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Extra Support

Posted on Fri Feb 19th, 2021 @ 12:50pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Commander Namia Grian

570 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 109 - The Dust Settles
Location: SB 400
Timeline: MD3 - 0800hrs


The bridge of an Interceptor class was not unlike her bigger sister class the Intrepid but somewhat more compact. Just like her bigger sister, both the Captain and Executive Officer had a seat on the bridge, with a slightly raised vantage point. Commander Grian, the Buccanneers CO and her XO, Lieutenant Commander Grayson, were sat side by side preparing for the ship's newest assignment, the support/ protection of Starbase 400.

"Captain, we are approaching Starbase 400. " The helmsman advised.

"Good, slow us to 1/4 impulse. " Grian commanded.

"Aye, sir. Slowing to 1/4 impulse." Helm acknowledged.

"Open a channel to Starbase 400." Grian requested. "Channel is open Captain" a reply came back from the coms station.

=^=Starbase 400, this is the USS Buccaneer, Commander Namia Grian commanding, requesting permission to dock. =^=

"Permission granted." The calm voice replied. "Starbase 400 Docking Master has control, stand by." The Docking Master pulled the small ship into the station's internal bay.

"Commander Grian, please transport to Ops at once." The Docking Master added over the comm.

Grian turned to her XO. "Commander, can you finish off procedures? I will see you later on the station, I will get in touch. " She said. He nodded.

Grian arrived in the transporter room and stood on the pad. "Beam me over directly to Starbase 400 Ops. " She requested.

"Yes, captain. Energising now." The transporter operator advised.

Commander Grian appeared in Ops in a swirling column of blue and white sparkling energy.

Mike was standing near the Ops pad when Commander Grian beamed in.

"Commander Grian, welcome aboard Starbase 400. I'm Fleet Admiral Bremer."

"It's a pleasure to meet you in person Admiral. " Grian replied with a smile.

"Captain Zandusky will be your immediate CO, but he's on leave right now, so you'll report directly to me. Has the Buccaneer received a proper shakedown yet?" Mike asked.

"Very good Admiral. As for shakedown, does the journey from Mar Shipyards count? Personally I would say no. " Grian replied.

Mike smiled, "No. Take a trip to Omega Loenis, test the ship's systems. Weapons, slipstream, cloak, make sure everything is working correctly. Once you're settled in here."

"Yes, Admiral. As far as we know the slipstream is working within its normal operational parameters. Once all is sorted here, we will give her a full shakedown and test the vital systems. " Grian replied.

Mike nodded, then handed Grian a PADD. "With the war over, the role of the Strategic Operations Officers is changing some. You'll investigate and act on information provided by our Intel team or Starfleet Intelligence. You'll also help as a liaison between the Klingons and Romulans, and on rare occasions the Krazzle. Scouting missions, exploration, etc."

"Sounds good. The Buccaneer did see some action during the war but under the command of Captain Lewis Renell. After that, Starfleet saw fit to give her to me for this posting. I will do my utmost Sir. You can count on me and my crew." She replied taking the padd.

Mike nodded with a smile. "Great. Get settled in, and depart when you're ready."

"Yes sir. I have to familiarise myself with the station. I have already had a number of recommendations for places to visit along the Promenade." Grian adds.

"Very well, I'll leave you to it." Mike smiled, "Welcome aboard."

"Thank you, Admiral." Grian replied. She glanced towards one door and then another. Pointing towards the first one..." That way, right?" She smiled.



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