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Posted on Sat May 23rd, 2020 @ 1:01pm by Skye & Commander Hades,MD

3,070 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: Hades Quarters, USS Mercy
Timeline: MD4, 1005 hrs

Finally awake, Skye lay for a moment in the warmth of the most comfortable bed she had ever known and allowed herself a moment to remember exactly where she was. Turning her head, her blue eyes found a clock and her eyes widened slightly in surprise.

1005 hrs?!

Beyond that the room was relatively non descript. Some storage space, an old antique chair in the corner beside a bookshelf and her belongings arranged in the opposite corner. Seeing someone in the chair her hand slid up under her pillow before she remembered this was not her own bed. And she was fairly sure a doctor and scientist wouldn’t hide weapons under a pillow.

As she thought this she was already in motion, and while her body complained, she had her feet firmly planted on the floor by the time the computer registered her movement and raised the lights just enough to see by. The tension eased from her body but didn’t quite leave completely.

How had she slept through someone else being in the room? She was inwardly angry at herself. Sure her newfound family seemed nice enough but really...? It was unlike her. It was stupid.

She didn’t know what to say to him. Her father. Even the word felt alien to her. Trying to associate it with this man? It was hard. Despite the photographs and the identical blue eyes.

“You’ll hurt your back sitting like that,” she said finally, noticing the blanket over his legs and the way he was almost slouching. Like he had fallen asleep while sitting in the corner of the room. Creepy.

He sat up at the sound of her voice. He'd fallen asleep. He looked down noting the blanket. Kalani had been here. He sat up his body protesting with age. "I must have fallen asleep. I just wanted to make sure you were alright." He said. "Your bio readings weren't looking good around 2am. The monitors alerted me but it corrected quickly." He moved the blanket aside and realized he was still holding the tricorder. "I'll do another scan." he said removing the tricorder probe. He walked over, sat on the bed, and ran the tricorder over her. "Fever is gone."

"Good to know," she nodded. "I feel a lot better. Might feel even better after a shower... if that isn't too much trouble?"

"Right." He stood. "I'll get Kalani to help if you need it."

The teenager looked distinctly horrified at the idea. "I'm pretty sure I remember how to wash... been doing it a while now?" she said quietly, clearly trying not to offend. "Kalani gave me some things yesterday so I should be fine if you can point me to the towels..."

He gave a nod. "In the bathroom you will find a green small door. There are towels in there." He paused. "What...would you like for breakfast?"

“I don’t usually have breakfast...” she replied and then catching his expression she quickly added, “but whatever you are having will be fine. Green door, yeah?”

Lifting the bag of clothes and toiletries she had received last night she disappeared into the bathroom. Even through the door and on the other side of his quarters she suspected he heard her when she touched the panel beside the water and actual water came spraying out. She had expected the standard sonic shower Starfleet loved so much and her reaction was best described as a delighted squeal.

She spent longer than strictly necessary, scrubbing herself from head to toe. Enjoying the warmth and the shampoo and soap Kolani had given her smelled amazing. She hadn’t done too badly at guessing her clothes size either. A little big but better than hospital gowns or bloodied clothes.

“Sorry,” she apologised with a sheepish smile as she emerged a good thirty minutes later, pulling her still drying curls into a french plait. The table was set for breakfast and she saw Kolani busy in the kitchen again. “I’ll put this bag away and then I’ll help.”

Kalani smiled. "Sounds good!" She hustled about the kitchen. "How do the clothing fit?"

Hades was absent. He'd retired to the den to take a call with respect to Cassia, the woman he'd taken Skye away. Now that he knew Skye as safe it was best to proceed with a cold Klingon dish. He smiled as the screen shimmered into a familiar red haired face.

“They fit better than I thought, you guessed good,” Skye smiled. Heading into the spare bedroom she stored her things and then headed back to help. “What can I do?”

She grinned. "First thing is first how do you lie your eggs and bacon cooked? While I'm doing that if you could make the salad that would be wonderful."

“I’ll eat it no mater how they are cooked,” Skye enthused. “I like food too much to waste it.”

Washing her hands she took the knife to begin chopping the vegetables, comfortable with the blade in her hands. “Where’s the Doc?” It felt too strange and weird to say dad. And Doctor Hades seemed too formal. She flashed an apologetic smile at the Orion woman.

"He's in his office. Said he had to take a call. Honestly he's been doing that too much. I know he has responsibilities back on the colony's like he's pulling away from his life here and if this continues I have a feeling we're going to be moving back."

“Back? But won’t you miss your job and stuff?” Skye asked.

"I will, a lot, but...well I can't let your father down. Too many people have in his life. He's lost so much. So many have turned their backs on him and he's gone through so much. He's fought for others but not many are willing to fight for him. I can't hurt him that way. It's not what I'd like but if he wants to leave Starfleet then...I have to respect that."

