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Hard work

Posted on Mon Jan 11th, 2021 @ 12:04pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Camron Wayne

1,326 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 108 – Tragedies, Fortunes, and an Endgame
Location: Intergalactic Mechanics offices
Timeline: MD2 - 0630hrs


Cameron had been working harder then he had honestly ever thought he would in this job. There was still alot of ships that were needing repair and many times that number of small craft that he was working on. True in the last few weeks they had managed to put back togather about 5 runabouts and had made a pretty penny off the jobs. Cameron still had an idea that was tickling the back of his brain. The admiral had taken a chance on him and his shop, and he was still throwing runabouts at them just as fast as they could finish and test fly the last one.

On one of the test flights they had overflown the wreck of the Pegesus and done a scan of the ship. Starfleet had already removed the dead and the fires were out that had burned for several days. The ship was just waiting basicly to be towed into the yard and broken down for parts. However weather by luck or just starfleet being sloppy they had overlooked the main hangar bay. Inside that bay were two runabouts and several shuttles. While the shuttles were honestly nothing but burned out hulks of twisted metal and truth be told one of the runabouts was not much better the second runabout was in at least repairable shape. That runabout was tagged to be beamed to the shop along with a few other things. There was a table from the ships main lounge, the captains chair from the bridge as well as the desk from the admirals ready room and the ships plaque. It was this hodgepodge of items that Cameron planned to turn into a gift for the station CO.

Now it was about three weeks later and he was ready at least he hoped he was ready. The admiral would likely either arrest him or thank him it was about fifty fifty which way the meeting would go. "Computer send a message to Admiral Bremer. Message to read

'Admiral Bremer

Would you please come down to the offices of Intergalactic mechanics at your earliest convince. We have something we would like to return to you.

Cameron Wayne'

As he waited for the admiral knowing full well that the man was busy. After all he had a war to run. Cameron busied himself going over the modifications he had made to the front area of the runabout. He had stripped out the traditional dual station design and replaced it with the admirals desk from his ready room. Modified to handle flight control as well as sensors and tactical systems. The two chairs had also been removed and replaced with his command chair from the bridge. Everything had been repaired to make it functional again but the signs of a battle had been left as well.

Toward the aft of the ship in what would pass as crew quarters where hung everything that he had been able to salvage from the admirals private quarters including his klingon weapons and several pictures of what had to be his family and friends.

The runabout was as solid as she could be but for some reason tactical did not want a civilian working on things like weapons and shields. Well he could understand that and he would just make sure the runabout was ready for that step. With everything that had been done Cameron had one final piece that he wanted to put in place. The ships dedication plaque taken from the bridge. However he would wait until the admiral arrived so that they could do the job together.

Mike finally arrived outside the Intergalactic Mechanics Offices. He didn't mean to take so long, but with the surprise Romulan ship bringing home several of the USS Essex's survivors, time had flow by.

As he walked in he looked around, "Mister Wayne, apologies for taking so long." Mike looked around again, "Mister Wayne?"

Cameron rolled out to the front office. "Admiral I am glad that you had time to come down here. Please follow me as I have something to show you that I think you will like. At least I hope you will." Said Cameron hoping that he at least had made the Admiral cirious.

Mike raised an eyebrow, then followed Cameron.

"As you can see it is a standard Danuabe class runabout at least at first glance. I had the name and NCC number changed to Pegasus B with the ships number. That is the only external change. Let's go inside and I will give you a short tour." Said Cameron calmly

Mike looked around the outside for a moment before stepping inside.

"Starting up front which is where the bulk of the changes took place. To start with I hope you recognize the chair and the console. I managed to recover your chair from the bridge as well as your desk from your ready room. It took some doing but I managed to get all the needed aspects to work in the desk which replaced the forward two stations. I also managed to recover the ships plaque though I think it would be better for you to put that in place.". Cameron paused for a minute or so to let the admiral take in everything.

Mike ran his hand over the back of his old chair, then looked at the plaque for a moment. "I'm not sure what to say, besides, thank you."

"I am not done just yet sir. Let's head aft, as you can see most of it is standard however there are a few panels that I needed to replace. I used some recovered panels from the Pegasus as replacements. They are sound and each panels I used is marked for where they came from on the ship. However that is not the final surprise for you." Cameron opened the larger then normal sleeping cabin. " Again I am sorry if I unintentionally invaded your space but I thought you would like these."

On the bed were some personal pictures along with the Admiral's Klingon weapons that had been left aboard the ship. "I kinda figured that you would want to put them where you wanted so I just left them on the bed for you. I will be outside taking care of some business in the shop. The ship is basically ready to fly but she has no weapons the tactical officers would not give me access to the micro torps or the phaser coils so I could not do that part but the rest is as solid as I can make her. The test flight is at your discretion as by rights you should be the only one to fly her.". Said Cameron as he headed out of the ship even admirals needed private moments and he was sure this would be a whopper.

Mike was more touched by the return of his personal items than anything. Some family items and pictures he could have never duplicated. The recovery of his bat'leth and mek'leth are also welcome. Knowing pieces of his beloved ship would live on was incredible, but the personal items were a miracle.

"Mister Wayne, thank you." Mike said as he wiped away an unexpected tear. "I'll make sure tactical systems are installed, but this ships isn't going anywhere near a fight." He smiled.

" Never thought she would admiral but a ship just isn't a ship less she has some teeth. I know what it is like to lose a ship you get attached to and this is just my attempt to give you back a little of what was lost." Said Cameron softly. " now like I said if you want to take her out or just take some time to put things in place I will leave you to it this is your girl after all maybe you need to get to know her again.". He added as he headed for the access hatch.



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