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The Search for Spores

Posted on Sat Jul 4th, 2020 @ 4:55pm by Lieutenant JG Matthew Plumeri & Lieutenant JG Janelle Sykes

1,287 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 107 – Recovery
Location: USS ENDEAVOR - Deck Four
Timeline: MD01: 1400



Matthew walked in as the doors to the Planetary Geology lab opened. There he found the lab already busy with a few geologists already working on their own research projects. There was even a new Cadet here as well. Certainly, it would be a trial by fire for the newly minted Cadet. Matt looked for Lieutenant Junior Grade Janelle Sykes. He didn’t see her here yet. Plumeri went to an open science workstation and logged in. Then he downloaded data concerning three planets which he simply catalogs as “Kaleb A”, “Kaleb B” and “Kaleb C”. While he was working, a science crewmate, Crewman Darin, noticed that Plumeri was here.

Crewman Darin didn’t much like the new Assistant Chief Science Officer (ACSO) for a couple of reasons. Other officers, like Janelle Sykes and Cole, Gilmore, Tenu, Ventaar and Romaine had been here longer and had certainly earned the right to take the ACSO position. And, quite frankly, some of the science crew trusted those officers more than the new guy. In addition, the departure of the previous ACSO, Davik Matthews, was unexpected and sudden. And no explanation had been given to the crew. Add to that insult the injury that Lieutenant Plumeri was from a non-aligned world. “Provisional” was the official status. All of it spelled trouble and Crewman Darin didn’t like it. Crewman Darin stood at an even 1.8 meters (6 feet) and was a few inches taller than Matt. Crewman Darin was also bigger and bulkier than the ACSO and he had nothing to lose.

Crewman Darin approached, “Can I help you?”

Matthew looked up and didn’t recognize the man. He knew so few of the Science crew in fact. “Thank you, no. I’m good. I don’t believe I know you crewman?” Matt offered him a handshake.

“No. You don’t” Crewman Darin said with contempt and ignored the handshake. “We’re kind of busy here. I was about to use this terminal.”

Sensing that something was very wrong, Matt withdrew his hand. “I see. What project are you working on crewman?”

“Lieutenant Cole has a project that we’re working on. And…she was here first.” Crewman Darin stepped closer.

Matthew logged off the terminal. “I wasn’t aware of any new projects from Lieutenant Cole? How much longer do you need to complete it?”

“Hard to say. It may be a while. Some projects you can’t just have fall into your lap. Like a promotion.” Was Darin’s reply.

“Is there a problem crewman? Do you have a problem with me?” Matthew asked.

“Yeah, I do. Why are you the ACSO so suddenly? HUH? There are a lot more officers that make a hell of a lot more sense for that job than you do. You come from money? Is that it? Buy your way into this ship? Into this position? Because I’ve never heard of you before now. Are you supposed to be some ‘hot shot’ genius?” crewman Darin stepped closer.

Matthew stood up from the seat and looked at him and then at the others. They stared back at him with unwelcoming eyes. “We are Starfleet Officers and we go where we’re ordered. We don’t get the luxury of choosing our assignments.”

Janelle walked in during the argument and quietly stood there, not exactly sure if she should say something or stand there and wait. It made her uneasy and unhappy that someone had forgotten how to show respect to the person in charge. She waited to be noticed instead.

Hearing the door swish open, Matt diverted his attention. It was Lieutenant JG Janelle Sykes. Crewman Darin looked at her too. "Lieutenant Sykes? Please join us? We were just having a chat about using this lab terminal with this Crewman. I never did catch your name crewman. The science crew in the lab returned to their duties and Crewman Darin, after a moment answered, "Crewman Subiyah. Darin Subiyah."

Matt continued, "Ah yes, Crewman Darin was just about to use this terminal but I believe that you and I have got some time booked on it?"

She looked over at the crewman then back to Matt, "Time booked? Okay." She thought for a moment, "What are we working on?"

"I need your help please? I have three planets in an area of space near Kelab? You may heard of it before? It's called the Triangle?" Matt asked the officer.

"Yes sir, I know exactly what the triangle is." Janelle stepped closer to the terminal, "What do you want to know?"

Crewman Darin looked at Sykes and then decided to relent, "No problem. I can do my work later." He cast an icy stare and then turned and left the room. With him a cloud of apprehension. Matt answered Sykes question, "Great! Because I have never heard of the Triangle before. Can you tell me about these three planets? I'm looking for one of these that would be the best candidate of having an ancient civilization."

Janelle's fingers almost glided on the panel in front of her as she brought up the specs for each planet. She chuckled at his naming of the planets in such a generic way. Two of them stood out, both with history, "Either this one that you named "Kaleb A" or this one that you named “Kaleb C” which I think would be a better candidate."

Matthew looked at the data and said, "Kaleb C huh? Very good Lieutenant. What's this area here? These concentric circles over this part of the continent? Could they be naturally occurring?"

"Well, it could be. It could be anything." She observed the screen, "I'd have to do some research on it."

Matt said, "These here..." he indicated by circling a section with his finger. "Computer, select grid 07 by 42. Augment and enhance. On the screen the concentric circle area was highlighted, zoomed in and then the image was sharpened. The contrast was put through a filter until the rings started to stand out more and more. It had very much the look and feel of a medium-sized city-plan. There were blocks, the impression of long streets and four distinct half circles that could be a city center. "Those...look purpose built to me? We're going to be departing in twenty minutes or so. Do you have time to start researching this? Find out how old it is? See if it's really a structure or some other unusual natural wonder? Commander Coleman will want to know."

"Yes sir. I can get on it right away." She kept staring at the screen while she mentally kicked herself. She was thinking it was something else until he enhanced the screen...something she should have done herself. "If it is an ancient city and we do get Starbase 400 back, is Commander Coleman going to investigate it? If he does, I'd certainly like to be on that away team."

He smiled, "Thank you Lieutenant. You bet. Consider yourself on the team. I've got to get to the bridge; we're about to depart. Thank you for...accepting the assignment." He couldn't find the right word. What he really meant was thank you for her kindness and for respecting his office - even when he had not yet earned that respect. But he couldn't find the words.

"You're welcome sir. Looking forward to it." Janelle smiled.

"As am I. Keep up the good work. I'll see you again after we're underway." He nodded and left the room.


LTJG. Matthew Plumeri
USS Endeavor


LTJG. Janelle Sykes
Science Officer
PNPC - (Adm. Deela T'Lar)
Signed off by Plumeri


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