“Sorry, not my place to ask.... I’m done here. I’ll go tell Doc we are ready?”

Setting the salad bowl in the centre of the table while her newfound stepmother began to dish up the bacon and eggs. Walking towards the den, she paused in the doorway as she heard voices. Hesitating she peered around the corner, Hades back was to her but the woman on the screen ... her eyes went wide.

“ went to all the trouble to track me down,” the woman was saying, her voice as cold as ice, “trouble in the First Federation paradise?”

"Ahh Cassia. Always so confident and assured. You were always a step ahead." He leaned back. "As for tracking you down I knew where you were all along. I just didn't know where you'd stashed my daughter." He studied her. "Do you remember our conversation where I told you one day I would find our daughter and when that happened you and I would be seeing one another again?"

Her brown eyes narrowed. “You said a lot of things. It’s been a long time. Just tell me what is going on so I can get back to my dinner party. I have guests. I wouldn’t want to be rude...”

He laughed, "You never had a problem being rude." He looked at her smiling. "You were First Federation citizen when you left. You are now on world that is beholden to the Denobulans. They in turn are beholding to the First Federation."

There was a sound of commotion and then door to the room Cassia was in opened. Two Dassik soldiers stood there fully armed. "Excellent I see my bounty hunter have arrived." He made a nodding motion and they seized her.

“What do you think -?! Get your hands off of me! Security!!!” Cassia screeched. “You’ll pay for this Hades!”

Hades ignored her. He held up a PaDD. "These are extradition orders from the Denobulan government on your colony to the First Federation. You will now travel there and when you arrive you will be found guilty and sentenced to the Dassik Prison Planet."

“On what charges?” She spat, fury in her eyes.

"Well I am the First Monarch of the colony, A member of the First Federation council. You took my daughter and you tossed her aside and she's suffered all her life because of you! As the daughter of a First Monarch, a royal title you took the equivalent of the planet's princess. The point is she is my daughter and you took her. Now she's back where she belongs." He slammed his fist on the desk. "Now I am a merciful person don't you worry. You will live a long life on a planet that makes Rura Penthe look like a spa resort! Get her back to the colony!"

The bounty hunters bowed and the screen went black.

Skye stayed silent for a moment before clearing her throat. “Foods ready...” she announced.

Hades jumped. "Skye?" He wondered how much she'd heard. "How long were you there for?" His voice was soft but the pain in his eyes was clear. "You heard that, didn't you?"

“I didn’t mean to!” She promised, gesturing behind her, “food is ready... erm, I heard most of it? I think.”

He sighed, "It's okay." He motioned. "I should explain."

“You don’t need to,” she said quickly, “she’s my mother, she took me away and now you are ensuring she goes to prison. Right?”

"Yes." He looked at her. "Do you think I was wrong?" Her opinion mattered. Not that he'd let Cassia go unpunished but he didn't want his daughter to hate him.

Skye frowned. “I’ve never really thought about her. But sometimes... it isn’t always black and white. I mean, take this statue,” she picked up a small statue from the shelf, “someone might steal it. Wrong, obviously... but maybe they took it so they could eat. Or to have a safe place to sleep. The reason matters. I don’t know why so I don’t know. Maybe she deserves an actual trial? Like one where the decision hasn’t been made already?”

He sighed. "Do you wish ... do you wish to meet her?" He didn't like it nor would he like it if she said yes and he'd be damned if there weren't precautions.

“She didn’t want me in her life. So no,” she replied, “I did okay without her.”

"I wish she'd sent you back to me. I will never forgive myself for not finding you sooner Skye.”

“Me too. But it is what it is,” the teenager shrugged. “It isn’t your fault so what’s to forgive? You did save my life yesterday.”

He studied her. "Skye. I am glad you are here with me." He stood. "Shall we go eat?"

She smiled, “please, I’m starving!”

He followed her out. Things were going slow but well. He just hoped that she would grow to trust him.

Kalani had dished up all the food. "My goodness. Late for breakfast the both of you. I can see how you're related." She laughed. "Have a seat. Skye what do you want to drink?"

"Orange juice please," she replied as she slid into a seat which would leave Kalani at one side, Hades at another. "This is a lot of food..." she realised just how much Kalani had thrown together for this breakfast/almost lunch. In the past day she had probably had more food than the last three weeks combined.

Kalani smiled as she filled a glass with orange juice. She placed it by Skye, "Oh there is not such thing with your father. I assume you noticed the belly he's been cultivating?"

Hades looked shocked. "I am doing no such thing. I just like breakfast. It is the most important meal of the day, medically speaking."

Kalani laughed and gave Skye a wink. "Sure it is."

Skye watched them, clearly curious but trying to work out the dynamic between them. “Well it smells delicious,” she chimed in. “I get why he’d want to eat it all.”

