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Even worse than Tribbles...

Posted on Tue Jul 14th, 2020 @ 8:16pm by Korel & Skye

439 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 107 – Recovery
Location: SS Roane
Timeline: MD1 1300



Korel and H'ral were cleaning up on Starbase 23. With daily runs to and from New Providence the cruiser liner was getting a name for itself.

But then the problems began.

H'ral had picked up three Gamma Quadrant residence and in delivering them to New Providence discovered a package they had left behind.

Inside the box lived a dozen peroxin beetles. Peroxin beetles breed very quickly and soon were over running the cruiser.

Korel was upset and immediately called Skye for assistance.

" Skye are you nearby...we are in trouble....this is Korel."

Hearing the Klingon’s voice, Skye rummaged through her backpack until she found the comms device he had given her. The ‘in case of emergency’ device she had called it. Right about the time she boosted the range and programmed it to piggyback off any comm system as needed.

“=/\= Korel? What do you mean trouble? You keep your emergency blood wine in secure storage in the cargo bay... =/\=“ she replied, unable to believe how good it felt to hear his voice. “=/\= Are you both alright? What kind of trouble?=/\=“

"Worse than voles...peroxin beetles and they're breeding and eating the food replicators dry. Do you know any exterminators?" Korel asked.

She had zero knowledge of what these beetles actually were. “=/\=Nobody close enough ... do you still have the old rusty storage box in that supply closet on Deck 2? Try this...=/\=“

Leaning back against the bed in her temporary room, her newfound family momentarily forgotten, she talked her friend through a chemistry lesson and the to pour the mixture into the fire suppression tank which fed the bay. Grinning as she then added, “=/\=and now all you need is to start a fire in there. Just a tiny one... the mixture will rain down on your little friends and they’ll be dead in minutes.=/\=“

" A fire? I will do it."" Korel replied.

< A few hours later>

Korel rehailed Skye with news.

=/\= That stuff worked, I owe you next time our paths cross. Niw I have to fumigate.=/\=

Skye grinned, “good luck with that! And I’ll see you both soon. Look after my stuff till I’m back.”

=/\= It is all secured with some to boot. See you in port,"

“Stay out of trouble and away from the Blood Wine,” she warned with a bright smile. “We will drink it when I’m back - we have lots to catch up on! Safe journeys.”

With a silent prayer her two friends would indeed stay safe, she closed the communicator. Soon it would be time to eat and she still had so many questions.



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