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An Old Friend and an Old Enemy

Posted on Mon Jul 6th, 2020 @ 2:20am by Lieutenant Rachael "Ripcord" Yamaguchi
Edited on on Thu Jul 16th, 2020 @ 1:25pm

745 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 107 – Recovery
Location: Various Locations - Starbase 23 / USS Essex
Timeline: MD01: 1400

Lieutenant Junior Grade Rachael Yamaguchi regarded the displays in the officer's lounge on Starbase Twenty Three, she knew that a large Federation-allied fleet was marshaling here for a major strike somewhere but she was not privy to the details, in truth, however she did not care for the details as she only cared about hurting the enemy these days.

Yamaguchi lifted her drink to her lips, she drained a mouthful slowly before she placed her drink back down onto the tabletop. She was absently listening to the FNN news broadcast as she read the letter from her daughter, it was chatty as Rachael had been expecting but it had also contained several major revelations about her daughters state of mind, this was something that Yamaguchi had not been expecting and it pulled at her to have departed from her family at this time. All she had was one child and she missed Saki's presence.

The com system interrupted her reverie. "Attention all personnel. Now hear this, now hear this... The USS Essex has arrived. Anyone waiting to board her, assemble in transporter room eighteen in ten minutes." the Starbase computer intoned.

Yamaguchi glanced down at the PADD which contained her orders, she knew that this was her assignment that she had been waiting on for the better part of two weeks but she doubled checked as she wanted to be sure that her orders had not changed. She rose to her feet before she picked up her pack, she slid it over her shoulders before she departed the lounge.

Yamaguchi smiled as she gently plucked the combadge that had been fixed to her chest, she held in her hands for a moment. The smaller-then average-sized human female turned the combadge over as the turbolift doors opened before her, at the destination Yamaguchi had requested a minute or so earlier. Yamaguchi slowly smiled before she placed her combadge back onto her uniform at the usual spot on her chest. In her other hands, she held a PADD with her orders on it, it was designed to assist her in getting from one assignment to another and could answer people's questions, assuming they did arise.

The human was a little shorter than the average and she was also curvy to boot, thanks to the pregnancy she had undergone but had never really taken the time to burn off the baby fat she had acquired, stress and overwork had cured her of the notions that working out for long hours in the gym was the only source of stress relief in existence across the astral winds of space.

The happy-looking female entered the transporter room, she wore her regular duty uniform with a rather large pack on her back "One to beam over to the USS Essex please Chief?" Yamaguchi requested, a gentle smile on her lips

"Could I have a look at your orders please ma'am?" the Chief answered with a smile.

Yamaguchi stepped over to him as she handed him the PADD that she had been carrying in her hand, without question or even comment. The Chief glanced over the PADD as he noted that everything was in order. He handed the PADD back to her. "Thank you, ma'am."

Yamaguchi smiled at him. "Thanks, Chief." and with that, the shorter than average human went over to the transporter pad before the Chief checked the system and informed the transporter chief on the Essex that he had a passenger to be sent over to the little Intrepid-class starship.

"They are ready for you ma'am." The transporter chief commented to the human woman on the pad.

"Energize whenever you're ready Chief," Yamaguchi answered softly. A moment later the human woman was sent to her next assignment.
She appeared on the transporter padd as she regarded the tall male officer who stood before her. "Welcome aboard Lieutenant, got your orders for me?"

"Yessir. Permission to come aboard?" Yamaguchi answered as she handed him the PADD in her hands.

"Ahh, thank you. Permission granted." as he read the PADD in his hands, she was an engineer as well as a pilot. "You'll be bulleted on desk four-section forty along with the other temporary crew we're taking on... Replacements..."

"Ahhh." as Yamaguchi received her PADD and a second PADD from the first officer. "Deck four, section forty, room three oh two." with that, she was dismissed, and thus, Yamaguchi went to square away her gear before she went to settle in.


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