She felt proud of finding a way to kind of side with them both.

Kalani smiled, "Well there is plenty of food." She dished out the food first to Skye and then to Hades. He ate ravenously.

Kalani looked over at Skye. "Skye do you like shopping?"

Fork poised half way to her mouth, Skye frowned, “erm, I don’t do a lot of shopping...?” At least not the kind of way the woman probably meant anyways. “I just get what I really need.”

"Well would you like to go shopping?" She grinned.

Hades stayed silent just listening to the two women feeling slightly chocked up. Kalani had accepted Skye as her own and Skye, for her part, seemed okay with things even though the changes were huge and the news that she had a family must be a lot to take in.

“Erm... I guess so?” She replied finally. She had a sinking feeling that Kalani possibly loved to shop. “Sure. I mean, that’s okay, right? I feel much better...”

Hades looked at the two. "Sure. Just don't over-do it." He watched as Kalani waved her hand and got up to get some more juice. He grinned at Skye. "I think I hall entrust my credits to you. She can go to extremes." He gave her a wink.

The teens eyes went wide, shaking her head, “no. That’s not a good idea...”

"Why on Earth not?" Hades asked.

“Because I’m not a good person!” Skye blurted out, dropping her fork as she stood. “I’m a hacker an a thief and anything else I need to be. I’m just not good....”

Mumbling an apology to Kalani for spoiling breakfast she all but ran into her room, threw herself down onto the bed and pulled the blanket and pillows all the way up over her head.

Kalani looked after her concerned. "Talk to her." She leveled her husband with a look. "I know you're mind Hades. She needs her father now."

Hades stood and walked into the room. He sat on the side of the bed. "Skye." He said soothingly.

From beneath the layers of blankets and the pillows came a muffled reply. “Sorry,” she mumbled. There was movement and for a second her hand appeared and sat something down on the pillow before the hand disappeared from sight. Left behind was the little statue she had looked at in the den.

He smiled. "There s no need to say sorry." He picked up the statue. "Do you know what this is?"

There was a moment of silence. Clearly his reaction not what she had expected. At all. “No...?”

"It's a family guardian. Vulcans have these. It is kept until a child has reached 10 years old. The father then passes it to the child. All of your siblings with a couple of exceptions have them." He smiled. "This was the one I would have given you." He placed the statue back on the nightstand.

There was a small movement and the pillow shifted just enough to let Skye peer out at the statue. “You would?”

He smiled. "Indeed." He paused. "We all have things in our past or things we've done that make us feel like bad people. But things are not always so black and white." He placed a hand on her back. "How about you sit up and we can talk."

There was silence until finally she emerged. She offered a small sheepish smile. “You aren’t mad?”

He smiled. "Not at all. But I do have some feelings. Grateful, that I have found you. Blessed to get a second chance." He took her hand. "That is what I feel. And pride in who you are."

They were never words she had expected from anyone. Pride? She had done nothing to be proud of. But he meant every word, she was certain. There were tears in her eyes as she looked down at his hand, suddenly pulling her hand free and instead she awkwardly hugged him, completely unfamiliar with something so simple.

Hades swallowed past the lump in his throat and hugged her back. "Now. Your step mother is serious about shopping." He smiled. "I'm counting on you to ensure she doesn't bring home the entire station."

She nodded, pulling back and glancing out past her room door to where Kalani was studiously ignoring them both and busying herself ahead of her planned visit to the station. "Okay..." she had no idea how to stop someone like Kalani from doing exactly that.

"I'm not very good at shopping. I usually go, you know, when they are already kinda closed..." she admitted.

He waived it away as I it was nothing. "Not to worry. Kalani is a good teacher. You might have to use those skills though to empty her shopping hover cart without her noticing." He gave her a wink. "Now. I should get to the office. Stop by for lunch?"

She smiled when he said about taking things out of the cart without Kalani noticing. Confident she could do that much at least - and with her eyes closed. "Sure," she nodded.

He kissed the top of her head. "Good. Now back to work for me. No rest for the grumpy," he said as he stood.

"Thanks," she added as she peered up at him. At his somewhat confused expression she gestured to the statue, "for not being mad about the statue or spoiling breakfast."

He smiled, "Breakfast is never spoiled unless there is no coffee, then it is spoiled completely. As for the statue. It belongs to you. I will see you for lunch." He left her to her thoughts and on the way out kissed Kalani who had fought to keep the tears out of her eyes. She finished the last of the cleaning and wiped her hands. "Ready for shopping?" She called.

Tugging on her tattered pair of sneakers, Skye emerged from her room. "Ready."

Kalani had noted the shoes last night. "Great. It will be fun! We'll get some clothing, and shoes, and make up, and chocolate, we have to get chocolate." She smiled.

"I love chocolate," Skye beamed. "Lets go!"



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