty good Promenade here. Lots of stuff to do. Enjoy your stay ma'am."

"Thank you, Lieutenant and thanks for the tip about the Promenade. I will let you know when you can have a tour of the science suite." Grian replied.

He nodded, pleased with the answer, "Thank you Commander!"



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